Post Dealt with the Oscars... as I saw them...
it is fashionable to have Oscar parties... and go through the ooh...
and aah... of the fashions that the ladies wear... and the gentlemen
is something that I have no interest in... If women want to show off
parts of their bodies... it's up to them... and if men want to wear
bow-ties it's up to them... NO INTEREST in it...
my post dealt with the social and political nuances that the Oscar
winners demonstrated...
it again... it's just a click away... Read it again... it's socially
Of Course to the REST...
The Islamist-Jihadists are following an end-of-the-world battle with the rest of the world... and they are following their scriptures... The thoughts and visions of The Prophet...
It is their religious faith... and faith is what we believe in unconditionally... There is no scientific dispute with the Islamist Jihadists... They maybe irrational... They maybe brutal and cruel and inhumane... but that's what they are...
There cannot be a rational discourse with them... after all one cannot dispute or refute faith... Hence the only concord that we may have with them is on their own terms... which, as they have revealed, is 8th century savagery... and the 21st century rational being will have hard time with their vision...
They have embarked on an Islamic-Jihadist adventure that aspires to re-create an 8th century, violent form of Islamic rule in the 21st century...
A Quote for the President of the U.S. of A.
"When people are oppressed and human rights are denied, particularly along sectarian lines or ethnic lines, when dissent is silenced, it feeds violent extremism."
There's no doubt that bad governance, or even no governance, has enabled the rise and success of ISIS. But the suggestion that democracy is an antidote to radical Islam only shines a light on some of America's key allies in the fight against ISIS, including the monarchies and sheikhdoms of the Arab Gulf, such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and states such as Egypt and Jordan and Turkey...
There may be many reasons why ISIS succeeds in attracting followers -- personal frustration, alienated lives, a perverted fascination with violence and terror, a sense of identity and belonging and longing...
The NATO-West invasion of Iraq initiated a chaos in the Middle East... The NATO-West bombing of Libya created a power vacuum in parts of the Middle East... The NATO-West aiding and abetting in the civil war in Syria strengthened the Islamist-Jihadists groups in the Middle East which eventually gave birth to the illegitimate sibling that we are facing now...
The Islamists-Jihadists are parented by the GREED and adventurism of the NATO-West and their allies in the Middle East - non-democratic monarchies and sheikhdoms of Saudi Arabia and Qatar... and undemocratic regimes like Turkey...
So the brutality in the Middle East... and the attacks in Europe are the result of the NATO-West policies...
We may call it whatever we like... whatever we want...
Unless we alter our culture of GREED and economic vision of more and even more profit... then the world will bleed... because of our greedy and absurd policies...
as the sagacious poet warned centuries ago... Blood begets blood...
But the brutality continues and the Big brothers of the NATO-West are reluctant to call the spade as spade and are attempting to appease the Islamic"silent majority" who is reluctant to condemn the Jihadists...
The NATO-West Big Brothers are sacrificing Christians of the Middle East just to tango with Saudi Arabia that beheads and stones citizens, considers women as non-citizens and Turkey that openly discriminates ALL minorities, jails anyone who opposes the regime like journalists-reporters and kurds, Turkish Islamist rulers who have massacred millions of Armenians and are responsible for the Armenian Genocide ...
Check the latest...
in northeastern Syria villages awoke Tuesday to ISIS militants at
their doors, with the Islamist extremists abducting scores from the
Christian group and forcing hundreds more to run for their lives...
Jihadists burst into the village of Tal Shamiram in northeastern
Syria...on Monday...They have abducted more than 90 children, women
and elderly... The Islamist-Jihadists are boasting that they have
abducted more than 90 “crusaders”...
We abducted more than 90 Crusaders... They boasted...
all realize by now what their fate will be... They beheaded the
Coptic Christians few days ago...
the NATO-West is still in love with the sheikhs and monarchs of Saudi
Arabia and Qatar and Dubai and Bahrain and the rest... The NATO-West
is still in love and wants to appease the Islamists of Turkey...
