Monday 16 February 2015

Together We WILL Create a Better Future...

Today I wanted to begin the week with love and human harmony... But the news was brutal and reading the news with my first cup of coffee I was reminded that humans have very little love for each other... and there is no harmony...
Rodin's the Kiss...
Today I wanted to write about art and Rodin and The Kiss and the beauty that humans can share with each other... But the news was disgustingly cruel... The more I read, more disgusted I was...
Eventually I got bored and tired...
So I had my second cup of coffee in the backyard in the sun... the birds were chirping and the fragrance of grapefruit and orange blossoms was  enchanting... I was in a wonderful space...
Then I remembered my friends and people in the Northeast in New York and Boston and Toronto and Montreal... and the idea of them enjoying the day in winter wonderland made me jealous and at the same time happy... 
I wanted to walk on the snow and hear the sound of my footsteps... I wanted to be bundled up and breath the chilly breeze... But I was happy that I was in the sun and having my second cup of coffee...
          Winter in Florida...        and in Los Angeles...            

This is the other face of Winter... balmy and sunny and people are happy...

The wonderful enigma variations of Mother Nature... No engineer can come even close to the creations of Nature... No architect can create the beauty of Nature...
I was thinking and thinking makes me happy...
I closed my eyes and traveled all around the globe... from Moscow to Kiev and to Berlin and Paris and London... and roamed Europe again... I went to the Middle East without the brutality of the Islamist-Jihadists and I traveled the North American cities... I enjoyed the cold and the warm... all was beautiful in my mind... my eyes closed I imagined the civilization that it could be... But then the brutal reality if the disgusting wars... interrupted my happy hour in the sun...

I read more... and got disgusted more...
Whenever I get bored... tired of reading I resort to physical activity to dissipate the negativity that begins to accumulate with the stupidity of human actions...
So I went to the kitchen and washed the dishes... I don;t like the washing machine... I wash the dishes manually... It gives me time to relax and to refocus... 
I wash the dishes always having the drought in Los Angeles... in parts of Africa in mind... and I try to use as little as possible... I want to conserve the water... without compromising cleanliness...
Humans can do so much more for global warming... for each other... for peace and harmony...
And while washing the dishes I relaxed again...
Now to the Stupidity in Denmark...

The combination is lethal and becoming all too familiar: a long criminal record, easy access to weapons, a loathing of the countries and cultures where they were born and deep-seated anti-Semitism capped with an irrational anti-Christianism...

And the attacker in Denmark fits perfectly well in the description above... The police say they believe the man they killed in a shootout is responsible for the fatal attack at a free speech forum and later the deadly shooting near a synagogue in Copenhagen...

It is an insane cultural war... a war of civilizations... It is definitely not a religious war, despite the fact that the Islamist-Jihadists claim that it is... Their claim has more to do with recruitment of naive Muslim youth for whom killing and raping have assumed an illogical appeal... Because of the video games and brutal pop culture from the Western - European and North American metropolises... from New York to Los Angeles and to London... Paris... Berlin... Prague... and to Warsaw and Kiev and Moscow and beyond... 
The violent video games are doing the needed propaganda for the Islamist-Jihadists... the youth is getting used to e-killing... and e-murders... and beheadings and all the rest of the violence on TV and in video games and in movies...
Violence has established itself firmly in sports and raps and songs and universities and movies and video games...
Killing has become an everyday occurrence in North America... Rapes on campuses are rampart...
It is not a religious war... But the Islamist-Jihadists want to entice the Muslim youth to the inhumane battlefields... and also they want the support of the Islamic masses in the Middle East and in the rest of the Islamic world...
It is not a religious war... but they will kill Christians and Jews just to camouflage their GREED and ambitions... 
They want to establish a sultanate and bring back the harems and lifestyle of the caliphate an the caliphs and the sultans... Their aim is convoluted and their sight backward... 

"We have tasted the ugly taste of fear and powerlessness that terror would like to create. But we have also, as a society, answered back."

Denmark, like most western European capitals has a large immigrant population from the Muslim world -- including Turks, Somalis, Bosnians, Moroccans, Tunisians, Algerians and groups from Kosovo. While the vast majority have integrated peacefully, a small fraction of "second generation" immigrants -- as in France -- have adopted militant Salafism, which originated in Saudi Arabia and is guided by the religious establishment and now their followers Islamists-Jihadists... 

The suspected gunman, named by Danish media as Omar El-Hussein, 22, was shot dead by police after he attacked a free speech debate and a synagogue.
I guess the attacks in Europe are just beginning and the Trojan Horse, the agitated Muslim youth, within European communities will copy cat Paris and Copenhagen and kill more...
The masters in the Middle East are disgustingly brutal and inhumane...

They paraded prisoners in cages...
They forced people to come out on the streets and applaud and mock the prisoners...
They humiliated their prisoners... They raped them... male and female alike... gender is not a matter when it comes to rape...
Islamist-Jihadists will rape males, females, teenage girls and boys...  
They want to establish a vulture of terror... and violence...
All too often violence becomes an end in itself for the terrorist organization, which then loses any legitimacy that it might have once had and is eventually wiped out by military or police action. That is the position that ISIS now finds itself in with its killing of the Jordanian pilot... with caging the prisoners... with raping boys and girls alike... beheading journalists and massacring minorities...


