Monday 23 May 2016

The Supreme Court... and Ignorance at the Top...

The Supreme Court decision... Clarence Thomas and the Movie Confirmation...
       Clarence Thomas official SCOTUS portrait.jpg 
  Death row inmate Timothy Tyrone Foster ...and   Justice Clarence Thomas

The dead sentence is inhumane and against the God's law... "Thou shall NOT kill..." and ignorance in the higher up... is dangerous... 
After all,
Who knows what will happen if ignorant arrogance, Donald Trump is at the top...!!!!!!!

The Supreme Court ruled Monday morning in favor of a death row inmate in a case concerning race discrimination in jury selection...        

Timothy Tyrone Foster, an African-American, is on death row in Georgia for the 1987 murder of an elderly white woman, Queen Madge White. The jury that convicted him was all white. Twenty years after his sentence his attorneys obtained notes the prosecution team took while it was engaged in picking a jury, including marking potential jurors who were black had a "b" written by their name.
Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the majority opinion...
"The focus on race in the prosecution's file plainly demonstrates a concerted effort to keep black prospective jurors off the jury." 
The decision came down 7-1 in favour of the inmate... and reiterated that jurors cannot be struck because of race... and ironically,Justice Clarence Thomas, the only black voice on the Supreme Court, was the only dissenting voice...         And, I remembered the movie that I saw few days ago... 
The movie is focussed on the spectacle that unfolded over several days when Ms. Anita Hill, portrayed by Kerry Washington, sat as a witness in the stately Senate Caucus Room and in very salacious detail accused Mr.Thomas, played by Wendell 
Pierce, of sexual harassment... A rapt television audience of tens of millions Americans heard Anita Hill describe a workplace environment that included talk of oral sex and a pubic hair on a Coke... and references to Thomas being black and having a long-big penis... and persistent pressure for dating and sex...
Long Dong Silver is a retired porn star... and He gained new fame when Anita Hill testified that Clarence Thomas had mentioned to her that he was a viewer of Long Dong Silver films...
Clarence Thomas, in a very astute and smart move, struck back by declaring that he was being subjected to a “high-tech lynching” referring to his being black...
Clarence Thomas struck to his guns... to his "Long Dong Silver..." and accused the senate for "high-tech lynching..." despite the fact that Anita Hill was black too...

The movie exposes how the Republican allies of Clarence Thomas accused Anita Hill of psychological disorders... That she has imagined things and that she desired to have sex with Clarence Thomas... They portrayed Anita Hill as a psycho... and lunatic... and a sick person having sexual fantasies...
The Democrats... kept quiet... not even a single sentence in defense of Anita Hill... 

Vice President Joseph BidenThe Senate Committee was chaired by chaired by Joe Byden... who has portrayed himself as the champion of the downtrodden and liberal and progressive...
But he and his democratic buddies kept quiet white the others were ripping Anita Hill with "Long Dong Silvers..."
It was pathetic to see a group of all male senators sexually abusing a female witness... Just because she had dared to accuse one of their own with sexual harassment and they ganged up to make ALL Anita Hills realize that they, the males, have the upper hand... That they, females, if they want to work and rise up the ranks, they have to submit to the sexual whims... of their male bosses...  
The all-male senate committee was transparent in their male chauvinism and pathetic in their impotent masturbation... 

Kerry Washington as Anita Hill in the movie Confirmation... is scared and afraid of the powerful male club... the Senate Committee... 
Kerry-Anita swearing "to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth..." and Senator Hatch... waving The Exorcist and accusing Anita Hill of sexual fantasies and psychosis... and NO one came to the defense of Anita Hill... The male chauvinist senate committee ganged up on her and all the females... They wanted to PUT the ladies in their place... scared Anita Hill...
The Democrats... John Mitchell, Joe Biden and Ted Kennedy... succumbed to the accusation of "High-tech lynching..." and kept quiet... John Mitchell even refused to meet with female senators who wanted to have a chat with him... and defend Anita Hill...

I suggest that you make time and see the movie on HBO... It is educational... and also it is a good movie...

Thursday 19 May 2016

Kiss and Big Brothers...

