A wise person told me today that there are human rights issues in every country... Only these manifest themselves in various ways and in different contexts...
I thought about the statement... and I agree...
It is basically admitting that everything is relative... with which I agree... But there are some basic and very fundamental values that i expect every community to uphold...
The North Americans declare the right to "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness..." and the French will say; "Liberty, fraternity, and equality..." which are essentially the same...
The fundamental issues of individual happiness and sanctity of life... are one and the same the Global World over...
That is why... FREEDOM OF SPEECH in France is crucially important... that is why the British are following up the "radical Islam" preachers who are recruiting young kids to fight the Islamist-Jihad... That is why the Spanish arrested more than twenty "radical Islam" Jihadists in recent days... and few of them today...
Europe has been transformed into a prize between Christian tolerance and Islamist zealotry and fundamentalism...
The two are not compatible and the two cannot co-exist... It is the same in North America...
The incompatibility of the two world vision is causing lethal friction and wars...
Human Rights is an issue in ALL countries... and manifests itself in different ways and forms...Ferguson, U.S. A. Two police officers shot after police chief resigns...
Racist attitudes, the remnants of slavery... still persist... in the U.S. of A. and the friction is expressing itself brutally, at time...
Police take cover when the shots are fired... and point their guns at the peaceful protesters...
Protesters are exercising their fundamental right of FREEDOM of SPEECH... But apparently there are still people who want to muzzle these rights...
Protesters are exercising their fundamental right of FREEDOM of SPEECH... But apparently there are still people who want to muzzle these rights...
The police and the protesters.... and the police chief resigns...
The two police officers were standing next to each other in front of the Ferguson, Missouri, police department when they were hit around midnight couple of days ago... I was reluctant to write yesterday... I did not want to share my pain with the rest of you...
I always wanted a society where individual rights are not bartered...where the individual enjoys whatever makes her/him happy...
But things have not evolved for the better...
Slavery is still showing up its ugly head in the form of racism...
Religious fascists are popping up everywhere in the world... It maybe Islamist-Jihadists in Syria and Iraq... It maybe Boko Haram in Nigeria... It maybe Al Shabab in Somalia... and the rest... The religious fascists differ from the political fascists ONLY in their belief... the method and the brutality are the same...
Check the stupidity and
inhuman brutality...
Kids in the refugee camps...
The war is hard to stop because of its complexity. It is complex because there are numerous parties involved...
The Sunni-Shiaa sectarian divide...
undemocratic monarchies like Saudi Arabia against the educated and
not so religious dictators like Syria's Assad or Egypt's new
The NATO-West Greed and Russian oligarchs...
The Islamist-fascist Turkey and the Ayatollahs of Iran...
Israeli appetites for more land and Palestinian-Arab nationalism...
Foreign intervention of all kinds has deepened the fighting and what makes it all so much more cruel is that the end is nowhere in sight...
Children play in the refugee camps... They attend makeshift schools in the camps...
People attempt to salvage whatever they can... for the sake of HUMANITY...
And then... the other camps...
Children are beheaded to brutalize their parents... and the young kids are thought to kill and copy the adult barbarism... and inhumanity...
Young kids are made to kick the severed head of a victim... and then the kids are victimized themselves...
The brutality of Nazis and Fascists in Europe did not have any bounds...
The brutality if Islamist-Jihadists and Islamist-Fascists do not have limits too...
Brutality is as ancient as religion itself... All of them... and no religion is exempt from the brutal history of humankind...
The genocides committed attest to this fact...
The Turkish Islamist-Fascists heralded the 20th century with the Armenian Genocide... The Islamist-Jihadists are heralding the 21st century with yet another attempt to wipe out the Christians of the Middle East...
Check the Facts... The War in Syria...
- 220,000 killed
since crisis began
- 76,000 Syrians
killed in 2014 - the deadliest year
- 4.8m people
in need live in areas defined as hard to reach
- 5.6m children
in need of aid
- 1.6m children
not attending school
- 220,000 killed since crisis began
- 76,000 Syrians killed in 2014 - the deadliest year
- 4.8m people in need live in areas defined as hard to reach
- 5.6m children in need of aid
- 1.6m children not attending school
These are figures that are being compounded as you read these lines...
Indeed no end in sight...
Because of human GREED... because of the profit motive...
One Big Brother fighting another Big Brother... and "We the People..." pay the price...
After bombing and brutalizing the Afghan people and teaching them how "democracy works"... Maybe now it is time to teach them how "gender equality" works...too...
artist Kubra Khademi is now in hiding, she says, after being attacked
and threatened for wearing body armor in Kabul street to protest the
sexual harassment of women.
After American troops introduced "democracy" into Afghanistan... Maybe they can now introduce gender equality...!!! You never know... there may be a magic bullet that can do just that...!!!
Afghan artist Kubra Khademi... denounces the norms of afghan society where to be counted human one MUST HAVE a PENIS...
It's the PENIS that decides NOT the brain...

She decided to protest... After all, despite the fact that she does not have a penis... but surely and definitely she has a brain...
After American troops introduced "democracy" into Afghanistan... Maybe they can now introduce gender equality...!!! You never know... there may be a magic bullet that can do just that...!!!
Afghan artist Kubra Khademi... denounces the norms of afghan society where to be counted human one MUST HAVE a PENIS...
It's the PENIS that decides NOT the brain...

She decided to protest... After all, despite the fact that she does not have a penis... but surely and definitely she has a brain...
She walked in the street defiant...and very serious...
She challenged both... religious fascists and the patriarchal norms... in Afghanistan...
After the war and the charade of "introducing democracy"... Maybe now the NATO-West and the Big Brothers can introduce gender equality too...
I am sure they will... But they are in search of the magic bullet...
But the protest lasted only 8 minutes... She was grabbed out of the street and now she is in hiding because of death threats...
I am sure it is easier to make a weasel
learn how to ride a woodpecker... than to
abolish human GREED...
After all, weasels learn, but ass-holes will
never learn...
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