Friday 22 August 2014

A Dialogue...WITHOUT Pictures...

Just a dialogue...
Just a word or two about the blog posts...and without pictures...

Former students and readers of the blog posts in general are at times writing and mentioning that they want me to write more about myself and what I do...instead of the sad news around the globe...
I agree with them that the news is sad...but I always mention that I am indeed writing about myself... The only difference is that they want to know more about my physical movements...and I am emphasizing my mental activity...
My physical activities are quite routine ... They do not change much in their form.

1. I wake up around 6:00 – 6:30 and have my two cups of coffee...

2. I read all the news on several networks...I get agitated and depressed and happy... depending on the news...

3. There are few activities that I follow...
       a) I take a times long ones...2-3 times the venue changes...and at time it will be just around my home... I enjoy the trees...and the chirping of the birds...and the scent of the flowers...and the animals chasing each other and playing together...But essentially I organize and reorganize my thoughts... I try to form a larger picture and how the Big brother manipulates us all...
       b) At times I do some other physical chores around the the washing dishes...or sweeping the fallen leaves on the patio...
       c) At times besides my walks I exercise to...with some light weights... and other stretches...

4. At home I listen to music...classical, choral, opera...
    I think music is heavenly entertainment...I wish I can report about it when I arrive THERE...
    Music relaxes and elevates the individual to places unknown... 
    I do not listen to agitated music...I am a peaceful person and do not need outside stimulus for agitation...
    Music helps me to think and reason logically...It helps me relax and make me more peaceful...

5. I organize the blog post... At times it is difficult and problematic... I actually do not know for sure you who are the readers...and what are their interests... Very few readers take the time to jot down few lines about their thoughts...People are scared of dialogue...After all, dialogue may create a commitment...People are afraid to commit...I think they rather have a “power drink” and gossip...their way around ...
So it is difficult to address issues in a void...and I rely on my logic and reasoning and the likes and the dislikes and write the post...
People want more personal stuff from me... and they mean my movements and my food and my drinks... I can share all of these when people and friends and relatives visit me... The personal related to the physical and temporal is shared when people come together and share things in the temporal space...and writing about them is boring and irrelevant...
It is not education to know what I ate and where I walked...
On the blog I share my thoughts...happily... my thoughts define me... My relationship in society defines me...
When I was a teacher...It was not important what I ate or what I wore...The important aspects were how I related to the students, to the teachers, to the administrators...and what I conveyed to them...
As a teacher...what I thought...defined me... and now as a human being my humanity will define me... and in the blog...the only way my humanity is revealed is through my thoughts and thinking process...My food and music and drink and laughs and tears add nothing to the blog posts...
Some people are bored of my thoughts...they want Hollywood-Bollywood type of entertainment... I am not that type...Those who know me personally will attest to that... I cannot provide gossipy entertainment in the blog posts...That’s the task of the “tabloids” ...

6. When I feel like it I continue my writing ...which I will pass to my family and let them deal with it as they please...

7. I eat good food...I drink good stuff...I listen to music that pleases and relaxes me...I watch some TV and when aggravated from what I see...I take a break...I take a walk...and I think... The walk is a pretext for having more time for me and to think by myself... It is a good way...of passing the time...

8. Enjoying the people around me is essential... Enjoying the surrounding and the environment is pleasant...When I go out of the house on the street, despite the fact that I reside on a very busy city artery,  I feel like I am in a park...That relaxes me... The people are friendly and unlike the students and teachers in my last school, they greet times just a smile and at times with a nod...and at times by a “good day”... I feel happy and blessed...
Yesterday I had a family visit...I was in shorts and T-shirt...The visitors were dressed up...I felt uneasy...and later on I discussed that with my wife...Were they offended...? I do not know...But is this anything to report on the blog...? I do not think so...It is very personal and ever since childhood I have shied away from exposing my person to others...I am a very private person...Even close friends do not know much about me and my feelings...
But soon I will write an autobiography of sorts for my family... and will discuss many private feelings and doings in there... I Guess that will be more appropriate...than the blog posts...

9. I observe the gardeners...They stop their cleaning while you are walking by...and all of them are Mexican...They are good people...They are working people...very simple and smiling... I always repeat to my wife... "If it is not for the Mexicans, LA will be a rotten dump..." They clean and they trim and make the place beautiful and green....

10. Today I read all in the main news media...and few things bothered me...
       a) The "Russian Invasion" of Ukraine ... That's what the Russian convoy of aid was depicted in the Western media...and the Ukrainian government circles...
I will follow this and see what happens...
       b) The Islamic Jihadists - ISIS are in the headlines...The West and U.S. are preparing the world for possible bombings in Syria too... 
This is very annoying and it indeed aggravates me... The atrocities that these Jihadists are committing against Christians minorities indeed bothers me... I think they are eradicating religion in the name of religion...

The acts of these Jihadists hordes are indeed blasphemous... They destroyed churches and mosques and shrines and memorial chapels...They trampled all human values... they do not uphold any human values....They deported thousands of Christians...They looted Christian Armenian villages...They bombed Christian Armenian memorial chapels... They deported Yazidis...They deported Assyrian Christians and destroyed Chaldean Christian shrines and deported them...
  • No one can be  Christian and behead a human being in the name of God...No one can be Christian and advocate death penalty... 
  • No one can be Muslim and blow up religious shrines and behead people and deport them from their homeland...
  • No one can advocate bombing of homes and villages and still be considered a good standing follower of Judaism...After all, Judaism advocates peace and peaceful means...
  • Hindus must follow the good teaching of Gandhi...
There is no room for violence in religion... If anyone advocates violence they are sinning against their God...and if they do not believe in God, then they are sinning against human values...
Religion has always fascinated me...I will follow this news...
       c) They are still unresolved issues in Ferguson...
Race and discrimination is always disgusting and aggregated my... Students and teachers and administrators have refused to learn how to pronounce even names properly...!
Ferguson exposes the hypocritical double talk of the West... It is very educational for me...I will follow this item too...
      d) The Ebola patients are cured...They say one of them has even developed immune system against the disease... indeed a "miraculous day" as the good doctor said in the news conference...
This is very good news...First the treatment and the drug were experimental and now the development of immunity is fantastic... Worth to follow....
It has nothing to do with "healthy diet"..."healthy food"... "fashion"...and "shape" and ..."how people look"...
Of course there are other items in the news media...But most of them are gossipy fancy which indeed does not interest me...

So now I will conclude my dialogue... with you...But just a final reminder...The blog post deal with my thoughts...not with my person...
The way I look is irrelevant...
The way I eat is personal...
The way I talk, and my accent, does prevent me to reason logically and to think properly...
My music is my idiosyncratic like and dislike...and does not effect my logic...
Where I live and how I walk and what I enjoy is personal and extremely is just me...
I will share my thoughts with you...and I hope eventually you will develop the habit to share your thoughts with me...and with ALL...
I hope and I wait...while I contemplate tomorrow;s blog post...

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