Saturday 8 November 2014

Power...and Greed...and Corruption...

Power Corrupts, Science Proves It...

“All power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely,”     

And now, science “proves” it…
Corruption is a very common occurrence in…
·       Politics… Presidents and politicians are indebted to their donors… They will lobby for them and they will skew the laws for them… and they will be rewarded accordingly…
·       The Army… Generals and the rest… and the police…have license to kill and they use it against all those whom they dislike…
·       Judges and attorneys…They arrest anyone their prejudice fancies… They invent interpret laws according to their likes and dislikes…
·       Business … These people are professional cheaters and robbers… They manipulate the markets to satisfy their GREED and make more profit…
·       Organized religion … The sex scandals and the monies paid for the victims is enormous… and the Islamic Jihadists are a living prove of abuse of religion… and the riches of the Vatican and other palaces for the Princes of the Churches is abundant proof of corruption
·       …and the rest of the power elite…The Big brothers… I am sure all the readers have encountered a corrupt and power hungry Big Brother or two… be it a teacher, a principal, a politician…be it a police-person… and be it a male or a female… Indeed power corrupts… and we have witnessed it in our everyday life…

But now science comes to help us too…
University of Lausanne...

A study was conducted by the Swiss University of Lausanne… which about PRACTICE rather than theory…actually the theory should follow the practice and myriad examples…from our experience and from those of other…

They conducted an experiment with real money... and ALL participant-leaders were corrupted at the end of the experiment...

The team of researchers performed two versions…
The team performed two anonymous experiments, both variations of the famous “dictator game” in which a leader is put in charge of distributing an imaginary sum of money. The more they kept for themselves, the less others would get.

Money can do magic and feed the hungry...but it can do evil and destroy the world too...

So as the results were representative, the money was real
The study found that initially all leaders, regardless of levels of honesty, said they believed it right to act for the greater good — only 3 percent believed the leader should benefit more than anyone else. The social norm was clear. 
The study also measured the levels of testosterone of leaders — with a saliva test — to see if an increase made them less sensitive to the suffering of others. The answer was a resounding yes. More testosterone led to more anti-social behavior, which suggests women are less likely to become corrupt than men.

Why they have Gandhi on the money... 

Why they write "In God we Trust" on the dollar bill...?

So it turns out that even if a leader is shown to be honest and trustworthy before taking office, or becoming a CEO, or taking an oath to participate in a religious order…it might not last. 
So it is on people power… to limit a leader’s avarice…and GREED…
The people in Ferguson are finding it the hard way…while awaiting the verdict on the police who killed an unarmed and mischievous young African American…
The students in Hong Kong are finding it very difficult to reign the appetite of the Chinese Big Brothers for more and more power…
The Ukrainians are finding it the hard way…4000 or more are killed… while the West and East… The U.S. and Russia are struggling for hegemony and power…
The Ebola victims…in West Africa are finding it the hard way… more than    10, 000 are dead…
Indeed power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely… The experiment with real money…at University of Lausanne... does not leave much room for doubt… GREED rules and human GREED is both dangerous and lethal…
Educate the younger generation to share and to cooperate…That’s the only way…Start with the education system…and teach the kids to love instead of bullying…to cooperate instead of competing… and share instead of selfish greed…

It can be done…where there is will, there is possibility…

Have the vision and the will to change… Get involved and make a difference.

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