Happy International Youth Day....
A wonderful lady, a very smart mother, a very dedicated human being...sent me a not today...reminding me that it is "International Your Day"...
Thank you...wonderful friend and brilliant mother and devoted pillar of your family...
....And Happy "International Youth Day..."
I love you all.. my students... NOT because you are young, NOT because you are beautiful, NOT because you are smart, Not because you can sing, Not because you got 5 out of 5 in the AP Calculus exam... NOT because you got accepted to the university of your choice...NOT because you will be an engineer... NOT because you will work for google...
I LOVE YOU because I have faith in you...that you will deliver...
...and I know that you will deliver...BECAUSE I saw the spark in your eyes...when we were together in the same classroom...learning together...and helping each other to shape a better tomorrow...
Thank you the mother of my students...fr reminding me that today is "International Youth Day."
....And here is what she emailed to me...
Thank you and all the best... I wish you will be a permanent participant in my blog...

International Youth DayASEAN/twitter
Today is International Youth Day - an initiative that takes place on 12 August every year to celebrate the potential of youth as partners in today's global society.
12th August was designated as International Youth Day (IYD) by the UN General Assembly in 1999. It is meant as an opportunity for governments and others to draw attention to key issues concerning the youth worldwide.
According to UNESCO, "IYD is an annual celebration of the role of young women and men as essential partners in change, as well as an opportunity to raise awareness of the challenges and hardships facing the world's youth."
During IYD, concerts, workshops, cultural events, and meetings involving national and local government officials and youth organisations take place around the world.
This year, the theme of IYD will be 'Youth and Mental Health' under the slogan 'Mental HealthMatters'.

