Tuesday 4 November 2014

For the LOVE of nature and for the survival of human habitat ...

You May Be the Next Apple

Today is your day...
Just be inspired by all the GOODNESS around you ... and get involved ... Choose an issue that is close to your heart... Think about it... Talk with your friends... Be a group like the students and the young people in Hong Kong... or like the your in Ferguson... or be inspired by the individual challenge of the New York nurse... and then act...and you will be the next apple... you will make a difference...

The Three apples... Just waiting the fourth... Just waiting for you...

and next...

You may use the apple to entice and cheat...You may fool yourself and others too...
But you full of potential...You have the energy...
Get involved and make a difference...
Like the guy below...
He did it... and you can do it too...
Be inspired and choose your cause and get involved and make ALL the difference...
Just idling is a waste of time and potential too...
Act on your goodness...
Help the community...
Help the Global Village too...

Ebola Crisis and Individual Rights…
The Nurse and the Governor Reach Agreement...
They make a deal...!
The Governor back off... and the nurse kicks ass...
It is wonderful to kick Big Brother ass...!

She returned from West Africa... and they quarantined her in the tent below...
She said...But I do not have any symptoms...
I am not contagious...since I do not have the symptoms...
So why you are quarantining me...?
She rebelled and protected her individual rights...
Kudos for her ... 
By challenging the Big Brothers and protecting her individual rights as a person...She protected your rights and mine too...
Now it is our turn...Be the fourth apple...

The Governor makes a deal...
The deal complies with Friday's ruling by a judge that she should be free to travel but must monitor her health.
Only one person in the US is currently being treated for Ebola in New York.
"I am not going to sit around and be bullied around by politicians and be forced to stay in my home when I am not a risk to the American public," said Ms Hickox.
Ms Hickox travelled to Sierra Leone with the Doctors Without Borders medical charity when the outbreak erupted.
The Nurse talks...
"The truth is I completely understand that this town has been through a lot and there's still a lot of fears and misinformation out there. I think we need to start addressing those issues..." 

And added...
"It's also true that I only moved here to Fort Kent, Maine, in August. So, you know, there are a lot of people who don't know me. I'm still an outsider, and I just sort of want to respect their wishes." 


They call Mother Nature...They praise the fruits of Nature...and then they abuse her...
Who abuses her/his mother...?
Humans do...!
The UN report condemns the inaction... human collusion and abuse... but also inspires hope ... It states that it is not to late to salvage the world... Get involved and SAVE the Global Village... It is the only world we have... Instead of being a tourist in space... Be a GOOD citizen of the WORLD first... Instead of wasting money and effort on Virgin Galactic... invest in efforts to halt climate change...
Ego trip...and waste of energy and money...
The world is dying bits by bits every day... and the poor are going hungry every day... and the West Africans are dying from Ebola... and the world is scarred of wars in the Middle east and Ukraine...
Invest the money for climate change... clean the environment... and provide food...

UN Climate Change Report
“Climate Change is irreversible”

It’s too late. We’re stuck in a vortex of irreversible climate change, warns an international team of scientists. The UN panel released findings from a five-year mission to assess environmental damage, and the news isn’t good. We already face severe weather and flooding from melting polar ice. And even if all fossil fuel emissions stopped, their impact would “continue for centuries.” All we can do is mitigate even more dangerous effects with efforts to cut pollution — and hope it buys us time to adapt and survive.

Collecting rubbish left by climbers on Everest in the Himalayas (Getty Images)

Wherever we go, we seem to have a knack for leaving our rubbish and waste behind. Visit even the most remote outpost on the planet and you will witness this first hand. Shredded tyres and plastic bottles punctuate the vast expanse of the Gobi desert; plastic bags ride the currents in the middle of the Pacific; and spent oxygen canisters and raw sewage mar the snows of Mount Everest.

China Goes on Holiday to Cut Smog
Beijing suppressed and depressed and oppressed by daily smog...

Beijing officials are instituting a sudden week-long break, shutting schools and factories, and urging citizens to take a hike. The “holiday” is a bid to clear the dirty air before November’s Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum. Shutting down will stall productivity, but China doesn’t want a repeat of days earlier this month when smog levels were 16 times higher than World Health Organization guidelines — especially with heads of state like President Obama there to breathe it in.

In deep water, amphipod crustaceans, are found with cow DNA in their stomach...

Some human impacts on the marine realm can also be completely unexpected...
Looks like it will devour you ... before you can bite it...
and before the cow DNA reaches the ocean ...deep down 11 km...

In 2007, for example, several amphipod crustaceans scooped up from water 11km (6.8 miles) below the surface of the Pacific Ocean turned out with cow DNA in their guts…
 “How do you get cow to the bottom of the Kermadec Trench?”, 11km below the surface… the researcher posited…rhetorically!  “I’m sure it was just a ship dumping its leftovers.”

...And photos of a volcano that erupted in Hawaii...

The lava is flowing... Fascinating power of Mother Nature 

The lava devours human dwellings and trees and vegetation...

Lava and the power of Nature...

Decomposing vegetation creates methane gas...
and the methane gas explodes in front of the lava flow...

The fury of Nature... is equal to her love...
The power of nature... the lava flow...

If you ACT they will survive...
Be the fourth apple and help nature to rejuvenate...
Help the Global Village to survive...

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