Wednesday 24 September 2014

Monkeys...Donkeys ....and Humans...

Violence is not proper behaviour....
Human beings have reasoning and they can control their animal instincts and urges... Greed should not destroy our ability to reason... and our ability to shape out future for the better...

Male chimpanzees guarding their territory … They have set out boundaries and they want others to stay out of their territory…
"It's a natural behaviour - it's not something that we've induced by disturbance or intervention," explained Dr. Susanne Shultz, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Manchester.

It reminds me of wars and "territorial integrity"… 

The group is stronger than the lone chimp... I guess they are also relying on group mentality...

"And, of course, we are humans and not chimpanzees. We have the ability to shape and alter our behaviour in ways that they can't."Violent debate
Researchers in England have established that chimpanzees are naturally violent and humans have not contributed to it. of course, by extension and extrapolation , they are also arguing that human nature is naturally violent too. 

Monkeys are good specimen to explain human behaviour… they say.
But, I guess I will qualify the extension of this research to humans… Chimpanzees are good animals…without the sophisticated thinking capabilities of humans…  So even if aggression comes to us naturally…but we are not mindless chimpanzees… Of course my assertion goes to the general and particulars are always the exception to the established norms and behaviour…

Growing up…babies cry for help… they are not violent and aggressive… May be the cry for help and the noise is annoying…but that’s all it is… That is not aggression…
Later… in kindergarten and elementary grades… by and large the kids behave… Of course there are the bullies and the bullied… but that is not the majority… and those who are bullied do not expose aggressive behaviour…But rather they carry the scars quietly… They are ashamed that they are bullied… and maybe, they harm themselves physically and mentally too… But in the majority of cases the kids will not expose aggressive behaviour…

Later… in high school… the kids behave well… of course there will be the odd incident…like the stabbing in a Etobicoke, Canada yesterday… But that will not be the norm… The aggression in high schools is not the general rule… There will be violent incidents every now and then… But not in general…aggressive behaviour is the oddity…
Actually I will argue that aggression is induced by GREED and learned behaviour … The growing kids will be aggressive because society has pushed consumerism to its extremes… The fashion and the new electronic gadgets… are enticing and “must have” items… The kids desperately desire them… and if they cannot get them…the “desire” will metamorphose into aggressive impulses…may be “stealing”…may be “selling drugs”… and all the rest…

Consumerism and human GREED are engendering an aggressive and learned behaviour…
The kids do not have aggressive behaviour…innately… But because of our consumer society…but because of our materialist human values… the kids are learning behaviour which is aggressive and violent too…
I will argue that the kid’s aggression is learned behaviour… They are imitating their elders…

The wars are rampant… Russians go and aggressively grab part of Ukraine… The kids learn it …
The U.S. declares war for non-existent “weapons of mass destruction” … the kids learn from it…

Tony Blair, the British prime minister… despite his declarations that he is a born-again Christian, lies about the Middle east… and joins the U.S. in the Iraqi war… the kids learn from him…
The Islamist-Jihadists behave violently…They behead people…most of us are disgusted with their behaviour… But some kids in England and in the U.S. and in France and in Australia…get a “kick” out of this stupid and inhuman behaviour… and just to get “even’ with the adult world… They join this Islamist-Jihadist… They join them out of spite and rejection of the Big-Brother-adult world around them… Their behaviour is inhuman… because our GREED is unlimited…

They are not Chimps… But they learn from us… They argue… “I will show you how you will have unlimited GREED…” and unfortunately they do…violently…inhumanly… But they do…
The principal in a school in Japan lies about a student bullying a female…and suspends him … calls the police… and gives him all kinds of trouble…because of his adult ego… The kids learn from his unethical and unprofessional conduct… The kids are not chimpanzees… they see though the principal… they see through the teachers… and they learn to lie to get away with things…they learn to bully to get what they want…
Aggression is not normal behaviour…
We do not see kids jumping over each other in the caf… But we teach them to jump over each other on the football field… We teach them to be violent… We want them to be aggressive… We want them to belligerently advance to the touchdown…line…
The kids are good…but adults need to behave and check their GREED…

Materialism…and consumerism … and human GREED are teaching the kids to be violent… Consumerism has hijacked ALL our holidays… Materialism has corrupted all our values… GREED has devastated human behaviour…
The kids have no blame… They are imitating the adult world… They are neither monkeys nor donkeys… They are just learning inhuman ways from us…
If we share instead of greedily usurp…The kids will learn to share. If we cooperate with each other instead of punching the hell out of each other…The kids will learn to cooperate… If we coexist in PEACE instead of waging wars, instead of “letting the dogs out”… The kids will learn to live in PEACE…
Aggression is a learned behaviour… and humans are NOT Chimps… I definitely will differ… and I definitely will not demean myself to be a chimp or behave like chimps…
The educators have to teach… human values… and materialism and consumerism and GREED are NOT human values…
Educators MUST be re-educated… in the proper human values and behaviour…
I hope… I dream… for a better tomorrow…

....And on the military front... Reports are that rape and sexual violence is common in armies ... all over the world...

Sexual assault is alarmingly common in the U.S. military, and more than half of the victims are men. According to the Pentagon, thirty-eight military men are sexually assaulted every single day. These are the stories you never hear—because the culprits almost always go free, the survivors rarely speak, and no one in the military or Congress has done enough to stop it.

Recently... Gay rape has surfaced in the U.S. army... but the Big Brothers in control have reacted very flippantly...Check the response of an army general to a rank and file soldier who has reported rape...

“Son, Men Don’t Get Raped”

Where is the General living...?

Of course humans are not chimps...of course violent behaviour is not proper for humans... But GREED has at times overcome logic... Lust has overtaken reason...
Violence against males and occur... but it is a learned behaviour... and the army should be more responsive to it...
We cannot dismiss it...Otherwise we will be as funny as the monkeys and as stupid as the donkeys....

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