International Youth Day 2014
And the conference in Las Vegas...
Las vegas never impressed me... In fact I was bored whenever I was there...
I do not gamble... I know the math behind odds... and I do not like the almost nude shows... I rather watch the nudes of Picasso and Van Gogh...
But this conference is for hackers and hackers, i assume, will appreciate the plastic life of Las Vegas...
I genuinely wanted few of my students to be there... I have no clue whether any of my students were there...
May be if they were...they will write a blog post for all of us... After all, it will be fun...
I love the hackers... Don't they give the middle finger to Big Business and Big Brother...
"Hi Five...Brother!"
Def Con hackers' conference takes place in Las Vegas
August 2014 Last updated at 07:32 BST
Def Con Hackers' Conference brings together some of the smartest in the hackers world together in Las Vegas... They are potentially the smartest and most dangerous minds in the hackers community... Recently millions of personal pass words were stolen...and cases of hackers attacks on major business and governmental-Big Brother agencies have grown both in numbers and daring... The irony... Both business and Big Brother agencies are tackling the problem head on...by actively seeking out and hiring the best and brightest hackers...
Could learning to be a hacker now
Hackers compete in a digital capture the flag game at the DefCon conference - in years past...
I am sick and tired of the Islamist Jihadists...
I am sick and tired of the violence that that promote...
They yell..."Allah Akbar" and behead people...
Allah Akbar sounds blasphemous coming out of their
When first they burst on the political scene...The West
and the U.S. were HAPPY...because they were fighting
the Syrian regime...But now they are opposed to
them ... because they are too violent even for the
An Australian newspaper on
Monday published a photograph of a child it said was the son of an Australian
convicted terrorist holding aloft the severed head of a Syrian soldier.
"That's my boy," wrote Khaled Sharrouf on Twitter, alongside a photo of his seven-year-old son using both hands to hold up a man's severed head.
What kind of a father will take his boys to the battle and
then teach them to behave like cubs on the loose...
These Jihadists are the shame of the West and the
shame of humankind...
And what kind of a father will leave his kid in a hot
car... and let the kid suffocate to death...?
MARIETTA, Ga. (PIX11/CNN) – Justin Ross Harris messaged six women, sending and
receiving explicit texts — some including nude images — from work while his
22-month-old was dying in a hot car, a detective testified Thursday in the
father’s hearing on murder and child cruelty charges.
The men leaving their sons in scotching hot cars...and texting sex images and messages to women are as sick as those Jihadist on their murderous rampage...
Both are the shame of Western politics and Western culture...
I am sick and tired of the "holier than thou" attitude of the West...I am sick and tired of the greed of the West... I am ashamed of the profit driven religion and culture of the West...
But I do not know an alternative...
Today is International Youth Day...!
Your are the future...ACT and CHANGE our rotten ways and means...
Change the world for a better tomorrow....
"Make your lives Extraordinary..." Said Robin Williams in his role as a teacher...in Dead Poets Society...
The actor's body was found "slightly suspended in a seated position" with a belt around his neck, Sheriff's Lt. Keith Boyd said.
What a shame...he "hung" himself...!
This is what the existentialist philosophers...Sartre, Camus and the rest...dwelt on...
When people do not have any goals in their lives... When people lose hope and vision...When people get depressed because of the void in their lives..When people lose sight of the light at the end of the tunnel...When people just get crushed by the absurdity of life...and do not see any meaning...in the empty promises of "afterlife"...Then definitely they get depressed and the depression may lead to all kinds of absurd actions...In fact, existentialists foresee suicide as a possible remedy to the absurdity of life...
We need hope...We need hope for the future...
And my hope is not in the "afterlife"...Whatever that may be... But my hope is the younger generation...My daughters and my students and all the rest of the human race...
I may be around or not...That is not even a valid question...But I have a vision that tomorrow will be better than today... i have the proof of it...After all, I have seen the spark in my daughters eyes...and I have witnessed the brilliance in the eyes of my students...
Just they have to believe in themselves and they have to ACT...
If you ACT to make things better for tomorrow...than you will never be depressed...After all, everything will depend on how much effort you infest today to make tomorrow better...
ACT... and you will be blessed...
Robin Williams had millions...and they were not enough to make him happy...
Money is not, will never be the answer...
Money will help you to put a smile in the face of the next person...in the face of your friend...
Money is never enough...and will never make you happy...unless you share it with your neighbors... with your friends...with the community...
Indeed...Most of the time we feel alone and lonely... despite being surrounded by "friends" and peers...Students have always told me about the stupidity of their "friends" and how much they want to escape from them...
Well I guess all the boys...Young gentlemen...will attest the truth of this... Whenever there penis run ahead of their brain...they got into trouble... That happened in my last year as a teacher...A group of young men got infatuated will a lady friend...and their penis got the better of them... It created noise and stupidity in the school and of course people got hurt...
They tell...Robin Williams was....
They tell...Robin Williams was....
- "He has been battling severe depression of late," his media representative Mara Buxbaum told CNN. "This is a tragic and sudden loss."
- Coroner investigators suspect "the death to be a suicide due to asphyxia," the Marin County, California, Sheriff's Office said. Williams made at least two trips to rehab for drug treatment, including a visit this summer, and he underwent heart surgery in 2009.

Robyn Williams standing up on the desk and illustrating that your
perspective changes everything...So the one on the floor will observe
things in the classroom different from those who are standing on their
"We don't read and write poetry
because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And
the human race is filled with
passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life.
But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive
for." - John Keating, Dead Poets Society (1989)
"Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives
extraordinary." - John Keating, Dead Poets Society (1989)
These scenes reminded me my classroom... The last few years the male students were rolling up the legs of their pants...When I inquired the purpose...They said it is too hot in the classroom...
I thought they were just exposing their legs to get attention from whomever... may be girls...may be boys... I could not tell and to confess the truth... I did not care...After all it is their choice and I did not want to get involved in their brain and penis disputes...
But I did something else...
I invited the lads to stand up on my desk... and let everyone appreciate their legs...
"Really...?", the student inquired....
"Yes... go up on the desk"; I insisted...
They were shy at first...but once they were up there the perspective changed...They were bolder and more jovial too...
"Applaud him," I instructed the class...and they did... It was fun...and made the monotony of math come alive...
The student on the desk danced around... the applause encouraged him too...
This happened at least three times... I don't remember if it was more...But at least twice...some students run to the admin...and the Big Brother reprimanded me...
Every time they reprimanded me... I responded by..."Do you want me to retire...?" They realized that it was a trap... If they said yes...I might go to my union and complain about them pressuring me to retire...
So the Big Brother...let it go...though reluctantly...
It was fun to have the students up on my desk with their pants legs rolled up... it was even more fun to have the Big Brother retreat to the furious furrows of their mediocre brain...
Happy International Youth Day...
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