Thursday 19 February 2015

Stop the WARS and FEED the Hungry...

The beauty of Mother Nature ...
Frozen Niagara Falls...But beautiful with a new dimension...
It will be cold... but we may bundle up and enjoy it...
Humans add colour... and make the beauty of Nature even more beautiful...
Bundle up... Be warm... and take a walk... Listen to the whisper of your footsteps... Look around and marvel on the beauty...that humans can only mimic and attempt to match...
The colours that humans will add to make the beauty of Nature even more beautiful... 
More enjoyable...
Bundle up and take a walk... Hear the whisper of your footsteps... 
Enjoy the colours and enjoy the frozen coldness...
The frozen beauty of the Falls... in the winter cold...
Just take a walk and enjoy...
You don't have to complain... Just bundle up and take a walk...
Soon the frozen magic will melt into the thin misty air and you will be in the sun...
Meanwhile... don't waist the time in complaining... appreciate what you have and enjoy...
After all,
Everything is indeed beautiful in its own way...
...And soon will be Summer again...
Now enjoy the Lunar New Year... and greet your Asian friends and everyone...

           Gong xi fa cai or Gung hay fat choy
Wonderful colours... Great celebration...
Dismiss the cold of the Winter... Go out and celebrate with your friends... and create a winter wonderland...
Dance and join the community... Bundle up and hug and greet and celebrate...
Of course we could have done all of the above... Indeed we should do all of the above... and enjoy the beauty of Nature and the Warmth of the community...
But instead we have to confront these...

A recent report has concluded that U.S. Army officers often resort to "evasion and deception," and everyone at the Pentagon knows it, according to the new study conducted by the U.S. Army War College.
"In other words, in the routine performance of their duties as leaders and commanders, U.S. Army officers lie," reads the study, which was conducted by the War College's Strategic Studies Institute. 
People lie... But we expect better from officers in the Army... What are they ashamed of...? What they want to hide...? Why they need to "lie"...
I am ashamed that people fight... I am ashamed of the 1% who just steal from the rest of society... I am ashamed that people are driven by GREED and they will even go to war for their GREED and PROFIT...
And WAR boils down to GREED and PROFIT... The Western democracies have nothing more to offer to the world... they essentially are morally bankrupt... So,
They will initiate wars to sell military hardware and make profit out of that...
The rhetoric about democracy and about civilization is just a shame... They will lie and they will kill just for the extra buck...
               US to allow armed drone exports
to allow
The US will loosen some restrictions on selling drones - including armed models - to allies and friendly countries.
Among the requirements for sale would be an agreement requiring the recipient to use drones in accordance with international law and to not use the aircraft "to conduct unlawful surveillance or use unlawful force against their domestic populations".

Military drones for Sale...

The Big Brothers do not care what the consequences are... They do not care when people are killed... They will just call it "collateral damage"..See how sanitized and innocous it sounds... 
Chinese are selling drones already... It is New Year and they will celebrate... They do not care who kills whom...
China has sold drones to several countries already...
Pakistani Army officers look at a Chinese-made drone ... They are out for shopping... 
There is turmoil in Pakistan and Christians are beheaded routinely..
China sells to Pakistan... where there is turmoil already... They attacked the military school...and hundreds of boys were killed... They attacked a Shia mosques where more than 40 were killed... and now they will have drones to kill...
The U.S. will sell the drones to "friendly" countries like the Saudi Arabia and Turkey...
Saudi Arabia stones people to death... now they may have drones to kill... and Turkey discriminates against the Kurds and the Christian minorities... They deny the Armenian Genocide... Now they may have drones to kill...

And the East-Russia... They are testing their new weapons in Ukraine... Now they may test their drones ... now they may sell their drones too...

  • China is a developing economy... they need to sell and profit and develop their economy more...
  • The U.S. is a declining economy... they need to sell to boost their industry...
  • Russia needs the money to counter the U.S. hegemony...
The Big Brothers need the money... to satisfy their GREED and to dominate the 99%...
They say capitalists, the Big Brothers will even sell their mothers for profit... That's what they say... and who knows, it maybe that it is true...!

The Question...

First they built the pistol... to kill... people...

Now they have invented a gadget ... you dress up the pistol 

with it and you will avoid killing...!

I find this a bit oxymoronic... or just moronic...

My suggestion

Stop the wars... in fact, let's Ban ALL wars...

Stop manufacturing weapons...

and instead...

Feed the hungry...

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