Saturday 27 September 2014

Campus Violence and Dicks WITHOUT Borders...

Campus Violence and the "Dicks" on the Air...

Emma Sulkowicz says she was raped in her own dorm bed by a classmate on the first day of her sophomore year of college. Since then, a substantial amount of her time at Columbia University has been spent trying to convince college administrators, police, and even friends that what happened to her really happened, that it was rape, and that her rapist deserves to be punished for what he did.
Why the VICTIM has to convince admin...that she was a victim... The people who reason with their penises... are ruining the "party" for themselves and for us too...
No victim has to go through this ordeal in order to convince Big Brothers and Big Sisters that a rape occurred ... No victim has to be victimized again and again...because of the penises parading as academics ... 
It is happening on many campuses and in high schools too ... It happened on campuses and schools that I have thought...
Males have an extra duty to STOP sexual harassment an violence against women...

It was late on a Friday night and a freckled, blue-eyed University of Virginia student named Hannah Graham was partying in downtown Charlottesville, Virginia.
Graham, described as an accomplished athlete and straight-A student, was seen various times before her disappearance in the early hours of September 13...
And now she has disappeared...without trace...
Why a student will disappear in the middle of the night...without trace... Why women are subjected to sexual harassment and violence...?
When we will stop treated women as commodities and sexual slaves...?
When men will stop blaming their mediocrity and stupidity on females...?
When the ignorant macho will stop violence against women... and in fact, against all humans...?
When will we stop blaming the victims for male crimes...?
The culture breeds violence... Check the North American football fields... Check the enforcers of the hockey arena... Check the battlefields of the Middle east and Ukraine... and why not, check deep, deep... into your hearts...
When will my fellow males stand up and be counted...? 

...And Now the Dicks                       are on Air...
On Wednesday night, Fox News host Kimberly Guilfoyle was doing a segment on Mariam Al Mansouri, also known as the United Arab Emirates female fighter pilot who led the ISIS airstrike mission over Syria earlier this week. Also known as the first female fighter pilot coming out of the UAE. Also a great role model to both males and females...

"Dicks" and Kicks are Making me Sick...

After the "invention"of the 24-hour-news-channels on the TV...The ignorant "pundits" multiplied and multiplied like a idiotic amoeba...

These pundits on the air are making me sick… and I am not referring to any news channel in particular…All of them are the same and all of them serve the interests of the Big brothers and Big Sisters…
They have to fill in their programs…so they resort to creating and flourish controversies and of course twenty-four hours is a long time and the “news” is limited…So these mediocrities who parade as “pundits” have to engender…have to create news… and also mediocrities who have connections and who know-the-boss get hired and we have to tolerate their mediocrity… just like in classrooms all over North America … the students have to tolerate mediocre “teachers” … or the wiz-kids have to tolerate the money-bay-bosses…
The politicians + the business people + News Pundits + the ass-licking lobbyist = the “democratic’ system that is all around us…

Few days ago a female pilot from UAE participated in the bombing raids ... in Syria... against the Islamist-Jihadists... and some "pundits' make stupid jokes on the TV news ... when they were discussing "serious" topics the bombing of Jihadists...
They joked about the female pilot...

Greg Gutfeld
"The problem is after she bombed it, she couldn't park [the plane]" interrupted Gutfeld...

Eric Bolling
 "Would that be considered boobs on the ground or no?".....

I am sorry that we have to share the Global Village...with these asses - i.e. donkeys, without holes... That why they are full of ... 
A comedian on his show...The Colbert Report, called these " the cocks on the Fox..." and indeed, not only they are mediocre, but them are ignorant too... 
After their "jokes"... they even laughed... !
Now check the credentials of the pilot-bomber...

She is 35 years old and graduated from flight school in 2007.
She was one of the first of three females to join the Emirati air force after it started admitting women.
She flew an F-16 Desert Falcon during the airstrikes against ISIS over Syria.
She has a degree in English literature and served in the Army before enrolling in flight training

Yousef Al Otaiba, the Emirati ambassador to the United States, called her "a fully qualified, highly trained, combat-ready pilot."

We call her a hero.
And then ........ fellow hosts, Eric Bolling and Greg Gutfeld, opened their mouths...
let us read again...

Greg Gutfeld
"The problem is after she bombed it, she couldn't park [the plane]" interrupted Gutfeld...

Apparently Gutfeld has taken his joke from a 53-year-old stand-up-comic who is fired from his day job…for sexual harassment… and now is trying his mouth in jokes…who goes to amateur nights to try his mouth…and no one laughs… after all, no one appreciates asses-without-holes…

Eric Bolling
"Would that be considered boobs on the ground or no?".....

And now Bolling opens up… apparently he has taken his “joke” from a 12-year-old boy who giggles when they talk about “Homo sapiens” because the word “homo” is in it…

Ignorance and stupidity have not limits...
I think these club of "the Five' on the Fox News Channel ... qualify for the award for ASSES WITHOUT BORDERS...  I guess their wives...or girl friends ... or companion... have to give them a spanking on both ends...their mouth and their other hole... when they go home at night...

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