Monday 9 February 2015

Stop the war in Ukraine... BAN ALL WARS...

A friend wrote few days ago...
I'm sorry it's been a while...a lot has been happening since we last spoke.  It's been a difficult last couple of weeks for me and my family.  I just came back home yesterday after spending a week and a half in the hospital and then another week and a half at my parents' house.  I was having uncontrollable seizures for about a week...probably about 100 a day.  We tried everything to make them stop, and then eventually we found an amazing drug that helped.  Right now I'm on three seizure medications, and on the last Wednesday of January, I started chemo.  They are saying that this was all caused by potential growth in my brain tumour.  They have me doing chemo (in pill form) for five days a week, once a month for the next year.  I never realized how expensive chemo was until now! I don't know how people without insurance can afford it!! I have taken the second semester off of work, and I already miss my students so much.  It is very difficult to be away from my classroom for so long.  

This note reminded me how blessed we are to have our health... It reminded me about the Ebola in Africa... the measles in the U.S. and how selfish people are...
People live in communities ... as such, they have many other responsibilities beside themselves... They have to think of the communal good... and not pursue only selfish and individual interests... they should  not confine themselves in their individual skin and think about the greater good of society... They have to immunize their kids... for the sake of their kids and for the sake of community too...
I love the snow... It is so pristine and clean and pure...
I love to walk in the snow... I love to hold it in my palms and squeeze it... I love to see the water drops oozing to the ground and making holes in the frozen snow... I do not like the machines... contaminating the snow... 
I love people shoveling it aside... Once I shoveled the snow every two hours to keep my driveway clean... I shoveled that night for three times... and then a touch up in the morning... and I drove to school...

Humans and animals enjoying the white and clean snow in the park... the blessed silence of the newly fallen snow... in the park... and then, the abuse of nature by the traffic... I hated when the cars polluted the snow and it made stains on the white snow... the next day the sidewalks were dirty will oily black snow...
...And the rest...

The Pope has signaled the initial steps for proclaiming Bishop Oscar Romero a saint...

Read above...
Oscar Romero was one of the better bishops... He cared for the people... that's why he was assassinated...
He was not assassinated by Islamist-Jihadists... but, by Salvadoran Big Brothers and their goons... their death squads... Unfortunately the North American 1%... the North American Big brothers supported the murderous regime... the killings went unabated... and the successive North American regimes supported them... and the Vatican princes allied with the North American Big Brothers...
Now things have changed a bit... and the Vatican wants to declare Oscar Romero a stain... in the near future...

When I give bread to the poor, they call me a saint...     ...when I ask why the poor have no bread, they call me a Communist.
Romero cared about the people and he is worthy of all honours ... But during the same period in El Salvador other saints were serving the people too...
The four nuns who were murdered in El Salvador by the same 

goods and the same death squads...

I do not care much about the hierarchical elevation to sainthood... but I also applaud the news sipping out this week that Pope Francis has formally declared Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Romero a martyr, which paves the way for his beatification, the final step before sainthood.

Despite the fact that organized religion has perverted religious beliefs of the world... despite the fact that Christian faith is dictated from above...  despite the fact that religions - Christiany and Islam and Judaism and the rest... have evolved and despite the fact that they have been perverted and they even have caused many wars between various Christian denominations... and now the Islamic-Jihadists are perverting Islam and dictating their version of the faith by burning people alive and raping and murdering and making people slaves of their heinous brutality... I still applaud the fact that Archbishop Romero may be beatified...
The four nuns should be beatified too... The Pope should put an end to the patriarchal practices of the Vatican too.

Beverly Hills Hotel...and the Sultan of Brunei...
Brunei's Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah delivers a speech during the official ceremony of the implementation of Sharia laws...
But Sharia laws are discriminatory and Islamist-Jihadists in the Middle East have amply demonstrated it...
They have burned people alive...they have raped and enslaved women... they have massacred people both Christian and Muslim en masse... 

...And celebrities in Los Angeles... have boycotted the Beverly Hills Hotel that the Sultan has purchased...

Legend is the latest celebrity who has joined the widespread boycott against the Beverly Hills Hotel launched by Hollywood last spring.

The protest is in response to Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, owner of the hotel chain, unveiling Sharia law in Brunei that allows for the stoning, amputation or flogging of those found guilty of adultery or homosexuality.

Last week it was revealed that the U.S. intelligence has profiled Putin of Russia and there was was much rumor and speculation about his sicknesses... for days... 

May be they have to profile the Sultan of Brunei... The King of Saudi Arabia.. and may be they should make peace with Putin... and let Ukraine be declared a neutral country where peace and art prosper and where people will create and recreate and be happy...
May be they can leave Ukraine to prosper and be a beacon of PEACE and PROSPERITY and HARMONY among people...
May be the Big brothers of the East and the West and the North and the South should let it go and leave the Global Village in peace...

Ukraine is bleeding...and Eastern Ukraine has become a testing ground for military hardware and capabilities.

The blaming game... continues...
Ukraine's crisis has been caused by the West, Russian President Vladimir Putin insists, as he considers Franco-German proposals to end fighting between the government and pro-Russia rebels.
Putin cites...
  • NATO-WEST supporting a "coup d'etat in Kiev" 
  • There had been attempts, Mr Putin told Egypt's al-Ahram newspaper, "to tear states which had been parts of the former USSR [Soviet Union] off Russia and to prompt them to make an artificial choice 'between Russia and Europe'.
On the other hand,

  • NATO-U.S.-WEST blame Russia for land grab... 
  • Attack on neigbours...
A rebel Strela-10 air defense system on the streets of Donetsk
Most of the Ukrainian army's equipment is also Russian-made
Now America says they will give Kiev more arms...
What will more arms do...?
The NATO-West gives more arms to Ukraine...
Definitely Russia will match those by more arms to Eastern rebels...
So what...?
Definitely more killing...

Ukraine's war: The human cost
  • 5,358 people killed and 12,235 wounded in eastern Ukraine
  • Fatalities include 298 people on board flight MH17 shot down on 17 July
  • 224 civilians killed in three-week period leading up to 1 February
  • 5.2 million people estimated to be living in conflict area
  • 1,921,640 internally displaced people within Ukraine, including 136,216 children600,000 fled to neighbouring countries of whom more than 400,000 have gone to Russia

The Ukraine conflict has killed more than 5,300 people since April last year

And a "new" peace initiative...
The leaders of Russia, Ukraine, Germany and France aim to meet in Belarus's capital Minsk on Wednesday to discuss a peace plan for eastern Ukraine.

Stop this murderous game...
Ware is not a game... 
Big Brothers of East and West and North and South... must find another means to satisfy their GREED...
Just a suggestion... May be the Big Brothers should learn how to work for their money... similar to the rest of us...
May be the 1% should learn to be honest and work harder like the rest of us...
Ukraine for Ukrainians... Stop the stupid games... BAN ALL WARS...

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