What if it was true... ?
A street artist has a creative imagination... in Lithuania... and I wish it will come true...  Maybe that kiss will solve the many problems of the world...
I wish they will embrace tightly and hold each other until we  have world peace... 
I wish they will kiss until the wars in the Middle East calms down... I wish they will continue their kiss until the migrant crisis is settled... 
Maybe Trump will learn to love from that kiss... Maybe Trump will abandon walls and advocate peace and harmony...
Maybe Putin will learn to share... Maybe he will talk instead of fighting with Ukraine...
Maybe the U.S. and Russia and China and Europe and all the rest will reinvent the U,N, and this time it will promote peace and harmony... 

After checking the “Kiss” of Putin and Trump... I was wondering what if it was true and not only the creation of a street artist imagination... and for a day I am imagining all kinds of peaceful projects...                                                             I was imagining that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is solved and Jews and Palestinians share the land and live in peace and harmony...
I was imagining that Turkey apologized for the Genocides of Armenians... and Assyrians... and Pontic Greeks... and I was imagining that the Turkish government had opened the borders and returned the confiscated lands and churches and invited all the Armenians and Assyrians and Pontic Greeks back home... back to their ancestral lands... 
I was imagining that terrorists had abandoned their fight in Syria and the Syrians had decided to coexist with each other...
I was imagining that the wars were over... and the world is in peace and harmony...
But not so fast...
Today I read that an Egyptian plane was bombed in the air... and the brutal reality embraced me again... 
But then I had a glass of wine... and imagined again...
What if organized religions came together and kissed-embraced each other and shared God with each other...
What if God wanted to be shared...?
What if God did not want a competition... between Jesus and Mohammad...?

The Pope and Eqyptian leader Ahmed el Tayyeb
But not so fast...
Once there was an "Unhate" drive sponsored by clothing chain Benetton... in one of the posters it was the image of the Pope "kissing" Egyptian cleric Ahmed el Tayyeb... But the Vatican threatened legal action... and the poster was pulled out... all was cancelled...

But imagine the all the Big Brothers kissing and making up... Kissing and sharing... Kissing and embracing and promoting world peace and harmony... and sharing and looking after our brothers and sisters...   
President Vladimir Putin (L) and Prime Minister David Cameron (file pics)
What is it that we cannot share...?
What if Cameron and Putin... instead of yelling at each other... sat down and talked... decided to listen to each other... and instead of grabbing from each other... maybe share with each other...!!!
I looked at the Kiss mural in Lithuania and I began to imagine... of PEACE and HARMONY...
Angela Merkel succumbed to Turkish pressure and banned parts of a satirical poem mocking the Turkish President... written by a German comic who read the poem on German TV...
Erdogan, Turkish President...the German comic... and German Prime Minister...

In response the British The Spectator... announces a contest...

So, I came across and announcement in a British paper The Spectator... about...
A unique competition... in England...
Competition of Insulting the Turkish President... and through that upholding FREEDOM OF SPEECH...
But, Anticipating a harsh reaction from Erdogan, the Turkish President, journalist Douglas Murray, who came up with the idea of the contest, advised the Turkish president to respond in verse rather than through a law suit. A rather unique and civilized idea-invitation...

But I do not think a civilized approach is Erdogan's modus operandi... 

He is an Islamist-fascist bully who has initiated law suits against more that 2000 journalist-reporters in Turkey, and threatened to deport ALL the Armenians from Turkey and reminded the restive Kurdish minority, more than 25 million people, what happened to Armenians... in the 1915-1923 period... He reminded the Kurdish population of the Armenian Genocide... ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The contest asked for entries that were "as filthy and insulting as possible about Recep Erdogan."
I have not been able to find a sponsor for the competition, the organizer wrote... 
"So there aren’t any prizes – except perhaps for our continuing freedom.  If there is anyone out there who would seriously prefer a box of Ferrero Rocher, Turkish Delight or whatever then I don’t want them to enter this competition anyway.
I would also like to stress that the aim of the competition is to be as filthy and insulting as possible about Recep Erdogan[the Turkish President].  Rhymes with some political point might be considered, but will inevitably take second-place to works which mull (for example) solely on President Erdogan’s reputed fondness for goats or his notorious untrustworthiness in the vicinity of any public zoo." 
The organizer wrote also: "The limerick that follows is my best shot so far.  But I am happy to report that there are many available rhymes and sexual positions which are still in my jotting pad and remain unused.  I should like to reiterate that limericks will be excluded from consideration from the top prize if they are (a) not obscene or (b) non-defamatory.  I do not want to have to, Vizier-like, proclaim my own poem the winner.  Anyhow, here’s mine:
Recep Erdogan is the Turk’ll
Never tire of rim-jobs from his circle
Yet his chief-est delight
(Now Khilafa’s in sight)
Are the felchings he gets from Frau Merkel "