The NATO-West is leading the International Brotherhood of GREED... and Profit without borders...
And also the mud-slinging game of the Big Brothers...
Turkey aids and abets the Islamist-Jihadists...their "brethren in soul" ...
Turkey gave heavy artillery cover to the Islamists who invaded a Christian-Armenian town on the border...
They entered the town and destroyed the churches and even dug out the cemeteries and looted the graves...
And now Turkey condemns the Big Brothers of Britain...
is condemnable and shameful on the part of Britain that three
girls can just go from Heathrow Airport to Istanbul," Deputy
Prime Minister Bulent Arinc told reporters in Ankara on Tuesday.
search efforts are ongoing. If we can find them, great. If not,
then it is the British authorities who are responsible, not
Turkey," Arinc added.
War with Ukraine would be "apocalyptic", says Putin, but he adds "it is unlikely"...
Ukraine is burning...
Will the flames burn the rest of the world ...?
Maybe...But hopefully "not likely..."
How we arrived to this...?
- Soviet Union Collapsed...
- The counties in the Soviet orbit gained independence...
- Germany was unified... and became a leading part of NATO...
- NATO and the West did not waste time and incorporated the newly independent countries in the NATO sphere... Thus went Poland, the three Baltic republics, Bulgaria and Romania and Slovak and Check republics... and others are in the process... Georgia attempted, but met Russian opposition... and now...the NATO-West focussed on Ukraine...
- NATO-West pressured Ukraine to join their hegemonic interests and join European economic sphere... The Ukrainian government was pressured by the Russian oligarchic system to join their trading sphere... The NATO-West aided the right wing neo-NAZI grouping and organized demonstrations till they toppled the government which was leaning towards Russia... Essentially the right wing, neo-NAZI grouping aided by the NATO-West staged a cout d'etat... This is the "democratic" NATO-West initiating government change without elections... like they do in the Middle East invasions...
- Oligarchic Russia got irritated... and Crimea was ripped off Ukraine and joined Russia...
The agitations in the east of Ukraine increased and the NATO-West sided with the new Ukrainian government and Russia aided the eastern separatist... and a brutal civil war is going on ever since... for two years now... and thousands of civilians are caught in the conflict and are paying with their lives...
Their only sin... They are Ukrainian...

Russians, 81% of them support Putin and oppose the NATO-West... But NATO is relentless and Russian oligarchs are as GREEDY as their Western counterparts...
So Ukraine bleeds... and their is no end in sight...
The Western GREED has no limit and no boundaries...
The Russian oligarchs are equally greedy... and the result of their mutually anachronistic GREED is the death toll in Ukraine...
Ukraine is bleeding... The Middle East is in inhuman pain... But the NATO-West is insisting on hegemonic GREED and they are insisting on PROFIT WITHOUT LIMITS or BOUNDARIES...
Now the Questions...
1. Why the NATO-West can tolerate the Monarchies of the Middle East...the Sheikhs of the Middle East... the Islamists of Turkey... and cannot tolerate the oligarchic Russia...?
2. Is saudi Arabia more democratic than Russia...? Is Turkey more open society than Russian society...?
3. Why the NATO-West can tolerate the brutal regimes of Saudi Arabia and Turkey and the rest... but cannot establish a symbiotic and mutually accommodating relationship with the oligarchs of Russia...?
4. Why the world has to bleed for the GREED of the NATO-West and the suffer for the profits of the Russian oligarchs...?
There was a time when...
- Britain established the Magna Carta Libertatum (1215) ...
- The United States of America insisted on inalienable rights of "We the People... " and declared the sanctity of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness..." (1776) ...
- France proclaimed... "Liberte', E'galite', Fraternite'..." (1789)
Those were the days when the leading countries of the NATO-West had legitimacy... when civilization was looking up to them... when freedom loving people were elated by their declarations... When the world would not have minded their hegemony... into a better tomorrow...
That was then...and the wars in the Middle East and Ukraine are NOW...