The Islamic State (ISIS) appears to have slaughtered 23  Coptic Christians from Egypt...

They line them up... They humiliate them... They mock and torture them... and then they kill them...
They kill them... one bullet at the back of the head... and they get a kick out of their action...
I am not sure that an entrepreneur will imitate the disgusting murders of the Islamist-Jihadists and create a video game...
Remember... in a GREED propelled and profit motivated society... even murder becomes a commodity... and a way to riches...
Nothing surprises me any more...

Libya has been in turmoil since 2011 and the overthrow of its then-leader, Col Muammar Gaddafi.

Since then, numerous other militia groups have battled for control and the Islamist-Jihadists are controlling cities and killing Christian Coptic Egyptians...
Now the NATO-West-North America may lament for the killings... But they were responsible for the situation in Libya... They were the ones who bombed the hell out of the Libyan army and created the power vacuum... They wanted the "moderate" and friendly forces to come to power... and the "moderate" friendly forces... metamorphosed into the current Islamist-Jihadists...
Still the NATO-WEST has not learned and still they advocate their bankrupt policy in Syria....

Germany: Braunschweig parade halted over terror alert...

A carnival parade has been called off at short notice in Braunschweig, northern Germany, due to the threat of an Islamist-Jihadist attack, police said.
In Copenhagen they attacked a free speech forum... in Germany they threaten a joyful parade...
The Islamist-Jihadists are the Trojan Horse within Europe... The Big Brothers created the situation... they imported cheap labor from Turkey and the Middle East and Norther Africa... and now the people will bear the consequences...
Police urge people for calm ...
Pasco police: He threw multiple rocks hitting two officers and refused to put other stones down...
The police chasing the man... Police, three of them, firing on the rock throwing unarmed Latino man... 

The man is shot at... three of them... and the man begins to fall... 

The Latino man is shot by three policeman...

A very brief encounter occurred between Zambrano-Montes and police, "during which the officers may have tried to taser" him, the claim said.
Zambrano-Montes separated from the officer and walked away from them in the crosswalk, the claim said.
"He had his back to the officers," the claim said. "At this point, the officers started shooting at Mr. Zambrano-Montes.
"After Mr. Zambrano-Montes reached the other side of the street and got on the sidewalk, he continued to walk away from the officers with his hands out where they could be seen, again showing that he had no knife, no gun or nothing else in his hands that would cause a threat to the three officers who were then lined up on the sidewalk behind ... Antonio Zambrano-Montes," the claim alleges.
"As Mr. Zambrano-Montes turned toward the officers, all three officers fired multiple rounds, killing Antonio Zambrano-Montes on the sidewalk in front of numerous businesses," the claim alleges.
"At the time that he was shot and killed, execution style, by the three officers named herein, in broad daylight, and with no knife or firearm in his hands, and for the conduct of throwing rocks at an earlier time, Mr. Zambrano-Montes posed no danger to the three officers, such that they were justified in the use of deadly force..." the claim said.

Some Questions that are nagging me...

  • Why the African America community did not come out in force and protests the killing of an unarmed Latino man...? If the African American community wants to be credible, they should come out and protest any and all shootings... If the African American leaders want to be credible than they should raise the killings of all not only blacks... Yes, Black lives do matter... but so does ALL life... The African American community needs allies... and need solidarity... BUT THEY HACE TO RECIPROCATE TOO...
  • Why the police did not condemn their fellow officers... ? After all, it is all on video and it is a point blank murder... If police want to be credible... they should come out and condemn these killings... When they just come in their thousands and condemn only when a police officer is killed... they will have credibility deficiency... 
  • Why the Muslim communities are not coming out and condemning the shooting in Paris and in Copenhagen... If they do not come out and protest then they also have a credibility deficiency...
Remember... It happened before too...

When the Nazis came for the communists,

I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I wasn't a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.

Today I wanted to write about love and peace and harmony...

Kissing Men.
Near the Prague central train station, there’s a statue of a male soldier passionately kissing a male farmer.

Today I wanted to write about men and women in love and living in peace and harmony...
Today I wanted to write about Lent and the things that I will give up during Lent... But it did not happen...
Maybe tomorrow... Maybe the day after... Maybe...


It is the centenary of the Armenian Genocide... But the Turkish regime is still unrepentant and still denies it...
More than 1.5 million Armenians parishes - raped, burned alive in churches, drowned in Euphrates, and murdered... JUST BECAUSE THEY WERE CHRISTIANS... and the Turkish regime did not tolerate it... The same Turkish regime who is an ally of NATO-West-North America...
But Armenians remember and Demand Justice...
                        Forget me not                 and            Mount Ararat... the symbol of Armenian
                                                                                     perseverance and Turkish defeat...

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