The winner of the contest is the former mayor of London...
This was Johnson’s poem:                                              

There was a young fellow from Ankara

Who was a terrific wankerer

Till he sowed his wild oats
With the help of a goat
But he didn’t even stop to thankera

Of course this competition was in response to the Turkish President's initiatives in Germany... where he went after a German comic-satirist... because he felt insulted by a poem the comic had recited on TV about the Turkish president... which was overtly sexual... But it was a satire of the president... going after the journalists and reporters of Turkey...

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Islamist-Fascists and European Democracies...

The globalization of the world united us in a collective destiny never witnessed before...
The wars are not localized any more... and the elusive peace will not be localized too... 
The wars in the Middle East, mostly instigated by the West-NATO and the U.S. has rippled through Europe... The Migration Crisis is the face of the wars in the Middle east... The crisis in the Middle East has developed a tsunami effect through global terrorism... and as yet the global community has no solution to the crisis... in Syria, in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Libya, in Israel-Palestine... 
The Middle East is transformed to the perpetual killing fields of the 21st century... Will it stop...? It's anyone's guess... But definitely it will usher in a NEW WORLD ORDER... What will be its shape... is a guess for anyone... 
Will it be the total Islamization of Europe...? Maybe...
Will it curtail the U.S. global hegemony...? Again, maybe...
Will it initiate the decline of Judea-Christian civilization...? Definitely yes... The New World Order will be more democratic than the fake democracies of the West-NATO-U.S.
Democracies cannot be hinged to greed-profit chasing values of our capitalist societies... The New World Order democracies will be based on sharing and peaceful coexistence... of all nations... 
The wars in the Middle East are the painful witnesses to the birth of the New World Order... The wars are the childbirth pains... 

This is a projection of the face of the Turkish President Erdogan... It is styled as the face of Hitler... It appeared on the walls of the building of the Turkish Embassy in Berlin...
The projection was a reaction of German artists to the recent arrests of two Turkish journalists... because they offended the President and also printed news which the President's party did not appreciate... 

The Turkish President has a very thin skin and takes criticism of his imperial ambitions as personal insults... His regime has punished more than 2000 reporters-journalists for insulting Turkishness or the presidency...
The Turkish regime even extended its reach to Europe and wanted to punish satirists in Germany and France and Austria... The president succeeded partially in Germany... a court ruled over the weekend in his favour... 

Jokes About Erdogan Aren't Funny in Germany

The German government has allowed authorities to prosecute—if they choose to do so—Jan Böhmermann, a satirist who mocked the Turkish leader on TV... The judge ruled that Böhmermann is allowed to mock the Turkish president... but he should not refer to the president having sex with goats and animals and other sexual references...
By siding with the Turkish president... the German judge in fact arrested the free expression of artistic ideas... and handcuffed freedom of speech...
So if Big Brothers do not like anything they can refer to the German courts to curtail the free flow of ideas and criticism...
The Islamist-fascists of Turkey are exporting their authoritarian outlook and Islamic Sharia concepts to Europe and beyond... Now it is Germany... and then Europe and North America too...
For a century the Turkish fascists are denying the Armenian Genocide... and by their denials they are perpetuating the genocide...  
But neither Europe nor minorities can survive in a Islamist-fascist society... The authoritarian Islamist Sharia laws do not allow democracy and stifle all human freedoms...
Last week fascist parliamentarians attacked  Kurdish and Armenian PMs... in the Turkish Parliament...
Read below...
Istanbul Armenian Garo Paylan, who is also an MP from the pro-Kurdish “Peoples’ Democratic Party” (HDP) of Turkey, is speaking out...

They are attempting to silence and ‘digest’ not only me, but the opposition in Turkey,” Paylan specifically said and continued: “And we are continuing to fight. Of course, there is a greater risk in case of being an Armenian [member of the] opposition [in Turkey]." 

He said, the attack that occurred in the Meclis [i.e. the Grand National Assembly (parliament) of Turkey] was pre-planned, and it was a lynching attempt based on hatred.