When the NATO-West is wallowing in the sewers of GREED and the Russian oligarchs are attempting to muscle their way into the GREEDY GREASY and increasingly bloody conflicts...
No one, absolutely no one can suppress the aspirations of freedom loving peoples... and the Magna Carta... The Declaration of Independence... The motto of the French Revolution is my witness...
Power to the "WE THE PEOPLE..."
Be inspired... Get involved... Make a difference...
After all, where there is life...there is hope too...
There may be many reasons why ISIS succeeds in attracting followers -- personal frustration, alienated lives, a perverted fascination with violence and terror, a sense of identity and belonging and longing...
The NATO-West invasion of Iraq initiated a chaos in the Middle East... The NATO-West bombing of Libya created a power vacuum in parts of the Middle East... The NATO-West aiding and abetting in the civil war in Syria strengthened the Islamist-Jihadists groups in the Middle East which eventually gave birth to the illegitimate sibling that we are facing now...The Islamists-Jihadists are parented by the GREED and adventurism of the NATO-West and their allies in the Middle East - non-democratic monarchies and sheikhdoms of Saudi Arabia and Qatar... and undemocratic regimes like Turkey...
So the brutality in the Middle East... and the attacks in Europe are the result of the NATO-West policies...
We may call it whatever we like... whatever we want...
Unless we alter our culture of GREED and economic vision of more and even more profit... then the world will bleed... because of our greedy and absurd policies...
And as the sagacious poet warned centuries ago... Blood begets blood...
But the brutality continues and the Big brothers of the NATO-West are reluctant to call the spade as spade and are attempting to appease the Islamic"silent majority" who is reluctant to condemn the Jihadists...
The NATO-West Big Brothers are sacrificing Christians of the Middle East just to tango with Saudi Arabia that beheads and stones citizens, considers women as non-citizens and Turkey that openly discriminates ALL minorities, jails anyone who opposes the regime like journalists-reporters and kurds, Turkish Islamist rulers who have massacred millions of Armenians and are responsible for the Armenian Genocide ...
Check the latest...
in northeastern Syria villages awoke Tuesday to ISIS militants at
their doors, with the Islamist extremists abducting scores from the
Christian group and forcing hundreds more to run for their lives...
Jihadists burst into the village of Tal Shamiram in northeastern
Syria...on Monday...They have abducted more than 90 children, women
and elderly... The Islamist-Jihadists are boasting that they have
abducted more than 90 “crusaders”...
We abducted more than 90 Crusaders... They boasted...
all realize by now what their fate will be... They beheaded the
Coptic Christians few days ago...
the NATO-West is still in love with the sheikhs and monarchs of Saudi
Arabia and Qatar and Dubai and Bahrain and the rest... The NATO-West
is still in love and wants to appease the Islamists of Turkey...
The NATO-West is leading the International Brotherhood of GREED... and Profit without borders...
And also the mud-slinging game of the Big Brothers...
Turkey aids and abets the Islamist-Jihadists...their "brethren in soul" ...
Turkey gave heavy artillery cover to the Islamists who invaded a Christian-Armenian town on the border...
They entered the town and destroyed the churches and even dug out the cemeteries and looted the graves...
And now Turkey condemns the Big Brothers of Britain...
is condemnable and shameful on the part of Britain that three
girls can just go from Heathrow Airport to Istanbul," Deputy
Prime Minister Bulent Arinc told reporters in Ankara on Tuesday.
search efforts are ongoing. If we can find them, great. If not,
then it is the British authorities who are responsible, not
Turkey," Arinc added.
War with Ukraine would be "apocalyptic", says Putin, but he adds "it is unlikely"...

Russians, 81% of them support Putin and oppose the NATO-West... But NATO is relentless and Russian oligarchs are as GREEDY as their Western counterparts...
So Ukraine bleeds... and their is no end in sight...
The Western GREED has no limit and no boundaries...
The Russian oligarchs are equally greedy... and the result of their mutually anachronistic GREED is the death toll in Ukraine...
