Monday 2 March 2015

If you want a rainbow... Then learn how to deal with the rain...

It's Monday and I felt to share few quotes from Kafka... 
On the weekend I read the Metamorphosis again... Fascinating reading and a magical bug... I have read it few times over... and each time it makes me pensively happy... in a different way... 
"Everything in the world, including lies, serve the truth..." 
Even lies lead us to the truth... 
On Monday we have a week ahead to search for a higher truth... 
Maybe we can achieve it together... even with lies...
And the inevitable question...
When you read the book... When you read any book... What happens after the last page... the last word... That is indeed the beauty of the book... the vision of the Word... the eternity of your dream...
I told few times to students who wanted to dream... that there are many eternities... and each eternity is different from the other and that they are not equal...
Kafka made me think again... But I still do not know what happens after the last page and after the last word...
Maybe we will know someday... one day... and then maybe not...
It is Monday...
 and the police... in Los Angeles shot a homeless... Of course this is not as sensational as shooting Namtsov on a Moscow street... The reporters did not dwell on it... the "pundits" did not explain the significance of the shooting... After all, it was just a homeless in the skid row in downtown Los Angeles ...
The homeless in the skid row...The police...shooting him dead...
He did not have a home... He did not have friends... he did not have belongings... and now he does not even have a life...
He does not even have a life...
Sad... and painful...
"What did he do?" said Steven Tugmon who knew the dead homeless man from skid row... "He wasn't an aggravated person. He wasn't mad all the time. He just had mental problems."
And now he does not even have the "mental problems"...
He is in peace...
It is sad that one should die to "rest in peace..." 
The world is too small...the Global Village too primitive... and we cannot not have peace in this world...
I admire the police... They are there "to serve and protect"... but most of the time they get it wrong and "serve and protect" the Big brother 1% only... The rest of us... "We the people..." are just inconsequential nuisance and do not count...
I respect the police... they do a dangerous job... But they knew that it is a dangerous job long before... They knew the danger when they signed up... The danger comes with the job... It is the job... 
So they should not be trigger happy... and they should not shoot the unarmed homeless people... even if he attempted to grab their gun... 
Skid row in LA...
The police are shooting more... The police are shooting African Americans... Latinos... the homeless... and they are serving and protecting the Big Brother 1% and their belongings... Things   
will change... Only if you will be inspired... and get involved... ... and make the essential difference...
You can... You should...
Our culture... 
14-year-old girl killed after Facebook quarrel and a planned videotaped fight... in the park...
The park... the brawl... and the shooting...
Birmingham, Alabama...
Two groups of teenage girls... having a dispute on Facebook... and they decide to go to the park and settle the dispute in the park... The quarrel generates a brawl in the park... and a boyfriend shoots few of the girls... one dies... few are injured...
 It reminded me of Rebel Without a Cause...
The youth have video games... cell phones... music... 
But there exists a general boredom... there is ennui... and people desire instantaneous satisfaction... and more action...
There is no engagement in society... The schools are boring... and they need a brawl in the park to get a kick...
What the fuck...! They gossip...they brawl...they kill just to get a kick....
It is indeed absurd... but, that's what it is... The kids are bored... and the Big Brother society does not care... The Big Brothers are after their profit... and to satisfy their GREED...
Islamic-Jihadists release 19 of the more than 200 Christian hostages 

... Of course we'll ask;"But why?"

If it is still a mystery... The Islamist-Jihadists are after the shock value... and they want to be in the headlines everyday...
So... first they kidnap... the world is indignant... and they grab headlines and people talk about them... They are condemned... some agree with their actions...
Now they release 19 out of more than 200... and the world is puzzled again... They again grab the headlines... People still talk about them...
They have a perverted satisfaction out of grabbing the headlines... So they play their twisted and sick game... and the rest of us are trapped in their inhuman barbarity...
Several times I told my students that their are many infinities... and now I can tell them that human stupidity is another type of limitless progression ... 
If they ask for example I will gladly refer them to Big Brother greasy GREED and Islamist-Jihadists inhuman barbarity... 
Infinity has no limits... so also Big Brother GREED and Islamist-Jihadists barbarity...

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