I have always received social networking website threats, or profanities, whose target was my Armenian identity. [But] after the incident in Parliament, my supporters’ messages have become more visible.

Targeting of the HDP MPs and the insults toward them continue, and this is led by the [Turkish] presidential palace. 

The MP said; Armenians can survive in a democratic Turkey; I am fighting for the fulfillment of this idea.”

Thursday 5 May 2016

Ross Would Have Helped In Answering My Questions...

I was going to start when Ross and I were planning to visit a mosque... But then a funny thing happened... 
ALLENS.jpgI was enjoying the day... It is cloudy, but the sun peeps out once in a while... I was watching out to my backyard from the sliding door... a bird flew and settled on a branch of the big oak tree... Played with the leaves... sang a while... and then flew to a chair in the backyard just a meter away from me... sat on the back of the chair... at the top... looked at me... sang again... and turned its back to me... raised its tail... and drop its shit on the back of the chair... and without hesitation flew away... They say in order to fly efficiently and quickly, the birds need to carry as little weight as possible, so they evacuate their excess cloaca...
that is, shit-pooh frequently...
I have not studied biology-zoology... In fact at school I studied very hard for that course... but no matter what, I barely passed the course...
The bird caught my attention and made me happy... and just then and there... I decided to share the poohing bird with you...
I went out to the backyard... checked what had happened... and left it there... It changed my mood for the better... I was in my backyard... under the oak tree... I looked up and checked the twigs that the bird played with... The oak tree is huge and when I look at it I always wonder... "How many leaves are on the tree...?" I have no clue... 
In the backyard I wondered... what if a human had done all that the bird did... I attempted to imagine my reaction... I contrived my plan of action... 911...? Chase him out...? I decided I would have done both... I will do both...
The bird made me happy... the human distorted the beauty... !!!!!!
I went back into the house...
Ross, the chaplain at me school, came to my class one day and was curious if I will be willing to visit a mosque with him... I told him that most probably they will not let us into the mosque... He said; "Let's try..." and i went along with him...
We phoned the office of a nearby mosque... and checked if we can visit them... The man on the other side of the phone was cordial and did not oppose... We sat a date...
Ross and I went to visit them... 

The "priest" invited us in the office... we chatted... He was very friendly... and Ross was very happy... when we said if we may visit the mosque... the "priest" looked at us confused and said... "No... the mosque is a place to pray... it is not a touristic sight...," he said...
Ross thanked and we bundled our disappointment and went to a nearby bar... We drank our disappointment out... 
I remembered all this while reading about Europe and what is happening there... My daughter lives in Europe and I check what the latest news is from that part of the troubled world...
I remembered Ross and his disappointment... and wondered what would have been his reaction to the migrant-refugee crisis in Europe... Would he have said, "They are allowed..." ? Would he have dismissed the situation as the essential by product of White Men's Burden... The inevitable by product of the invasion of Afghanistan... The invasion of Iraq... and the so dubbed "Arab Spring..." 
I wondered all morning what would have Ross said... what would have he done... and then the bird poohed in my backyard and for few moments I was happy... 
But the question remained with me... What would have Ross done and what would have he said...? What will happen to Europe...? 

A woman, with her fist raised, defying a uniformed march of neo-Nazis in Sweden
I would have not imagined that Sweden will be a stage where civilizations clash... But it is happening right now... all over Europe... 
I wonder if there will be a reconciliation or the clash of civilization will open the way to neo-Nazi thugs... 
I wonder if Ross would have connected the bird's pooh in my backyard... The neo-Nazi gangs in Europe and the Islamic-Jihadist-fascists in the Middle East and in Turkey... 
Neo-Nazi movements have been on the rise in Sweden and other European countries as a result of the migration crisis. The anti-immigration Sweden Democrats Party is the third biggest political force in the country.
The country, which has a decades-old reputation for welcoming refugees and political asylum seekers, has introduced tighter border controls in an attempt to control the influx.
Alongside Germany, Sweden is one of the main destinations for migrants trying to reach Europe. Tensions there have been heightened by arson attacks on asylum centres and other cases of violence. 
                                                                                  A lone woman stands with raised fist opposite the uniformed demonstrators in Sunday's Nazi demonstration in Borlange, SwedenA woman, Ms Asplund, confronts the uniformed neo-Nazi demonstrators in Sweden ..... .....