Now the Questions...
1. Why the NATO-West can tolerate the Monarchies of the Middle East...the Sheikhs of the Middle East... the Islamists of Turkey... and cannot tolerate the oligarchic Russia...?
2. Is saudi Arabia more democratic than Russia...? Is Turkey more open society than Russian society...?
3. Why the NATO-West can tolerate the brutal regimes of Saudi Arabia and Turkey and the rest... but cannot establish a symbiotic and mutually accommodating relationship with the oligarchs of Russia...?
4. Why the world has to bleed for the GREED of the NATO-West and the suffer for the profits of the Russian oligarchs...?
There was a time when...

Ukraine is burning...
Will the flames burn the rest of the world ...?
Maybe...But hopefully "not likely..."
How we arrived to this...?- Soviet Union Collapsed...
- The counties in the Soviet orbit gained independence...
- Germany was unified... and became a leading part of NATO...
- NATO and the West did not waste time and incorporated the newly independent countries in the NATO sphere... Thus went Poland, the three Baltic republics, Bulgaria and Romania and Slovak and Check republics... and others are in the process... Georgia attempted, but met Russian opposition... and now...the NATO-West focussed on Ukraine...
- NATO-West pressured Ukraine to join their hegemonic interests and join European economic sphere... The Ukrainian government was pressured by the Russian oligarchic system to join their trading sphere... The NATO-West aided the right wing neo-NAZI grouping and organized demonstrations till they toppled the government which was leaning towards Russia... Essentially the right wing, neo-NAZI grouping aided by the NATO-West staged a cout d'etat... This is the "democratic" NATO-West initiating government change without elections... like they do in the Middle East invasions...
- Oligarchic Russia got irritated... and Crimea was ripped off Ukraine and joined Russia...
Their only sin... They are Ukrainian...

Russians, 81% of them support Putin and oppose the NATO-West... But NATO is relentless and Russian oligarchs are as GREEDY as their Western counterparts...
So Ukraine bleeds... and their is no end in sight...
The Western GREED has no limit and no boundaries...
The Russian oligarchs are equally greedy... and the result of their mutually anachronistic GREED is the death toll in Ukraine...
Ukraine is bleeding... The Middle East is in inhuman pain... But the NATO-West is insisting on hegemonic GREED and they are insisting on PROFIT WITHOUT LIMITS or BOUNDARIES...Now the Questions...
1. Why the NATO-West can tolerate the Monarchies of the Middle East...the Sheikhs of the Middle East... the Islamists of Turkey... and cannot tolerate the oligarchic Russia...?
2. Is saudi Arabia more democratic than Russia...? Is Turkey more open society than Russian society...?
3. Why the NATO-West can tolerate the brutal regimes of Saudi Arabia and Turkey and the rest... but cannot establish a symbiotic and mutually accommodating relationship with the oligarchs of Russia...?
4. Why the world has to bleed for the GREED of the NATO-West and the suffer for the profits of the Russian oligarchs...?
There was a time when...
- Britain established the Magna Carta Libertatum (1215) ...
- The United States of America insisted on inalienable rights of "We the People... " and declared the sanctity of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness..." (1776) ...
- France proclaimed... "Liberte', E'galite', Fraternite'..." (1789)
Those were the days when the leading countries of the NATO-West had legitimacy... when civilization was looking up to them... when freedom loving people were elated by their declarations... When the world would not have minded their hegemony... into a better tomorrow...
That was then...and the wars in the Middle East and Ukraine are NOW...
When the NATO-West is wallowing in the sewers of GREED and the Russian oligarchs are attempting to muscle their way into the GREEDY GREASY and increasingly bloody conflicts...
No one, absolutely no one can suppress the aspirations of freedom loving peoples... and the Magna Carta... The Declaration of Independence... The motto of the French Revolution is my witness...
Power to the "WE THE PEOPLE..."
Be inspired... Get involved... Make a difference...
After all, where there is life...there is hope too...
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