Tuesday 23 September 2014


Climate Change... Really...?
Another UN conference on the ENVIRONMENT.... Discussing is of course GOOD, but ACTING is much better...
Two friends...One a teacher-colleague, and the other a relative...had quite identical narratives about climate change...
The teacher-colleague was a very conservative religious fascist...He argued that the world evolves in cycles and there will be ice ages and dry ages...and so on...and concluded that fossil fuel is not contributing to climate change... God bless him...I do not know where he is now...
The relative is a social and economic conservative...the libertarian type... he argues that fossil fuel has nothing to do with climate change...It is the world evolution...and mentions the extinction of dinosaurs as example...
I listened to both... I did not argue with them ... It is futile to argue with dogmatic fascists or conservative zealots... I listened to them...and endured the pain politely...
But the climate is changing...and the world is being destroyed... We, humans, are the major contributors...to the destruction... After all, we are destroying the rain forests of Brazil and we are burning the fuel and are in love with our cars... (When I wrote ... “love with cars” a question popped up in my mind... “Has anyone married a car...?”) ... I know it is just a stupid thought... and makes the point...because it is stupid...
The Big Brothers gathered in the New York...will say good things...they will even sign good treaties... That’s what they did in Kyoto... But then returned home... and dismantled the treaty bit by bit... That’s what the Canadian government did... that’s what the U.S. congress is wallowing in...
The Big Brothers... The allies and defenders of Big Business... are in collusion... but there is no Planet B...

Half a million...500 000 people demonstrated and demanded action...It was this weekend in new York....
People all over the world ... They reported 160 cities...held demonstrations to defend what God gave us... A beautiful earth... WORTH DEFENDING...

People...asking and demanding change in Big brother policies...
Thousands are demanding to protect the environment...So as people will have breathing air...and clean water...

Thousands are marching for decent living...for clean air...for clean water and for food free of harmful hormones...

Two Examples...

1. Chernobyl....
First they contaminated with nuclear pollution... and now...
They are promoting it as a nuclear tourist site...Just like promoting the eco-tourism in Brazil...
Human GREED has no bounds...
Nuclear tourists with masks visiting Chernobyl...
Big Brothers...be them Russian or Ukrainian or Canadian or European... have no shame... They will promote everything and anything for a buck...
Once a wise teacher,God bless his soul, told our class that "human GREED will make people sell even their mothers and wives..."
So depressingly sad... and may be ironically true...!
Chernobyl with remnants of the previous life...before the nuclear blow out... before nuclear contamination...Before nuclear tourism...
Pripyat in the exclusion zone... at Chernobyl...
Left as it is...for nuclear tourism...
2. Fukishima
I still remember the tsunami... The huge waves that tackled the Fukushima nuclear power plant...
People visit and take photos ...
The air is polluted...Breathing is dangerous....
Indeed Human GREED does not recognize any boundaries...
I guess Chernobyl and Fukushima are examples of "GREED WITHOUT BORDERS....."
The destruction and uprooting of entire towns... Just because GREED does not recognize any borders...
Entire cities under the spell of Fukushima...nuclear contamination...


Check the contaminated areas....and my religious fascist colleague and my socio-economic conservative relative insist that we, humans, are not contributing to climate change... They say..."it is just the world evolving...!"

What will be do with all the barrels of nuclear waste...We are producing pollution and we do not know what to do with it...
May be the wiz-kids....will find a way....!
Pollution in ACTION...
Beijing....Citizens walking in masks...

The Cayman Islands, England, Nicaragua, Cancun, Miami, and now Brazil… They are miles apart but these beaches have a common theme… Plastic Pollution…
Six most polluted cities in the World...

Linfen, China...Breathing pollution...

Dzerzhinsk, Russia...No rules and free for all territory... where oligarchs reign supreme...

Norilsk, Russia... The oligarchy of GREED...

Mexico city, Mexico...Can you see...?

Ahwaz, Iran... Hopefully they'll change...

Kanpur, India... The land of Gandhi still struggling....

We have to change...There is no Plan B ...  
There is no Planet B...

Good news... Rockefellers are going to DIVEST from fossil fuel...
May be others will follow...
Mars... The scientists have speculated long that there was water and earth like atmosphere on Mars...
But, where all the water and air disappeared...Where are they gone...?
May be my religious fascist colleague and my socio-economic conservative will know this too...

...And the beauty that we are destroying...

The charm of the sea...The power of the wave...
The looping and dancing wave ... The fish will play in the roaring wave...
The colours are amazing... The beauty without parallel....
Enjoy the pristine beauty while it lasts... it may not be there tomorrow...

Enjoy and play... Nature will cradle you and the waves will buoy your spirit.... 

The azure charm and the beauty of MOTHER NATURE...

Teach the beauty of maths... Teach the beauty of nature...
Math + Nature = Global Village...
          Logic + Compassion = The ONLY world we have...

My heart bleeds for nature... My heart bleeds for my culture...
The Islamist-Jihadists blew the Armenian church in Der-El-Zor in Syria... on the Armenian Independence Day...

The Genocide Martyrs Church before....
The altar of the church...Dedicated to the Armenian Genocide ... perpetrated by the Turkish Big Brothers...
The Armenians were massacred...just because they were Christians...
The Turkish government committed the Armenian genocide...
...And the Islamist-Jihadists are following the Turkish regime... They blew the Martyrs Church and burned it down...

Pollution ... and genocide... The GREED of  human beings... is destroying the only world we have... The Global Village needs a break...
The YOUTH and the NEW GENERATION are my hope...
ACT NOW... before it is too late...

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