Friday is to look back at the week and bless the achievements...
Friday is also to look forward to the weekend...Change of routine and pace...Relax and rejuvenate for yet another Monday which is just around the weekend-corner
These guys are happy...The Big Brothers are enjoying the joke...they are happy that they did the people...
Clinton presided over the economic bubble which the bankers created and the economy on his watch ballooned up... He is happy because he benefited from the bubble too...
....and eventually the bubble burst...but it was then Bush the office...Clinton was safe and Bush was on the hook...So he and Blair - the U.S. president and British prime minister, concocted...a story about "weapons of mass destruction" and bombed the hell out of Iraq...
It was really an unparalleled "fireworks" and fun...
That's why Clinton and Bush are laughing...
The Big Brothers did it...with war and with fraud...
Now they are not enemies any more...They will chummy up...
Next time they will even hold hands...
...And Pistorius is wiping his anguish away...He is lamenting ... " I almost did it... I almost did it...!"
But he was not smart enough ... O.J. Simpson got away... Pistorius got caught up...
....Again Ferguson ...A new video... The witnesses yell...But his hands are up ... his hands are up...
The policeman is sort of blind...does not see it...and blows the brain out of the skull... and the witness yells...The brain is falling out of the skull... But the police is blind...But the police is there "to serve and protect"... With the hands is much easier to kill... and kill the policeman did...
The movie was called 12 Years a Slave...
Now the NATO summit in whales... all the Big Brothers with their body guards and entourage... are their... They are serious and they mean business....
Look up...They have so many colourful toys...Look up and enjoy with the Biggies... They lead NATO and they are proud...
But then ISIS at work in Syria and Iraq...They maim and kill and assassinate...
And they crucify...and they have fun...They are the other side of the coin...The Biggies on one side and the stooges on the other...
Look at them...Both are hard working people... billionaires...Ukrainian billionaire and Russian billionaire ... How they can make their billions more secure...? They need each other... The people are hurting... The Ukrainians are being killed... The Russians are being killed... But the billions are important... They need to secure their money...In offshore Switzerland and in the islands...
The money is important...and the presidents are happy for their billions...

Another week...of hard work...
The Obama, the Big Brother needs fun and rest...
He visits the Stonehenge...awesome...
Well done ...
Relax on the weekened...
Monday will be another week... and new cycle...
May be next week YOU will ACT for peace...
May be...We will see...
Take care...
Enjoy the weekend...
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