... Is the, Islimazation of Europe the main impetus for the growth and bold resurgence of neo-Nazis ...
Has Big Brother leadership placed its greed and profit chasing before the humane and Judaeo-Christian culture of Europe...?
I wish Ross was around and answered my questions... !

... And still the...                                 Islamization of Europe Continues...

An immigrant group based in Bern has called for the emblematic white cross to be removed from the Swiss national flag because as a Christian symbol it "no longer corresponds to today's multicultural Switzerland."
Ivica Petrusic, the vice president of Second@s plus, a lobbying group that represents mostly Muslim second-generation foreigners in Switzerland (who colloquially are known as secondos) says the group will launch a nationwide campaign in October to ask Swiss citizens to consider adopting a flag that is less offensive to Muslim immigrants.

File:Civil Ensign of Switzerland (Pantone).svg
File:Flag of the Helvetic Republic (French).svg

In a September 18 interview with the Swiss newspaper Aargauer Zeitung, Petrusic said the cross has a Christian background and while the Christian roots of Switzerland should be respected, "it is necessary to separate church and state" because "Switzerland today has a great religious and cultural diversity. One has to ask if the State wants to continue building up a symbol in which many people no longer believe."

In the interview, Petrusic said Switzerland needs new symbols with which everyone, including non-Christians, can identify. As an alternative to the current Swiss flag , Petrusic proposed the former flag of the Helvetic Republic which was officially introduced in 1799 and consisted of green, red and yellow colors. "Those colors are similar to the current flags of Bolivia and Ghana and would represent a more progressive and open-minded Switzerland," Petrusic said.

The proposal to change the Swiss flag has been met with outrage across the political spectrum and is sure to fuel anti-immigrant sentiments in Switzerland.

... And still the...                                 Islamization of Europe Continues...
The Swedish Green Party has Islamisation Problems...

The party's problems started when Housing Minister Mehmet Kaplan, a Green Party member and former leader of a Swedish Muslim youth group, resigned last week after media reports that he had contacts with ultra-nationalists and Islamists in his native Turkey. Though he denied any wrongdoing and the party leadership defended him until the end, he stepped down when a video surfaced of Kaplan comparing Israel's treatment of Palestinians to how the Nazis persecuted Jews.
Images emerged where Kaplan and other Muslim members of the Green Party were seen holding up four fingers, a hand gesture used by the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. One of them, a Green Party youth leader, walked into the picture during a live broadcast on Swedish television and flashed the sign behind the presenter.
Of course the gesture isn't illegal in “liberal” Sweden but many Green Party members questioned whether the brotherhood's conservative views are compatible with the feminist and gay-friendly platform of the Swedish Greens.
The biggest outcry came after Yasri Khan, a 30-year-old running for a seat on the Green Party's executive board, refused to shake the hand of a Swedish TV reporter. He said shaking hands with someone from the opposite sex is too "intimate," and instead put his hand on his heart in a Muslim greeting.

The deputy head of Sweden’s main Turkish association stepped down in disgrace after calling for death to Armenians. Speaking to a small crowd in Stockholm, Barbaros Leylani urged Turks to awaken, and to kill what he branded "the Armenian dogs.”
Speaking at Sergels Square in the center of the Swedish capital, Leylani also said: "Let us show Sweden, Scandinavia and Europe what Turkey stands for. We do not like blood, but we can let the blood flow when it is needed,"  the Swedish publication Dagens Nyheter reported.

... And here is...
Adonis, greatest Syrian-Lebanese Arab poet , who lives in Europe now says...

