Sunday 9 November 2014

Celebrate the FALL of the Berlin WALL...Be Inspired...Get Involved and make a difference...

It is the 25th anniversary of the 
Fall of the Berlin Wall 

The Wall...
They say fences good neighbours make... But not in this case…
Big Brothers cannot divide a community into your camp and the other camp and expect that they will obey… They cannot split a nation and expect that they will obey… They cannot massacre people and hope that they will be subjugated to the diktat of the oppression…
There is a very interesting novel… The Wretched of the World written by Frantz Fanon… where the he narrated the oppression of the Algerians by French… but the French could never subjugate them…
The oppressed always rise up and eventually triumph too… Vietnam and Eastern Europe are examples of human spirit…Humans love to be free…without oppressors and without Big Brothers…
Azerbaijan is trying to subjugate Armenians and they are failing… Russians are attempting to split Ukrainians and they will eventually fail… The Islamic Jihadists are killing their way into a new Islamic State…but as long as their adventure is rested of brutality and massacres and subjugation… even if they try to cover their intellectual and political nakedness by religious fig leaves… they will fail…
Human spirit loves to be free… of political Big brothers…religious Big Brothers or even Business Big Brothers…
Hitler fail…Stalin failed… Turkey will not be able to subjugate Kurds and Armenians forever… the West will not be able to trample the will of the Aram people and Palestinians forever… Ukraine will be free… Arabs and Jews will live side by side… free of Israeli-Western and Arab Big Brothers… Oil will not subjugate the Jews and the Arabs forever…
The Berlin Wall was destroyed… 25 years ago…                                                                   The Israeli wall separating Jews and Arabs will fall too…
People will live in harmony and share the land and her riches… People will be free from the Walls of all kind… The West should understand this… Russia and China should understand this…and propagate harmony among people instead of attempting to make the people to follow their hegemony…
Russia will fail in Ukraine… The West will fail in the Middle east… Trukey and its Islamic Jihadists allies will fail too…
Celebrate the FALL OF THE BERLIN WALL… and destroy ALL the walls that Big Brothers erect among people…
Imagine a world without walls… a world for all…
Imagine…and Get involved …and make a difference… Create a world without the Walls … and built a world without borders…

The  Images and the Art on the Berlin Wall...

The road will lead to eventual liberty and the Wall will Fall...

The Wall is guarded by East German soldiers ... They could guard the Wall, but could nut smash the human spirit for liberty and fraternity...

What's the other side of the Wall...
My Daughter visited the wall few days ago... and emailed these images...
The graffity on the Wall...
The picture above is may be the most famous and probably recognizable - It is called God, help me to survive this deadly kiss.
The painting depicts the "kiss" of the Soviet Union Leonid Brezhnev and GDR leader Erich Honecker.

The Wall's fall is a powerful symbol of the 1989 revolutions in Eastern Europe

White balloons for the 25th anniversary...
And more paintings and graffiti...
Enjoy them...and Visualize a world without walls... a Global Village without borders...

Where people live in harmony...
Play together...
Pray together...
Mourn together...

Celebrate together...
Think together...

When they think...They will resist the Big Brother follies...

The world is on the brink of a new Cold War, and trust should be restored by dialogue with Russia, former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev has said.

Mr Gorbachev, as leader of the USSR in the late 1980s, is credited with rapprochement with the West and creating a more liberal atmosphere which led to the collapse of communist regimes in Eastern Europe in 1989.
On 9 November of that year East Germany opened its borders including the Wall, which separated East and West Berlin.

Gorbachev, now 83, was attending a cerebration at Berlin's Brandenburg Gate, seen as a symbol of Germany's reunification.
And warned...
"Bloodshed in Europe and the Middle East against the backdrop of a breakdown in dialogue between the major powers is of enormous concern," he said.
"The world is on the brink of a new Cold War. Some are even saying that it's already begun."
He said that the West, in particular the US, had succumbed to "triumphalism" after the collapse of the USSR in 1991.

For this reason the global powers had been unable to cope with conflicts in Yugoslavia, the Middle East and now Ukraine, he added.

Gorbachev is part of the Big Brother gang... But in his statement there is indeed much truth... The West MUST have an "evil empire" to justify their GREED... So if it is not the Arabs of the Middle will be Russians...or Chinese... or someone else...

They say if there was no religion...humans will create one... in order to calm their fear of the UNKNOWN... of life after death...(may be)...
So The West needs the EVIL in the others to justify their fear of the people... the 1% against the 99%...and the 1% needs pretexts and justification for the oppression of the rest of us...

But no WALL is permanent... the people will eventually liberate themselves and opt for liberty and fraternity... with YOUR HELP...

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