I have a wife and two daughters... and they are not commercial objects... They are beautiful and wonderful human beings...more cultured than I am... and smarter than I am... I respect them...
I want all wives and daughters and mothers and sisters to be respected too...
Read below... live the controversy... and resolve to ... find a solution....
Asian Games – 2014 in Incheon, South Korea
The Games' mascots. Named from left to right: Chumuro, Vichuon and Barame.First
Opening Ceremonies ... September 16, 2010 Official slogan of the Games: "Diversity Shines Here"
.... And indeed "diversity" outshone the bright sun...
The Qatari Basketball team forfeited their game over the controversy of Hijab...The Muslim Headgear... They were not allowed to wear them... Reason...? It is "dangerous"...
Qatar’s women’s basketball team leave the court after forfeiting their match against Mongolia.
It may be uncomfortable and it may cause difficulties…But as far as I can see… it should be their problem…If they want to play the game in headgear-Hijab…They should be allowed to… The rules are set by Europeans and the European… “White man’s Burden” is racist and out of fashion… On the other hand, one thing amazes me… They are wearing shorts…with the headgear-Hijab…I find it a bit contradictory…But then, I will not judge…I will not be judgmental…We have to be inclusive and we have to tolerate… and as my very wise friend has insisted and impressed me with it, that THEY ARE ALLOWED… let them be the way they want to be… The European dress codes and European customs do not fit us all…
If we tolerate their culture and customs and their way of life…May be the Islamist-Jihadists will not be an alternative anymore…and the extremists will be exposed for what they are…barbarian murderers…
Diversity became an issue even before the Games began on Sept. 19
when Saudi Arabia revealed that its 199-strong team did not include any female athletes... Again, the Saudi monarch is not democratic...
And "diversity" means to allow variety...and to tolerate different customs and traditions...
The European athletes at times wear baseball caps... in their games... Why will the Hijab be treated differently...? The Sikhs wear the turban... Why the hijab will be dangerous...?
I try to reason...I want to be logical... But these European outlook does not make much sense... and may be that is exactly why... the Middle East is in turmoil...
The Eurocentric outlook does not fit the diversity of the Global Village... and it should be retired... and not be allowed to crawl in every now and then in international affairs... and in international arena... and create controversy...
Will we allow a body search of U.N. delegations...when they are wearing their traditional costumes...from Africa and from various parts of the globe...? Of course not... Let the female athletes wear their hijab-headgear too... Why not...?
This controversy is hypocritical, to say the least... and racist in its core... Let the Big Brothers and Big Sisters retreat to their dark corners and let the world be...
We do not need them...
UAE First Women Pilot - Maj. Mariam Al Mansouri, the United Arab Emirates' first female fighter pilot, led a strike mission this week.
It is her problem whether she wants to wear the traditional Hijab...or not...
I applaud her courage and dedication... Wearing the Hijab and bombing the hell out of the Islamist-Jihadists is a laudable action...
And the European Tradition...These females are students... They are taking their selfies to post in social media as a protest... because the school has not allowed them to class unless they follow the schools dress code...
...and this lady... was asked to cover cleavages...at prom night... and of course she is protesting and of course her parents are supporting her and of course the Big Brother-Big Sister media is wallowing in the controversy... After all, the more the controversy...the more work for them... Creating controversy will provide work for the media "pundits"... and each one of them have an opinion... and each one of them will insist that they are absolutely right... which, by the way, proves they are absolutely full of themselves... ignorant people...
After all said and done...No one can be "absolutely" correct...!
To have a viable society... we set up codes and agree to abide by them... and all students will be asked to abide by the dress codes...
If the European style is to expose themselves... then other cultures do not agree... They will say... "Cover up...baby... you are in the public and not in your bedroom..."
Indeed cover up ladies... Exposing your body parts do not compound your talents...!
Exposing yourselves... Just demonstrates how flippant and shallow you are... Women should not commercialize themselves... After all, they are not commodities for sale...
Women are not objects and the European fashion industry is sexist and has a profound gender bias... They treat women like merchandise for "sale"...
The hijab may not be the answer... but the European way of fashion is obnoxiously GREEDY... and has objectified women...
My Questions...
Check the males... they are buttoned up to their neck...
and now,
Check the women...
Do you see what I see...?
Did you observe the unbalanced hypocrisy...?
Did you notice the gender bias in dress codes...?
And of course these are leaders... Big Brothers and Big Sisters...
Check again...The absurdity of the moment...
The bundled up male...
The objectivized female... role model...!
The European styles create sexual scandals and commercialize women...
Where is the Golden Mean...?
Ponder and reflect and meditate about this over the week end...
After all,
You are either wives or have wives...
You are either mothers or have mothers...
You are either sisters or have sisters...
May be you are male and have a male companion...
No matter what... We do not want... wives, mothers, sisters, companions... to be commercial objects for sale...
Just reflect on this...and let me know your solution...
After all, there MUST BE a solution...
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