Organized religion is a corrupt institution...
All organizations are for power... and greed... and profit... and organized religion cannot, and is not an exception...
I do not need any proof... The accumulated riches of the Churches or the Mosques or the Temples and Synagogues are my witness...
I do not need any proof ... The Islamist-Jihadists and there atrocities... The Turkish Islamist-Fascist rulers and the Genocide of Armenians and Pontic Greeks and Assyrians are my witnesses...
I do not need any proof... The opulent Churches and the mansions of church princes are my witness...
Organized religion is violent too... The killings between the Protestants and Catholics from the Protestant rebellion to the Norther Ireland ... are my witnesses... The starvation of the people in Latin America and the Church's collaboration and alliance with the fascists dictators... is my witness... The killing fields of Gaza and Palestine... The deserts of Syria and the genocide of Armenians... The Islamist-Jihadists and the murders of minorities... are all my witnesses...
All organizations are for power... and greed... and profit... and organized religion cannot, and is not an exception...
I do not need any proof... The accumulated riches of the Churches or the Mosques or the Temples and Synagogues are my witness...
I do not need any proof ... The Islamist-Jihadists and there atrocities... The Turkish Islamist-Fascist rulers and the Genocide of Armenians and Pontic Greeks and Assyrians are my witnesses...
I do not need any proof... The opulent Churches and the mansions of church princes are my witness...
Organized religion is violent too... The killings between the Protestants and Catholics from the Protestant rebellion to the Norther Ireland ... are my witnesses... The starvation of the people in Latin America and the Church's collaboration and alliance with the fascists dictators... is my witness... The killing fields of Gaza and Palestine... The deserts of Syria and the genocide of Armenians... The Islamist-Jihadists and the murders of minorities... are all my witnesses...
Read below...
The Evangelist... the president of the university... declares...
sure this will be greatly misquoted," Jones said at the time.
"But it would not be a bad idea to bring the swift justice
today that was brought in Israel's day against murder and rape and
homosexuality. I guarantee it would solve the problem post-haste
if homosexuals were stoned, if murderers were immediately killed
as the Bible commands."
I have always insisted that Christianity is not based on the Old Testament and that the Judaic myths do not form the basis of Christian belief...
After all, Jesus preached otherwise... and rejected the stoning and rejected "an eye for an eye" maxim of Moses...
Love is the the basis of Christianity and "love thy enemy" is the tenet... gospel upon which Jesus built the Church...

Now... 35 years later... Dr. Bob Jones III is asking for forgiveness...
Check the university... Dr. Jones is the principal and the preacher... that teaches hatred of minorities...

Of course he is apologizing for his hate teachings... But the apology does not mean much... when you tie it with his more recent musing about the President...
I do not care much about the Big Brothers and their leaders... But this evangelists apology indeed sounds hollow... and self-serving...
Check below...
“I have a great distrust for him,” Jones said of the president. “I’ve no reason to think he’s a Christian. … Anyone can say he’s a Christian. Some people will say whatever they think the politically helpful thing would be. I say, ‘Where is the evidence that he is a Christian?’ ”
Where is the evidence that anyone is Christian...?
Being Christian is not an innate right ... that someone is born with... Being Christian is not a title... Being a Muslim is not an dressing... Being a Jew is not wearing a cap-kippah...Being religious is a way of life... that this President of University does not know anything about...
Blaming others... is not Christian...
Preaching hatred... is not Christian...
Refusing to acknowledge that a person may be Christian and the parents of the person are irrelevant... is not Christian...
So this President of the University... This evangelist... This Dr. Bob Jones... is not Christian...
Check below how the President of the U.S. explains being Christian... and he is absolutely correct...
It is a different matter whether he is or he is not a Christian...
The way of life determines what a person is... and actions speak louder... they say...
Read Obama's Explanation...
