I wanted to stay on top of the hill longer...
I wanted to be by myself...
I wanted my indulgence in the silence of the world to echo louder in my brain cells... I wanted to think by myself...
What a great treat... The luxury of being by myself and to think about all that is going on in the Global Village and in the cities down below...
I am on top of the hill...This is indeed luxury...After so many years confined in the four walls of a classroom or a lecture hall,,,
The breeze is refreshing and the air is clear...There are no administrative pollutants and no Big Brother whims...
The younger people cannot burge in with their curiosity and the teachers cannot bother me with their demands of the day...
I am by myself...in silence...with my thoughts...
That is luxury which I attempted to convey to the younger people...
Some got it... Some despised it...
But most were indifferent...because this type of luxury cannot be measured by money...
On top of the hill...I did not need money...Nothing was for sale...and thinking was free...
But all of us have to come down from the hill and smell the societal ills... and think for a solution...
To be honest... I did not know who Emma Watson...was... Today I learned
about her UN speech about discrimination again women of the
world...and I was very much impressed...
Bringing the struggle for gender equality out of the stereotypical
paradigms is indeed appreciated by many...including me ...
The essential need is to change our cultural approach... Our culture is
based on gender-division-of-labour and gender-division-of-roles...Just one example...
The chefs are mostly man... They work outside in the restaurant...
The kitchen at home belongs to women...They work in the house...
This is a basic stereotypical model... and if you look around ... all our culture is based on sex and gender...
It needs to be changed... and Emma Watson's speech has been noticed...
Emma Watson's inspiring speech at the UN "HeForShe" campaign...Has inspired many
Emma Watson at the UN... Smashing the stereotypes...
Advocating gender equality...inspiring many...
A 15 year old boy was inspired too and wrote the following letter to a British newspaper...
May be in our schools in North America...There will be more discussion and there will be similar campaigns... "HeForShe"...
....And This...
Perhaps one of the most
controversial issues of the day is that of sexual assault on college campuses.
And for Janet Napolitano, former U.S. secretary of homeland security and now
president of the University of California system, fighting that means pushing
for a "cultural change."
Napolitano told ... that combating rape and sexual assault on college campuses would require a “cultural change” ...
I hope we will be part of the solution and ACT...to
change the sexist culture...
And ACT they do in Hong Kong... for DEMOCRACY...
Here people understand what democracy is... Here people are demanding democracy... So the Big brothers and Big Sisters of the West and U.S. should help them achieve it... instead there is a deafening silence...for Western and American and Canadian leaders...
They are more involved in parts of the world where democracy is not appreciated... They want to inspire "Arab Springs" and create chaos... and prepare the incubation of Islamist-Jihadist groups like ISIS and the rest...
Student activists sleep on a road near the government headquarters where pro-democracy activists have gathered and made camp, Tuesday, Sept. 30, 2014 in
Hong Kong.
All the power to the people of Homk Kong...They want democracy and they should have democracy... Why the Beijing bureaucrats and apparatchiks...should decide what kind of democracy the people can have...
The Big Brothers in Beijing have bastardized the tenets of Marxism to feed their GREED...
The Big Brothers in Beijing do not advocate democracy... and true democrats MUST STAND BY THE PEOPLE AN STUDENTS OF HONG KONG...
Power to the PEOPLE... and not to the Big Brothers at Beijing...
The students not only demand democracy but they are responsible too...
Hong Kong's demonstrators have spent a peaceful night on the streets, offering people food and drink and cleaning up the mess left behind by thousands of their fellow activists.
And then... I was stunned to encounter this...
NFL player Husain Abdullah 'gets penalty
for praying'
The guy scores and then celebrates...

Husain Abdullah intercepted a
pass from an opponent and dashed to the end zone to score...
An American Muslim NFL player has been penalised after celebrating a touchdown by sliding on his knees and pressing his forehead to the ground after scoring.
Officials penalized him for breaking "excessive celebration" rules by sliding on his knees and pressing his forehead to the ground after scoring.
This is exactly why ALL the bombs in the West and in the U.S. will not
be able to defeat “radical Islam”… You CANNOT bomb ideas…
You fight ideas with ideas…
You may subdue someone…But you cannot with anyone with bombs…
The road to PEACE is to be inclusive and respect diversity…
You cannot bomb your way to PEACE…