Being raised a Muslim himself and having deep and one of the greatest understandings of the language of the Quran, Adonis said: “You can not reform a religion. If they are reformed, [the original meaning] is separated from it. Therefore, modern Muslims and a modern Islam is already impossible... It is an oxymoronic contradiction...  Modern and Islam cannot go together... Modern and Muslim contradict each other... If there is no separation between religion and state, there will be no democracy especially without equality for women. Then we will keep a theocratic system. So it will end.”
Forget about the pundits and the endless comments on ISIS: This is the book I read after the atrocities of Brussels took place on Tuesday. The psychoanalyst Houria Abdelouahed engages the legendary Syrian poet Adonis in a conversation about what ails Arabs and Muslims. The poet is as lucid as could be. To him, the religion of Islam, believed to be the perfect message for all time, banishes what comes before it and punishes anyone who dares to imagine a world outside of its absolutist sphere. The result is war on independent thinkers, ferocious quest for power, and endless bloodshed, from the time of the prophet to our own day. Condemned to adhere to the dictates of the past in this world, the best Muslims can hope for is a life of endless pleasures in paradise. Nothing can challenge the tyranny of Islam and its drive to make the whole world in its image. Islam, according to Adonis, is a spent force. It has long been dead since it contributes nothing to human civilization. The creative poets, mystics, and philosophers who once gave a good name to Islam were embattled by the status quo and had to walk a tight line to survive and do their work. The time for change is long overdue.Laying down a heavy critique of the Islamic world, he added: “Arabs have no more creative force. Islam does not contribute to intellectual life, it suggests no discussion. It is no longer thought. It produces no thinking, no art, no science, no vision that could change the world. This violence is the sign of its end. The Arabs will continue to exist, but they will not make the world better.”
The remarks are in reference to the broader questions of how he sees the Middle East, and specifically his native Syria which has been in a state of civil war for years. Adonis describes the totality of Islam in the life of people in the Islamic world saying Muslim society is “based on a totalitarian system. The religion dictates everything: How to run, how to go to the toilet, who one has to love…”

He went on to say the rebels were controlled by interests in America, Saudi Arabia and certain sections of Europe, and stessed:
I have long been an opponent of Assad. The Assad regime has transformed the country into a prison. But his opponents, the so-called Islamic militants, commit mass murder, cut people’s heads off, sell women in cages as goods and trample human dignity underfoot.”

... But the...                                 Islamization of Europe Continues...
The oil barons and their greed and profit chasing...

 Fort McMurray in western Canada is burning... The entire population - more than 80 000 - have been driven off their homes... 
Even emperor Nero would have felt the devastation... and not enjoyed the fire... but the oil barons do not care... They will pollute the earth and they will extract profit out of the dirty oil sands... and unfortunately squeeze people out of their homes...
Check the devastation below...

A wildfire moves towards the town of Anzac from Fort McMurray, Alberta., on Wednesday May 4, 2016
Officials said the size of the blaze was now more than 10,000 hectares (39 square miles) and it was being tackled by 100 firefighters.
People are fleeing through the fire tunnel...
The caravan of cars... and people abandoning their homes to the fire...

It is total devastation... and I hope the newly elected government... instead of showing off the charm and cute face of the Prime Minister... helps the people...
The oil companies should help the people too... 

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Fact Check...

FACT Check..

50% of teens and 27% of parents feel they're addicted to their mobile devices, poll says...

Nearly 80% of teens check their phones hourly; 72% feel the need to respond immediately...

I and my friend Ross, the chaplain at my school, consistently and persistently stressed that the youth is in need for social contact. Maybe we are in need of a new social contract... and reorganization of society... The elders, Big Brothers of all the nations are piling stinking garbage piles all over the globe... and the youth are "angry"... they are disinterested in the social fabric woven by their elders... but at the same time they are genuinely in need for social interaction... That's exactly what the above poll demonstrates... They need to interact and talk and come together... 

...and maybe soon the youth will take another step and come up with a new agenda to change the social fabric of society... and maybe they will initiate a more peaceful... caring and sharing society... 
The youth is in revolt in North America... that's what the U.S. primaries are showing... The youth have rejected the mainstream candidates... But, as yet, they have not come up with their own and future oriented agenda...
Maybe they will soon... 
I will be delighted... Ross, my friend, would have been thrilled...
The above poll inspires hope...
The atrocities of the Islamist-Jihadist-fascists inspire hope too... After all, humans cannot condone forever the fascistic vision of the Islamist-Jihadists... These groups will implode from within... and the Islamic youth will reject them... 
The Turkish, Saudi, Azerbaijani... and other despotic fascist regimes will be rejected eventually... and I hope sooner... than later... 
The above poll of mobile phone users... gives me hope and I will wait patiently... and I know that Godot...eventually will come...
We are destroying ourselves and the environment around us... and the youth does sense it... 
Go home - by Viktoriia Moskalenko (Ukraine)
Go home - by Viktoriia Moskalenko (Ukraine)
The sheep are peaceful... and very docile... The flock and the shepherd are part of the harmony of humans and earth...
But then there is the rest...
Appreciate every piece - by Marcin Jucha (UK)
Appreciate every piece - by Marcin Jucha (UK)

But then there is the brutality... We kill and we murder... to eat every piece... and then we kill just for the fun of it... and then we kill just for sports... and then we kill just for the sake of killing... We have devastated the environment... and I am sure the youth senses this... After all they will inherit the world...
Unstill life - by Polina Plotnikova (UK)
... and check the beauty of nature... we do not have to kill so as we survive... there are the alternative lifestyle... These fruits are delicious... and nutritious too...

