At times I have been down... at times I did not want to continue... at times I just wanted to give up... but remembered... Where there is life...There is Hope... ... and even then I urged myself to function properly... to act and make a difference... in my own way... *** This has been a devastating year for those seeking to stand up for human rights and for those caught up in the suffering war zones, reports Amnesty International...
Governments pay lip service to the importance of protecting civilians... and yet the world's politicians have miserably failed to protect those in greatest need...
Amnesty International believes that this can and MUST change... and it continues...
humanitarian law - the law that governs the conduct of armed conflict
- could not be clearer. Attacks must never be directed against
civilians. The principle of distinguishing between civilians and
combatants is a fundamental safeguard for people caught up in the
horrors of war.
yet, time and again, civilians bore the brunt in conflict. In the
year marking the 20th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide,
politicians repeatedly trampled on the rules protecting civilians -
or looked away from the deadly violations of these rules committed by
There are few things in this that I would like to highlight...
1. "law that governs the conduct of armed conflict"...
What a fantastic idea "laws governing armed conflict..." This in fact legalizing and legitimizing "armed conflict" itself... and setting laws to govern it...
Even well intentioned people and even well meaning organizations stumble when it comes to war... There are no laws governing wars... The only human law that should govern human relationships is civilized dialogue... Reject armed conflicts and ban wars...
2. Even well intentioned people and well meaning organizations play politics with genocide...
Amnesty International knows full well that it is the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide... So instead of focussing on the Rwandan genocide... Amnesty International should include all genocides... and not be selective...
3. Amnesty International wants to do away with the VETO power of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council...
Here again Amnesty International plays naive politics...
The five permanent members are the U.S. of A. and United Kingdom (England) and France and Russia and China...
The intention is good... But the U.S. of A. and England and France are NATO members and they will always gang up against Russia and China...
So the question... Why Russia or China will agree with Amnesty International...
Playing politics with human rights is not humane... and very naive... Amnesty International should not side with this or that country to be effective and to be believable...organization
Meanwhile... the wars will rage and well meaning people and organizations will just preach in the wilderness... and will lose both their luster and effectiveness...
Leave politics out of human rights... and ban all wars...
From Scotland to Islamist Turkey and to then to Islamist-Jihad...
Aqsa Mahmood exults the terrorist group's ideology and calls for attacks against the West. Investigators suspect she also helped lure three girls from the United Kingdom to Syria.
Some well meaning Big Brothers... Some concerned governments are pushing the idea that poverty is the main triggering factor of the Islamist-Jihadists... But a cursory research in uprisings and revolutions will show that the well-to-do middle classes have propelled revolutions forward...
Check the background of this Jihadist lady... She is educated and comes from a middle class family...
That's the leadership core always... since they have the education and they have the financial means too... After the core leadership the rest... the lumpen followers are from the poorer classes... because the core leadership fires their imagination for a better tomorrow...
In this case their is that extra twist of Islamic faith... The Islamic faith has been established by the sword and propagated through force... Just read their history and literature...
Jihad is Holy War and it is part of the Islamic faith...
Some well meaning Big Brothers... Some concerned governments are pushing the idea that poverty is the main triggering factor of the Islamist-Jihadists... But a cursory research in uprisings and revolutions will show that the well-to-do middle classes have propelled revolutions forward...
Check the background of this Jihadist lady... She is educated and comes from a middle class family...
That's the leadership core always... since they have the education and they have the financial means too... After the core leadership the rest... the lumpen followers are from the poorer classes... because the core leadership fires their imagination for a better tomorrow...
In this case their is that extra twist of Islamic faith... The Islamic faith has been established by the sword and propagated through force... Just read their history and literature...
Jihad is Holy War and it is part of the Islamic faith...

Thai students get jail time after ‘insulting’ royals in university play Two young Thais accused of defaming the monarchy in a university play were jailed for two and a half years today, as the ruling junta intensifies a crackdown under the controversial lese majeste law.
Student Patiwat Saraiyaem, 23, and activist Porntip Mankong, 26, were sentenced after pleading guilty to defamation following their arrests last August, nearly a year after “The Wolf Bride”, a satire set in a fictional kingdom, was performed.
