Thursday 20 November 2014

Act as Humans... Do not ACT like Jihadists...

The U.S. is debating Immigration...
Do not ACT like the Islamic Jihadists... Let the immigrants in...Let them be...

Dangerous trails...
President Barack Obama will order immigration officers to deport "felons not families" in his new immigration plan.
What happened so far...I do not care.
There are millions of immigrants...they say illegal and undocumented...
These people are here foe years...decades... they have families and they have kids born in the U.S. 
In California... what I have seen is that the more menial tasks are done mu Mexicans...Latinos... I have told to friends, "if it is not for the Mexicans-Latinos, the gardens in L.A. will not be taken care of... the produce in the fields will not be gathered...
And above all... America...Canada... ALL OF AMERICAS... are nations of immigrants... and now there is a big row over the new legislation that the President will initiate...
They have families...
They have kid born here...
They do the most menial and difficult tasks...
They take care of our gardens...
They pick up our fruits... and the produce...
They clean after us... they feed us... 
The WASPs are initiating a vendetta against these HUMAN BEINGS...
The WASPs should know that their ancestors came from EUROPE as immigrants too... They violently suppressed the natives...  They played racists games..."Cowboys and Indians..." and now they want to deny Latino immigrants the right to live and survive... 
They want millions to be deported...!
They want families to be separated... the kids stay in the U.S. and the parents are deported back... to where they came from... 
A question: Who will look after the kids...? Will not that action be more costly... than just let them be... and let them stay... they are in the U.S. already...
Is there any difference between Islamic Jihadists in Syria and Iraq who are deporting the Christians and minorities by force and the WASPs who want to deport millions back... "to where they came from..."
Check these people stopped at the border...They are just asking for a humane treatment...
In my stay in North America... many racist bullies have told that to me... even teachers in the schools where I have taught... they have told me "go back where you came from..." 
Reason: Because they are racist and they did not appriciate my teaching methods... which were not like North Americans... For me...academics came first and football and athletics...was secondary...may be tertiary...
Stop the racist movement against the they legal, illegal or undocumented... As long as they are not criminals... LET THEM STAY... LEAVE THEM ALONE... LET THEM BE... United with their families...

No one will risk his/her life… if they are not desperate at their country of origin…

Today I was going out for a walk and I noticed a bear bottle tucked under the bushes... Someone had drank the bear... and tucked the empty bottle under a bush in my front lawn...
I reached for it and decided to put in the recycling bin... Then I thought about it again... decided to carry it with me... to the main street where I was going and place it in a garbage can...
During my walks I had noticed that people... homeless people... check the garbage for bottles... they take them to the recycling depots and get few cents for each bottle they return... 
So I deposited the bottle in the first garbage can I noticed...
The bottle was recycled...
The homeless got few more cents...
At first I was angry about the stupid person who had tucked the bottle under the bush... But now I was not angry any more... May be the homeless benefited from the stupidity of that person...
Can't we be more compassionate... Look at them...they are desperate...

There are hungry kids...attending school without breakfast...
There are homeless people... I saw many of them on the Malibu beach the other day... 
So the Big Brothers in the government... should be concerned about these people... instead of waging war on immigrants...
Do not act like the Islamist Jihadists... and deport people... act human and LET PEOPLE BE...

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