Incomprehensible... But it's the reality...
The Emperor is naked in the West and in Pakistan and in Turkey and in Saudi Arabia ... The Greed and Profit unit the Big brothers of all... But the people suffer...
Yesterday they elected new-old people in the U.S. but the system of Greed and Profit...did not change...
The Middle east is hijacked by Islamic Jihadists...
It is a completely alien culture...The values are different and the social norms confused and complex and incomprehensible ...The "moderate" Muslims stress that these people do not represent them... but on the other hand they are not condemning them too... One of my Muslim students was not happy with my perception and writing...He said you have been there and you should know better... Indeed I have been in the Middle East ... But the Middle east I knew was tolerant and civilized and cultured too... They did not threaten me because I was non-Muslim infidel... They were tolerant and we were friends...
Now it is different...
Check the 13-years-old below...
13-year-old ISIL supporter ‘ready to attack Turkey’ and the West...
“I like the Islamic State because they pursue Shariah and kill infidels, non-Sunnis and those who converted from Islam,” he said.

Abu Hattab-13 years old jihaadist
There are many
young kids...who are being trained as suicide bombers...but do they know
what they are doing…?

Some jihadist groups are using child soldiers as suicide bombers and snipers
The elders…
The Islamic Jihadist Big brothers are taking advantage of the kids… and their
parents… They are paying few dollars and taking the kids away from the
parents…and all in the name of Allah…

"Fatima" says she is ashamed that her other sons have not taken up arms
She regrets that all her sons did not join the deadly rampage of the Jihadists...
It is a different mentality...
it is a different culture...and definitely a different civilization ... which is indeed difficult to grasp...
It will be easier to solve a calculus question for me...than attempt to comprehend these people...
They define beheadings as everyday human activity...
They define mass killings, massacres, as normal everyday chore...
Incomprehensible indeed...
But then the Muslim masses tell us that they do not represent them and these are a minority ... But on the other hand, they do not condemn the Jihadists activities too...
What to believe... What they say or what they do...
Check the news from Pakistan...
In the latest vigilante attack based on an accusation of
blasphemy, a young Christian couple in Pakistan was beaten by a mob and then
incinerated at a brick factory...
Christians protest...But it is a cry in the wilderness...
The Islamic hordes are not restrained... and the Western Big Brothers have accounts to clear...They have still to satisfy their GREED and profit... They do not heed to the cries of the Christian minorities... Armenian, Coptic, Assyrians and Syriac ...
In pakistan the Christian minority protests... but no one listens...
The couple who were stoned and then burned...
The brick factory where the Christian couple were incinerated...
The grieving relatives...
But nothing will happen ...
After all, like Saudi Arabia and Turkey... Pakistan is a Western ally...
The Western Big brothers need them... Like they need Turkey and like they need Saudi Arabia...
Who cares about the christian minorities, Yezidies, Alewaites, and Kurds...
These are dispensable minorities...
The PROFITS of the West come first...
The GREED of the West must be satiated first...
All of these...Western and Muslim Big Brothers have the same motive... PROFIT...
Religion is a cover... and diabolical and greedy philosophical rationalization for their crimes...
The West and Saudis and the Turkish and Pakistani Big Brothers are allies and nothing matters... other than their profit...
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