agrees there is no military solution... [but] there is a political solution -
let's find it."

Military cemetery in France...
This is said in relation to the Syrian civil war...bu it is true for ALL wars... There are no military solution to any conflict...the sides have to sit with each other in a mature way and have a dialogue and agree... This is the civilized way... THIS IS THE HUMAN WAY...- The conflict in Ukraine will drag on militarily...unless they talk to each other and mean what they say... The West-U.S. and Russian Big brothers are playing a deadly game and the Ukrainians are paying the price...
- The conflict in Afghanistan has dragged on for decades...the Russians invaded and left...without resolving anything... The West and the U.S. came... and they will leave without solving anything... The poppy fields and the heroin business is booming and the Taliban are still interceded their on the border with Pakistan...
- Iraq is a nightmarish fiasco... and the U.S. politician-Big Brothers are blaming each other... and the Islamic Jihadists are extending their influence in Syria and in Libya and in Algeria and in Egypt... they are finding Islamist extremist who are allied with them...
There is no military solution anywhere...
Today is Remembrance Day... We wear puppies... and then forget...
Today is Remembrance Day... We remember the victims of WW I... They said it was the "war to end all wars"... how stupid it sounds...now...
We had WW II and nothing is solved... We had the Korean War and nothing is solved... We had the Vietnam War... and Asia is again simmering between Japan and China and Vietnam and Korea ... and nothing is solved...
Wars solve NOTHING AT ALL... they at most postpone the solution of the conflicts...
Today is Remembrance Day... and it always has bugged me the way they praise their soldiers and their victims... and demonize the other side... If Remembering will be GENUINE and mean something... then we have to remember the victims of both sides...we have to respect the soldiers of both sides...
We we just remember one side...when we demonize the other sides... we are planting the seeds for the next conflict... If we cannot bring the sides together and SHARE and live in HARMONY... then we have not learned the lessons of previous wars and we will wage yet mote wars...
It is sad... but it is true...
Ninety-six years ago today the guns fell silent on the bloody Western
Front in France and Belgium. World War I had
ended. The conflict
had exacted an enormous toll... millions died... and many of the soldiers returning "home" committed suicide...
Check the example of the Ottoman Empire... It collapsed. but the problems still linger... Kurds are still suppressed... Armenians still are denied their rights... and the genocide continues... Alawies are massacred... and after almost 100 years... nothing has changed and the WAR - the War to END ALL Wars... solved absolutely nothing...
What became known as the Young Turk Revolution
brought euphoria and
optimism to the multi-ethnic, multi-religious populations of the Ottoman Empire, who were enticed by the CUP with the promise, rooted in the rhetoric of the French Revolution, of "Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity."
In Izmir, Ottoman Jews marched alongside government dignitaries, shouting "Long live the fatherland! Long live liberty!" In Beirut, Biblical and Quranic passages were posted side by side. In Jerusalem, Armenians, Greeks, and Arabs celebrated under a banner at the city gate that read, "Long live the army, long live freedom. Liberty, equality, and fraternity." All over the Ottoman Empire, Muslims, Christians, and Jews marched in processions together, basking in the dawn of a new era.
But within a year, the last great Islamic empire's brief foray into secular constitutionalism deteriorated into ethnic and religious violence.
The major consequences of the coup, in real terms, were a genocide that claimed the lives of more than one million ethnic Armenians, the displacement of hundreds of thousands of former Ottoman citizens in Eastern Anatolia, and -- following the First World War -- the loss of the Ottoman Arab lands, which were carved into unwieldy nation-states controlled by British and French suzerains.
optimism to the multi-ethnic, multi-religious populations of the Ottoman Empire, who were enticed by the CUP with the promise, rooted in the rhetoric of the French Revolution, of "Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity."
In Izmir, Ottoman Jews marched alongside government dignitaries, shouting "Long live the fatherland! Long live liberty!" In Beirut, Biblical and Quranic passages were posted side by side. In Jerusalem, Armenians, Greeks, and Arabs celebrated under a banner at the city gate that read, "Long live the army, long live freedom. Liberty, equality, and fraternity." All over the Ottoman Empire, Muslims, Christians, and Jews marched in processions together, basking in the dawn of a new era.
But within a year, the last great Islamic empire's brief foray into secular constitutionalism deteriorated into ethnic and religious violence.
The major consequences of the coup, in real terms, were a genocide that claimed the lives of more than one million ethnic Armenians, the displacement of hundreds of thousands of former Ottoman citizens in Eastern Anatolia, and -- following the First World War -- the loss of the Ottoman Arab lands, which were carved into unwieldy nation-states controlled by British and French suzerains.
And check the incident below between a Harvard researcher and the Turkish president... which proves again that nothing has been resolved by WARS...
Abdullah Gul... Turkish President... and the Harvard researcher...
Gezi Park protesters...were killed and the police arrested many...
Emrah Altındış, a biologist working in a research center at Harvard
University, took the floor after Gul's speech at Harvard earlier this year, questioning whether the former head of state had a "clear conscience" after the government's crackdown on last year's nationwide Gezi protests.
"How do you sleep at night when people are dying in Turkey? Aren't you ashamed to be at the head of such a state?" Altındış asked, shocking many… and president answered: "Now, listen to me: No one would let you ask this kind of question so easily."
After this episode… Altındış was harassed and threatened
and even received around 100 insulting messages calling him a "Jewish
seed," "Greek seed," "Armenian seed," "Bloodless
Kurd," and "traitor." Some
messages have also included death threats…
After WW I ...there was WW II... Can we avoid a WW III...?
It is up to us...
Get involved...Make a difference...
Members of the British military’s Home Guard with their pigeons during World War II, on July 31, 1940
The pigeons a drones...
Mexico... Gangster Style... Nothing is changed and violence continues...
The story...
The 43 college students who were preparing to become teachers... decide to collect money from citizens ... in order to travel to Mexico City, the capital, for a student gathering in memory of students who were killed by government forces when they attacked the University of Mexico...
The governor's wife had planned a social gathering... She is annoyed at the students... and phones her husband, the governor, and complains... because she and her guests are ashamed of the students...they are like beggars she says over the phone...
The governor calls the police chief and tells him to get rid of the students...
The police pick the students and hand them to the local drug mafia...
The drug gang kills them all and burns the bodies...

Mexico's Attorney General Jesus Murillo Karam speaks during a news conference in Mexico City ...
Jesus Murillo tried to cut short a news conference on Friday evening, arching his eyebrows with the aside "Ya me canse", or "I've had enough"...
His name is an insult...too... He must be forced to change his name and resign...

The victims...
Protesters in Mexico City lie down to highlight the
disappearance of the 43 students...
Protests continue...cars are burned ...
The students were taken six weeks ago and
apparently murdered and incinerated by corrupt police in league with drug gang
Policemen block the wooden door of President Enrique Pena Nieto's ceremonial palace during the protest
The burning door....
And it is not only in mexico... where more than 100 000 have died in the hands of the police and the drug gangs since 2007...
Compare this number with the 4000 deaths in Ukraine...
Compare the deaths in Mexico to the number of civil war victims in Syria...
It is a shame that Big Brother politicians are in collusion with the drug gangs and the drug barons...
The Big Brothers everywhere are in alliance with each other...
The Big Brothers have a world without borders... they help each other and they support each other...
Maybe it is time the people of the world can come together and get involved... and make a difference... and help each other too...
Ban the WARS...
Share the wealth...
Stop the GREED of the Big Brothers...
Get involved... and make a difference...
Remembering the victims of wars is not enough...
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