The wild garlic carpet - by Robin Goodlad (UK)
Can you guess what this is...?
A beautiful field of wild garlic...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And it is besides being beautiful it is nutritious too... 
But maybe you do not want to smell garlicky...!!!
Puno, Lake Titicaca - by Robert Holmes (USA) Salmon still life - by Susan Bell (UK)
Puno, Lake Titicaca -  by Robert Holmes (USA)     and            Salmon still life - by Susan Bell (UK)               A beautiful stand ...................And a deadly sin... 

Maybe it is not the right thing to say... But the ravages of the wars in the Middle east and Africa... and the migrant-refugee crisis... is giving me hope that soon there will be a new world order... 
Society cannot sustain the brutality and the savagery of the wars and religious fascism... So there is a hope in the evil that a New World Order just around the corner...
I am hopeful... Ross, my friend, would have been proud of my optimistic evaluation... 
Wars are the harbinger of peace... and brutality and beheadings will usher world harmony... A world without borders... in peace with itself...
I do not like The System of The Dawn... Their music is too loud for me... But listening to their lead vocalist in his new song is fun... I hope you like it too...
Here is the article from Rolling Stone magazine...


Rolling Stone Magazine

See System of a Down's Serj Tankian Perform New Political Song 'Artsakh'

Passionate acoustic tune calls for solidarity among Armenians in
disputed region of Azerbaijan

By Kory Grow May 4, 2016

 System of a Down frontman Serj Tankian was so moved by the resilience
of Armenian fighters in Nagorno-Karabakh, a region in the former
Soviet Republic of Azerbaijan that neighbors Armenia, during a
four-day war in April that he wrote a passionate new political folk
song, "Artsakh," in deference to them. The song voices support for the
people of Artsakh – the Armenian name for the region – and protests
what Tankian describes as Azeri aggression.

"These people have lived on those lands for thousands of years," the
singer wrote in a statement. "They have struggle but also great beauty
written on their foreheads. The whimsical appropriation of land by an
empire (Stalin) placed them under Azerbaijan. They have since gained
their independence and have lived a prosperous existence for the last
20 or so years. I do not believe in wars and ultimately borders but I
deeply believe in self-determination and life without oppression.
Therefore it is time for the world to recognize them as the Republic
of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh)."

Violence broke out in the region on April 2nd, prompting Azerbaijan's
president, Ilham Aliyev, to call for the "immediate and unconditional
withdrawal of Armenian troops from our territories," according to The
Washington Post. As the situation worsened, Azerbaijani troops
attempted to take control of the region. The paper reported scores of
deaths, the worst in the region since 1994. A ceasefire was declared
on April 5th. Russian President Vladimir Putin voiced his support of a
truce, according to Armenia Now.

"It's a crazy provocation," the singer tells Rolling Stone. "It's a
land that these people have lived on from the beginning of time, from
time immemorial, with children springing from the rivers and
generations coming from their mountains. There is a national
liberation struggle embedded within their character, their public
mask, if you will. It goes on through trying to create peace. We will
ultimately win with culture and all this beautiful stuff."

Tankian made a video for the song, on which he sings and plays guitar,
this past weekend.

"Artsakh" lyrics, translated:

We've always lived on these lands,
Reaped and harvested these fields,
Generations sprung from your rivers,
Children born from your mountains,

The public mask of tradition,
The struggle for liberation or death,
The enemy's gaze at your terrain,
Our smiles at your bosom,
At your bottomless will.

We're going to sing with our fists
With the tricolor flag of justice,
Humanitarian love of peace
With the holy blessing of a child's face,
We are going to prevail with culture
We are going to prevail with culture
We are going to prevail by being Armenian.