Monday is always a new start and Tuesdays are the initiation of the "New Start" ups...
Which hang precariously at the edge of the cliff...
The view is great...beautiful...and awe-inspiring...
New beginnings are always exciting and fill us with hope and resolve and determination to act…to achieve…to soar up… To study more … to get higher marks… to help others… to open up to the community… and integrate closely with the neighbours… with our friends… I realize the Global Village is a unifying temple… It brings us together … and we become part of each other… People bleed in Ukraine and we bleed with them… Christian communities are uprooted in Iraq-Syria and we feel the pain of leaving home … we become homeless with them… When Ebola strikes Liberia, Sierra Leon we become also sick with them… Indeed, Tuesdays are for cliff-hangers…We implement our dreams from yesterday and hope for an early Friday… I love Tuesdays...I get a rejuvenated kick from the cliff-hangers... I built on it...dream of more adventure for tomorrow and the day after... Tuesdays make me happy with anticipation... I realize there are three more work days...and I can achieve more... The challenge make me dizzy...and I want to soar up...with the rest of you...
The Islamist-Jihadists warn Twitter... ...They will come after the employees of the company...because Twitter is cancelling their accounts... Well, they are beheading people in mass...These Jihadists have no human bones in them... have no morals... and above all they have no religion...
But, this is the irony... The West and the U.S. allied themselves with the Emirates in the Gulf - Dubai and the rest..., they allied themselves with Saudi Arabia...and initiated the "Arab Spring"... Saudi Arabia is a undemocratic and vicious kingdom...The Emirates are tiny Sheikdoms...All of these have no concepts of democracy...But they have tones and tones of money..they have perto-dollars... and the West and the U.S. have as much greed as you can imagine...
So this petro-alliance killed the Arab dictators...and create a the void the Islamist-Jihadists flourished... and now they are after the West and the U.S. and also warn Twitter and other companies and institutions at whim...
Islamist-Jihadists have warned Twitter and its employees...They do not like the policies of they will go after them...I guess these barbarian hordes, the Jihadists, not only want to establish an Islamist caliphate...but they want to establish a Global Dictatorship... The West and the U.S. and Saudi Arabia and Emirates sowed the seeds... and now all of us are reaping the results...
Human greed leads to inhumanity and eventual disaster...and the more the greed the worst will be the disaster... The Islamist-Jihadists are the living proof of it...
I am not sure who John Varvatos is... but his gesture is good and I like it... I know Ringo Starr from my youth and I had a youthful trust on the Beatles...
They popularized India and meditation... and PEACE and justice...So this Varvatos guy is doing something good and i wanted to support his gesture and his "peacerock"...Read below and may be you can make a peace sign and children benefit from it... I am sure you can do what the article is suggesting...So why don't you do it... God will love you more for that ....... ..... ..... ...... ..... .... .... .... ... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...........................................................................................................................
#PEACEROCKS Selfie for a Good Cause
John Varvatos recently launched its fall 2014 advertising campaign in support of the Ringo Starr Peace & Love Fund, featuring — on his 74th birthday — Ringo Starr.
The Ringo Starr Peace & Love Fund was established to support the non-profit David Lynch Foundation, which provides Transcendental Meditation to at-risk students in under served schools, women who are survivors of domestic violence, and veterans with post-traumatic stress.

Help us support Ringo’s vision by promoting #peacerocks on your social media channels. For
every photo showing your peace sign with #peacerocks and posted to Twitter or
Instagram, John Varvatos will donate $1 to the charity benefitting the David Lynch
....And now the challenge...
This challenge is for my friend Abhishek (if you are not familiar with his...check the previous blog posts...) and ALL of you that I know...and ALL of you that I have never met...
An Indian barber hold a candle to cut hair in Kolkata, India...
South Asia’s needs are obvious.
Rolling blackouts in India Plunged Millions of People into darkness in July 2012...
despite the South Asia's economic miracle, similar to China, energy remains a major problem... The ENERGY resources just cannot keep up with both, the
booming economy and population explosion...
Sunshine is a huge resource... and if solar energy may be the answer...
Think about it...Abhishek amd Kummar...
Think about it.....ALL the Abhisheks and ALL the Kummars....
Read the item below....
Rolling blackouts in India Plunged Millions of People into darkness in July 2012...
despite the South Asia's economic miracle, similar to China, energy remains a major problem... The ENERGY resources just cannot keep up with both, the
booming economy and population explosion...
Sunshine is a huge resource... and if solar energy may be the answer...
Think about it...Abhishek amd Kummar...
Think about it.....ALL the Abhisheks and ALL the Kummars....
Read the item below....
Today, EcoEnergy is out in the villages of
Pakistan’s Sindh Province, going where no electricity line has gone before. It
sells solar lanterns that charge themselves under the baking South Asian sun,
and then provide eight to 16 hours of electricity. Solar could well help fill
the subcontinent’s gaping energy needs. It draws on as many as 300 days of
sunshine a year, while circumventing the need for huge infrastructure projects
to get electricity where it’s needed.
“We’re focused on the rural poor because … the
Pakistani government knows there is an energy crisis in Pakistan, but whenever
they take any sort of policy measures to address this problem, they really
don’t talk about the rural poor at all,” says Khan, formerly an environmental
lawyer at the World Bank. “They’re focused on setting up these really big power
Check the hanging house...your dream and our future...
Indeed Tuesdays are for cliff-hangers... See the
vision above... A huge house...a cliff-hanger view...
Check the view and check the waves beneath the
hanging it is indeed fascinating...
Dream BIG and hang in there...Blessed are those
who persist and practice and persevere...Never give
up...Peace is worth working for....
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