Wednesday 11 February 2015

A Legend of War and Peace ... and YOU...

The legend goes...
The world was beautiful... But then came humans... and they bombed the world to open roads... like a ribbon of wound oozing profit to satisfy the greed of the 1%... the Big Brothers were happy... but the world was wounded mortally...
The did not care about the consequences... they just wanted to pile money...
The asphalt wound was traveled by cars and people chased money... at times they killed each other... at times they used the roads to go to war...

The roads were dangerous... the roads circles the mountains and like snakes suffocated the corn fields and ruined the wineries and the rivers were polluted and began running dry ...                         Humans waged wars ...                                                                                            The 1% made profit... and the 1% was very happy...                                           The rest of the population of the planet was suffering... But the 1% was happy... They piled money and they lived happily ever after... The rest, the 99% disappeared... and then the 1% ate their monies....
Monkeys say... 
"Humans are funny and stupid... They will destroy themselves and the world too..."
She is laughing at us... She is asking;  "how stupid humans can be...?
War Story and You...
President Obama has asked Congress to authorize war on the Islamist-Jihadist... Just like his predicessor initiated war on Iraq... that is, invasion of Iraq...                                     The Iraqi invasion is unfolding still in the Middle East... The Islamis-Jihadists are the Latest version of Saddam Hussein...                                                                                                   May be Saddam's spirit is haunting us... ! Just maybe...

NATO-West-and the allies like Saudi Arabia and the rest... will invade Islamist-Jihadists territories... That is good... but they created the bug which is haunting the world... When they invaded Iraq... they initiated a war without end... and now we have entered a new cycle and soon we will jump an orbit and a new cycle will begin when the U.S. Congress authorizes new war initiatives that President Obama wants...
Islamist-Jihadists celebrating war... Rejoice in murder and rape and slavery and stoning and beheading  and amelioration...and terror... and inhuman brutality...

War is not a game... standing up on a tank an waving flags is moronic... rejoicing murder and rape and killing others is plain stupid and inhuman...
And now it is you by yourself... and you have to decide... you may applaud war... but realize that applauding war is applauding cruelty and killing and murder ... and remember... humans should not kill... after all, you are your brother's keeper and your sister's protector...

3 Muslim students shot to death in apartment near University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill

A 46-year-old man has been charged with murder in the shooting death of three Muslim students in an apartment near the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill campus.
They say it is a parking spot dispute... So why they are reporting the victims religion...? 
The media of the Big Brother wants to sensationalize everything... they want to make scandals out of everything... and they want to make money...
The reporters are a tool for deceiving people... they work for the BIG corporations... and BIG corporations are owned by the Big brothers... and the Big Brothers are hungry for money...
The person who killed is an atheist... so why sensationalize the situation by referring to victims religion... ?
There is enough stupidity around with the sensational reporting...! 
The disconnect...
Two women look at the painting "Nafea faa ipoipo" (When will you marry?, 1892) by French painter Paul Gauguin on display in the Fondation Beyeler in Riehen, Switzerland, 06 February 2015
A painting of two Tahitian girls by the French artist Paul Gauguin has been sold for $300m (£197m), making it the most expensive work of art ever sold.
Nafea Faa Ipoipo, or When Will You Marry?, was painted in 1892 and had been owned by a Swiss collector.
Unconfirmed reports suggest it was sold to a museum in Qatar.
The small oil-rich state paid the previous highest price for a painting, a work by Paul Cezanne which sold for a reported £158m.

$300 million... !
Wasted for the prestige of owning a Cezanne!

Maybe we can feed the world... may be we can ban the wars... may be you should be motivated enough to act and make a difference...

We can feed the world... but we have to stop wars... we have to let Ukraine breath... we have to let the wars in the Middle East halt... we have to let Africa prosper without the European interference... without the wars instigated by the Big Brother GREED...

May be you should be inspired... and get involved... and make a difference...

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