When the Islamist-Jihadist attacked Paris and Copenhagen... ALL the "civilized" world was in an uproar... and rightly so...
But where are they now when students are jailed for FREE SPEECH...
The Big Brothers make allowances for their allies... and they cover up for them because they are not after FREE SPEECH but rather they are after PROFIT...
When the Islamist-Jihadist attacked Paris and Copenhagen... ALL the "civilized" world was in an uproar... and rightly so...
But where are they now when students are jailed for FREE SPEECH...
The Big Brothers make allowances for their allies... and they cover up for them because they are not after FREE SPEECH but rather they are after PROFIT...
They even lie for profit and contaminate their research to arrive at desired conclusions... JUST FOR GREED AND PROFIT...
Check this well respected scientist...
Energy Firms Paid Climate Change Denier
Willie Soon accepted $1.2 million from fossil fuel (oil) industry... and so as his research will not be questioned DID NOT DISCLOSE THE GIFTS...
Wei-Hock “Willie” Soon, a widely cited skeptic of global warming, has collected $1.2 million from the fossil fuel industry in the past decade, according to documents unearthed by Greenpeace. The aerospace engineer with little background in climatology called his papers “deliverables,” often failing to reveal a conflict of interest. Though discredited by mainstream scientists, Soon’s work has helped the Senate’s environmental committee chair claim that man-made warming is a hoax according to scientists who “cannot be challenged.”
This is what happens...1. Amnesty International plays politics with human rights...
2. Big Brothers absolve Islam from the terrors of the Islamic-Jihadists just to appease their friends like the Saudi and Jordanian Monarchies or the Islamist Turkish regime...
3. Scientists compromise their research to arrive at the conclusion that their pay-masters want... That is what happens in research for Climate Change... That is what happens when Turkey denies the Armenian Genocide...
And the Big Brothers pursue their GREEDY and GREASY PROFITS... and compromise themselves and human rights...
... And Finally... What the Fuck...!
They are going to auction a vial of blood...!
Wow...! Are we losing our minds...? Are we becoming cannibals...?
Just for the GREED and PROFIT...
"I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat," Winston Churchill has told the British Parliament...And they have taken him laterally...!
A UK auction house is taking the former prime minister's words indeed literally.
Duke's auction house has just announced that it will austion a vial of Prime Minister Churchill's blood... which has been taken during a hospitalization in 1962...
This is Big Brother GREED without borders... This is Big Brother and its quest for PROFIT...
Indeed what the fuck...!!!
And just to calm down... Enjoy the beaks of the birds... They are colourful and lovely... And whenever I am pissed of, like today, I take a long...long...long... walk in nature... It calms my nerves and restors my blood pressure...
Enjoy the birds...
Australian pelican’s large throat pouch changes colour during breeding season (credit: Eve Boulanger-Grondin)
A red crossbill’s crossed beak tips prise seeds out of closed pine cones (credit: Tony Varela Photography)
The larger lower mandible of black skimmers skim for fish in shallow water (credit: Jerry Swain)
The formidable-looking beak of the yellow-billed hornbill is used to forage for seeds (credit: Rob Weaver)
Red-necked avocets sweep their long, slender and curved beaks from side to side (credit: Heather Thorning)
Getting nectar from deep flowers is no problem for sword-billed hummingbirds (credit: Richard Orr)
Where there is life, there is also hope...
Be Inspired... Get Involved... Make a
Australian pelican’s large throat pouch changes colour during breeding season (credit: Eve Boulanger-Grondin)
A red crossbill’s crossed beak tips prise seeds out of closed pine cones (credit: Tony Varela Photography)
The larger lower mandible of black skimmers skim for fish in shallow water (credit: Jerry Swain)
The formidable-looking beak of the yellow-billed hornbill is used to forage for seeds (credit: Rob Weaver)
Red-necked avocets sweep their long, slender and curved beaks from side to side (credit: Heather Thorning)
Getting nectar from deep flowers is no problem for sword-billed hummingbirds (credit: Richard Orr)
Where there is life, there is also hope...
Be Inspired... Get Involved... Make a
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