The GOOD ...The BAD ... and the UGLY
The GOOD...
Top Math Prize Has Its First Female Winner

Adeeb Alblooshi, 10, Dubai, United
Arab Emirates
He has already made few "modest" inventions - He built a seat belt which monitors the heart beat and if it is too high or low alerts the authorities.
He is on a world tour sponsored by his government:
"I've learned a lot, but most
importantly, I'm having fun while doing it," he says.
Samantha and Michelle Marquez, 18 and
15, Virginia
Samantha created "celloidosomes," three-dimensional structures built out of living
which act as a container for other particles. She suggests that these
structures could be used for organ repair and as innovative way to
deliver drugs to
the body, but anticipates that there could other applications
Michelle, on the other hand, decided to explore elements that couldn't be touched:
music and emotions. Her research analyzed brain activity and found that highly
complex sounds -- or chaotic noise -- triggered the part of the brain associated with
negative emotions, while low-complexity music triggered the part of the brain
associated with positive emotions.
Sandile Kubheka, 21, Newcastle,
South Africa
Sandile Kubheka, at 20, had become
South Africa's youngest doctor, four years ahead of schedule.
Tony Hansberry, 20, Jacksonville,
That's what I love about the idea of medicine:
the fact that you can change so many lives
with just your hands.
Jack Andraka, 17, Maryland
Jack Andraka was aged just 14 when he
started developing an easy early-detection
test for pancreatic cancer. By the
end of the school year, he succeeded.
Andrew Almazán Anaya, 19, Mexico
City, Mexico
Andrew Almazán Anaya is best known for
becoming a qualified psychologist at 16,
but in his eyes, he still has a lot to
The Bad...
It looks like a war zone... It looks like "Furgistan" in Missouri...
There is no reason why...
When the economy is weaker...When unemployment is high... When job opportunities for youth are scarce...They "bad" things happen...
Look at the photos...
Does it look like North America...? But it is...
In the land of the free...some are freer than the others...
In the land of plenty...Some have much more than the others...
Some are judged by the colour of their skin... and some are awarded accolades not because what they achieved but whom they know...
It defies logic... But then, human beings are fragile and mediocre leaders are dangerous...
I know it from my teaching experience... Mediocre admin definitely does more harm and can not engage the imagination of the students to achieve more...

Police and protesters face each other...
....And Now the UGLY...
1. Turmoil in Ukraine... and my heart bleeds with the
the bleeding country...
Ukrainians know how to live with each other...They know of to sing and dance and create together... We should leave them alone...and let them heal and let
them be...
2. Iraq is in war... and the Christian and Yezidi
minorities are being murdered...The ancient Christian Churches are being destroyed...
The ugliness of human GREED has created a hell on earth...
3. Syria and Afghanistan...
The UGLY wars continue...cities and towns are demolished...and there is no end in sight...
Will there be peace...?
4. Africa is gripped by the Ebola virus...
I hope there will be cure soon... before the next thousand is killed...
These are the GOOD, the bad and the
...and I know
that you can help... You can do more...Come together and discuss and see what
you can do to increase the GOOD... to wipe out the Bad... and to eradicate the UGLY
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