“But what it also means, I think, is a sense of obligation to embrace not just words, but through deeds, the expectations, I think, that God has for us,” he continued. “And that means thinking about the least of these. It means acting — well, acting justly, and loving mercy, and walking humbly with our God. And that — I think trying to apply those lessons on a daily basis, knowing that you’re going to fall a little bit short each day, and then being able to kind of take note and saying, well, that didn’t quite work out the way I think it should have, but maybe I can get a little bit better. It gives me the confidence to try things, including things like running for president, where you’re going to screw up once in a while.”
Organized religion sucks... and the more powerful they are the more they suck...
Check below...
Because the preacher of the Mosque had a dispute with a women... He falsely and intentionally accused her of burning the Quran... and the mob did the rest...
The mob kicks and beats her with sticks and stones (as the evangelist above demanded) her to death...
Check the woman... bloodied and forsaken...
And read the account below...
Afghan woman is dragged onto a roof and hit with a stick, as a
horde of angry, screaming men swarm around her.
one point, video shows her standing with her face covered in
blood. She is pushed and falls over, and her beating continues
with feet, with rocks, with boards. Then, in the last part of the
video, her body is engulfed in flames -- though it's not known
whether, by that point, she was already dead.
motivated the mob, according to witnesses, was a belief that the
targeted woman had burned the Quran. CNN hasn't seen any proof
that she set a copy ablaze. Afghanistan's Ministry of Hajj and
Religious Affairs has found no such evidence, either...
Check the bystanders... Watching and being entertained...
Afghan residents look at the site where an Afghan woman was beaten to death and her body set alight by a mob, in Kabul on March 20, 2015.
Women's rights and civil society activists helped bury Farkhunda at the funeral in Kabul... despite the fact that males are supposed to bury her... according to the Islamic customs...
The coffin of a woman, killed by a mob in Kabul on an apparently false charge, has been carried by women, marking a break with Afghan funeral customs.
Hundreds of people attended a funeral for the woman, named as Farkhunda, demanding her killers be punished.
Farkhunda had been accused of burning the Koran, but an official investigator said there was no evidence for this.
Indeed... organized religion is powerful... and power corrupts... and absolute power, which organized religion is, corrupts absolutely...
...And the Stupidity of Rivalry...
This is a souvenir stand selling toilet paper printed with the image of Russian President Vladimir Putin in downtown Kiev, Ukraine, on March 5, 2015.
The people who manufactured it are ignorant ... and they just want to make a buck or two from the ignorance of the public...
Somebody printed it... another bought it... and another wiped his, may be her, ass with it...
So what...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What happened... ? What was achieved... ?
Nothing... other that stressing that Big Brothers who are after profit and want to satisfy their GREED... benefited from the ignorance of the people...
To question the Christianity of the President of the U.S. is ignorant rhetoric... just to please the people and get richer on people's behalf...
To wipe one's ass with Putin... is as ignorant as the questioning of Obama's faith...
Big Brothers have an ignorant way of life... !!!!!!
Last week there was a solar eclipse in Europe...
But surely the sun appeared again... and shed more light on the ignorance of organized religion and organized polity...
Kina... a former student and now a friend writes...
Hello Hello!
I had a chance to read your blog again tonight (yesterday night I didn't feel so well). After seeing your post about the concepts of beauty, it reminded me about a video I had watched a while ago. I'm going to attach the link. It is about beauty throughout the ages, so from the time of ancient Egypt to now. It's very interesting to see how things change. They seem to go back and forth between super thin and very who knows what the next trend will be! Kina...
Hi Kina, I checked the video...
It depressed me... since it treats women as sexual objects...
Beauty and sexual desirability are two distinct concepts...
My post was not about beauty as such, but health of women..Beauty should not compromise the health of women...
because of the sickening slim bodies of the models... many young girls struggle and diet and "vomit" what they eat to be acceptable and the "hallway" males...
Beauty as it is is imposed on women by male-dominated-society... and it is depressing and sad...
I hope you are doing better today and the spots on your body are subsiding...
Take care and smile always...
H.K. |
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