Saturday 16 August 2014

Democratic Debate is healthier than Bottling the Anger In.... Let it out...Debate...

Is it bad to bottle up your anger?

Feeling angry? Let it all out, punch a pillow, blow off steam, but don’t keep it in, right? 

Let’s posit the question …
“If I do not see the tree outside my window… does it exist…?”  Yes….?  No…? May be …?
Let me have another variety of the same question…
I have a friend who lives in Australia … I have another friend who just passed away… So, as far as I am concerned…that is relative to me, does my friend who lives in Australia exist or he is the same as my friend who passed away…?
It is a situation which is open to debate… In a debate, when I posited this same question…a female colleague was extremely upset and she retaliated by… “That’s very crass of you…!”
I did not continue the debate…But I thought about the situation…If I do not have any chance to see again my friend in Australia…and since I do not have any chance to see my friend who passed away… is there any difference in the two scenarios…?
I am not sure…
The outcome is that I will miss both my friends very much… and the intensity of my emotions will be identical …
Now read the observations that a reporter registered ... Read the passage below… about the race debate and the recent events in Ferguson or…may be Fergistan…

Noticeably absent from President Obama's remarks was the issue of race.
Despite Ferguson being 68% black, Ferguson's police force is nearly all white.
Blacks in town comprise 86% of all vehicle stops and 85% of all arrests. Over the past week, black residents of the town have complained of racial harassment from law enforcement. That, combined with the trend of unarmed black men being the victim of extrajudicial killings, make the racial implications of Brown's death quite strong.
Even if one were to believe that Michael Brown's killing had nothing to do with race -- a naïve position at best -- the wave of protests and debates that emerged after it happened have been undeniably racial. By not mentioning this racial dimension, the President reinforced the immature notion that racism can be defeated simply by pretending it doesn't exist.
Let it out and debate....
Definitely there is a race issue… Definitely it is not democratic to have a “white” minority dictate its whims on a “black” majority… definitely it is not right to expect a cultural adaptation to “white” ways of doing things…
I have experienced same kind of discrimination and I feel acutely about the issue…
A student did not like my way of teaching and my expectations from him… to work hard and to excel…He just wanted a high mark no matter what…So he concocted a reason…and his parents backed him up…and the admin excused themselves for siding with them… They condemned my accent… and wanted a transfer… I did not mind… After all, I did not need a petty “scholar” to nag all semester long… I let him go…
But discrimination has always been a sore wound and I did not like to be discriminated…
And I do not blame the Ferguson outrage…and I do not blame the racial outrage in the U.S. and in the world…

I understand the outrage...But democratic debate and 
democratic resolution is better...
Psychologists suggest that to bottle up anger is not healthy…
So it is good to let the rage in Ferguson consume itself…let the air out…
But Big Brother has to come out and condemn the racial discrimination too… But the social norms have to evolve for the better…
But we have to change…our ways of doing things…
We have to be more democratic…more understanding… more visionary and more accommodating…
Is there a difference between my friend who passed away and the friend who permanently relocated himself…?
If we ignore the racial discrimination … will it disappear…
The wounds are festering … and the Big Brother, true to his calling, is acting like a double-talking politician…
May be society has to liberate itself from the confines of the Big Brothers…
May be we should change for the better…
And my bet is on YOU … the youth … 
Our future…and our hope...


When you are angry about things that you see in your eyes...Then let it go out... Do not keep it inside...Debate and debate again...and debate another time... Till the norms change...till society realizes that things have to change...
Imposing your will on others is not the answer...
Democratic debate and evolution will be good for all...We do not need violence for change...
Human beings know better... 

Society can evolve peacefully if only the Big Brothers let us be...

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