Saturday 28 March 2015

Colourful Springs...

Colourful Revolutions... Arab Springs and Putin for 16 years...
Maybe you are in the mood to think... It's the weekend, after all...!
Pour a glass of your drink... turn on the music... and think... It will definitely relax you... brighten the future... Thinking will show you... your way out...OUR WAY OUT... Maybe be a Don Quixote... and dream...

Spain finds Don Quixote writer Cervantes' tomb in Madrid
The Don Quixote author was buried in 1616 but his coffin was later lost.
When the convent where he was buried was rebuilt late in the 17th Century, his remains were moved into the new building and it has taken centuries to rediscover the tomb of the man known as Spain's "Prince of Letters".

"His end was that of a poor man. A war veteran with his battle wounds," said Pedro Corral, head of art, sport and tourism at Madrid city council.

I am enchanted by this song... It opens up a daring "fools" way out... But I am not a fool...!

It is the weekend... and you are allowed some accesses... to think and to dream of a better world where people live in peace and in harmony...
Sing with the Spanish... and dream ... and reach for and grab the unreachable star...

To dream the impossible dream
To fight the unbeatable foe
To bear with unbearable sorrow
To run where the brave dare not go
To right the unrightable wrong
To love pure and chaste from afar
To try when your arms are too weary
To reach the unreachable star
This is my quest
To follow that star
No matter how hopeless
No matter how far
To fight for the right
Without question or pause
To be willing to march into Hell
For a heavenly cause
And I know if I'll only be true
To this glorious quest
That my heart will lie peaceful and calm
When I'm laid to my rest
And the world will be better for this
That one man, scorned and covered with scars
Still strove with his last ounce of courage
To reach the unreachable star

It is the weekend and imagine the beauty of the world...
Caminito del Rey in Spain...

Dare to Dream... Dare to sing with Don Quixote...Dare to cross Caminito del Rey... It will be wonderfully exhilarating... 

                 Brooklyn Bridge in the twilight...New York...
...And bridge the gap... and bring humans together... After all, it's just a Global Village that we have... It is a good place and it's our duty to make it a better place...
16 Years of Putin...
There soon will be a new biography of the him...
Let me be clear... I do not like oligarchs... I do not like Big Brothers and apparatchiks... I do not like people who are sycophants and oppressing "We the People"... I want individuals to be free... I want people to be free... I want the Global Village to be free..
Why the NATO-West... interested in this guy...? Why they are Challenging him... ?
They write books about him... a new bio is going to be published... soon... 
Check what they write in it...

Putin still smiling...

"I think it's the key to understanding Putin," says his German biographer, Boris Reitschuster. "We would have another Putin and another Russia without his time in East Germany."

It is 5 December 1989 in Dresden, a few weeks after the Berlin Wall has fallen. East German communism is dying on its feet, people power seems irresistible.

Then a small group of demonstrators decides to head across the road, to a large house that is the local headquarters of the Soviet secret service, the KGB.
"The guard on the gate immediately rushed back into the house," recalls one of the group, Siegfried Dannath. But shortly afterwards "an officer emerged - quite small, agitated".
"He said to our group, 'Don't try to force your way into this property. My comrades are armed, and they're authorized to use their weapons in an emergency.'"
That persuaded the group to withdraw.

But the KGB officer knew how dangerous the situation remained. He described later how he rang the headquarters of a Red Army tank unit to ask for protection.
The answer he received was a devastating, life-changing shock.
"We cannot do anything without orders from Moscow," the voice at the other end replied. "And Moscow is silent."

So the Berlin Wall collapsed... but while tumbling down it shaped Putin...

Above all, it left him with a huge anxiety about the frailty of political elites, and how easily they can be overthrown by the people.

But the NATO-West... would be antagonistic to any Putin... to any Russian oligarch... when that Putin or that oligarch refuses to follow their hegemony... 
The NATO-West wants a uni-polar world where they reign supreme and where their GREED is not challenged and where their profits are not threatened...
Putin... the oligarchs want a share of the bounty that the NATO-West squeezes out of "We the People..." 
The NATO-West is reluctant... to share...
So a huge conflict is created...
The NATO-West "invented" their favorite game... The game of "Democracy in Ukraine..." and the other government the Putin crowd and sympathizers were pushed out... The new Ukrainian crowd was not interested in democracy... They were not interested to usher in PEACE and HARMONY... After all, a large part of the NEW crowd was/is more a nationalist-fascist -chauvinist... crowd and a crowed like that cannot be peace loving and democratic...
That's the Big lie of the Big Brothers of NATO-West...
The truth of the matter is the NATO-West wants absolute hegemony and does not want to share the booty... with the oligarchs of Russia-East...
And of course Ukrainians are killed and "We the People..." pay for their GREED... and Big Brother profits-without-borders...

Last week the Islamic-Jihadists attached a museum in Tunis... where the so called "Arab Spring" began...
Today here are reports that the Jihadists ...not the ones that the NATO-West is fighting, but the Jihadists supported by NATO-West allies... have captured more territory in Syria...
The NATO-West is allied with the reactionary monarchies of the Arabian peninsula... and with the smaller sheikhdoms...
These crowd has petro-dollars and the NATO-West wants a cut out of it... So they do not care whether they are "democratic" or not... in this case money talks... and the NATO-West comprehends the language of money-profit very well... After all, they invented it...
Check what the "Arab Spring" ushered in...
  • The Arab Spring began in Tunisia with the ouster of its longtime   leader... and now the Islamic-Jihadists are attempting to create turmoil there...
  • The rest of the "Springs" in Egypt, Libya, Yemen, and Syria.....    
  • In Egypt it started with good promise, but then the Islamists came to power and they wanted their kind of "democracy" in which Christians did not have anything...                              
  • Libya was never successful...                                                         and                                                                                                  
  • the narrative in Yemen is still unfolding and there is brutal civil war... where the NATO-West supported Saudi monarchy... is bombing the hell out of Yemen...                                                
  • ... and of course Syria... the brutality there is horrendous...
  • ...and Algeria... where the conservative Islamists are ruling...
Check the "Arab Spring" map below... courtesy of CNN leading Big Brother news outlet...
All the five "Springs" happened in countries where the rulers were dictators, but not kings like Saudi Arabia or Morocco or the smaller sheikhoms...
The kings and the sheikhs are already allies to the NATO-West and hence by the very definition "democratic"... So they do not need an injection of "Spring" and "democracy"...
They attacked Iraq and Afghanistan... and initiated the other "Springs" where the NATO-West hegemony was in doubt or shaky... 
So the "Springs" got rid of the unreliable regimes... in the hope of establishing NATO-West hegemony... But what they did not plan came to hatch... The brutal Islamist-Jihadists emerged and now they are the headache of the world...
The NATO-West and the "Arab Springs" are the official parents of the Islamist-Jihadist... where Christians are beings massacred... where the Armenian Genocide was perpetrated... where the Islamist-Fascist in Turkey and Azerbaijan want to establish an Islamic caliphate just like the Islamist-Jihadists...
The NATO-West had Colour Revolutions in Europe...but then it was railed off in Ukraine...and the civil war is heartbreaking ...
The NATO-West initiated the "Springs" in the Middle East... and it was derailed and the Islamist-Jihadists were born... and the result is painful... and murderous... and brutal...
The Big Brothers... The NATO-West... is exporting "democracy" to the world... Before it was the "White Man's  Burden"... to civilize the Global Village... that's why the West colonized the world... now it is NATO-West-democracy... 
What has changed...? 
Just the semantics... Just a new set of "definitions" for the centuries old Big Brother GREED... 
What will "We the People" do... ?
May be a Don Quixotic DARING... 
Dare to THINK... Dare to IMAGINE... Dare to cross the bridge to the other side of war... dare to imagine 
"We the People..." 
It is our right our duty...
Be inspired... Dare and get involved... 

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