It is a day late... But I just forgot to click the button and publish this... yesterday...
It is International Women's Day...Just look around... Take a closer look...
Gun violence is running rampant in the world...
It does not have to be a declared war...
- In the U.S. police are "protecting" us from unarmed teenagers... they are shooting them in the streets... People protest... Big Brother pastors and politicians raise their voice... and things subside... till another person is shot dead... Because are keen to "serve and protect" us...
- In Selma African-Americans are still protesting racial discrimination... the remnants of slavery ... the remnants of bigotry...
- Ukraine is bleeding... Russians on one side and the NATO-West-U.S. on the other... and the Ukrainians are being killed because Russia wants to "protect" them... Because NATO-West-U.S. wants to "protect" them...
- In the Middle East... NATO-West-U.S. invaded Iraq... initiated the "Arab Springs"... invaded Afghanistan... and now they are fighting a war in Iraq and Syria... Because they want to "protect" the people and because they want to educate and teach them how democracy works...
- In Africa Islamist-Jihadists are attacking Christians in Libya... in Nigeria... Sudan is still in civil war... They are attacking cities and villages and murdering people... all because they want to "protect" ... what... I have no clue...
- Still we are witnessing child labour... in India ... in Indonesia... and the Philippines... and in Bangladesh... and in Thailand...
- Still we are witnessing boy-soldiers in Africa...
The Global Village exposes a sad picture in front of us... and that's the GREED of the Big Brothers... That's the profit motivation of the Big Brothers...
Still women are exploited...
- In North America and Europe...Women are still treated as commodities... sex labour... nudity... prostitution... just to satisfy male GREED...
- In the Turkey and the Middle East and in general in the Islamic culture... Women are ordered to cover themselves...
from one extreme to the other... Women are treated as objects... whether in the "civilized West"... or in the non-so-much civilized East...
Women work more... and women are paid less... all over the world...
And this is all the product of the societies led by males...
The Patriarchy is alive and well... and the world is in turmoil...
It is International Women's Day... and we have to think... Maybe a society... the Global Village... led by women will have a better chance for PEACE and Harmony...
Mothers govern the homes... and we are satisfied and happy and comfortable...
Maybe if males relinquish the leadership to women... Maybe the world will be a better place too... JUST LIKE HOME...
Maybe we should think about this... after all, it is International Women's Day... and we should celebrate all the achievements... and we should aspire for a better world in PEACE and Harmony...
So far the male-led world is in war and turmoil... Maybe it is time to give the women a chance... Maybe we should...
Saudi Arabia... an archaic monarchy... exercising religious fascism... and buying all the arms that they should NOT need...
They are allies of NATO-West... and have more money than they know what to do with it... So they waste in casinos playing roulette... and they waste it on the international markets... purchasing arms...
The NATO-West cannot be happier... first they buy their oil... then they sell them arms and get their money back...
Saudi government warned Germany and other NATO-West countries to buzz off... and not intervene in their internal affairs... The Saudi minter said... if we want to flog a guy who blogs and writes blasphemous things which we do not appreciate, it is our right... and he insisted that Saudi justice is one of a kind and not biased... like the courts in NATO-West...
They are allies of NATO-West... and have more money than they know what to do with it... So they waste in casinos playing roulette... and they waste it on the international markets... purchasing arms...
The NATO-West cannot be happier... first they buy their oil... then they sell them arms and get their money back...
Saudi government warned Germany and other NATO-West countries to buzz off... and not intervene in their internal affairs... The Saudi minter said... if we want to flog a guy who blogs and writes blasphemous things which we do not appreciate, it is our right... and he insisted that Saudi justice is one of a kind and not biased... like the courts in NATO-West...

Overall, global defence spending rose by more than 13% in 2014.
Why the Saudies need all the armements is a mystery ... What will they use the arms for is a national secret too...
The monarchy of Saudi Arabia is living in the past... and they are the allies of the NATO-West in the initiation of the "Arab Springs" which devastated the entire region and gave birth to the illegitimate child... The Islamist-Jihadists...
Saudi Arabia and the other Sheikdoms - Abu Dhabi... Qatar... Dubai... and the rest together with the NATO-West are the parents of the Islamist Jihadists... THEY INVADED IRAQ... THEY INITIATED THE ARAB SPRINGS... THEY CREATED THE POWER VACUUM AND NOW THEY ARE THE "PROUD" PARENTS OF ISLAMIST-JIHADISTS...
Why the Saudies need all the armements is a mystery ... What will they use the arms for is a national secret too...

Saudi Arabia and the other Sheikdoms - Abu Dhabi... Qatar... Dubai... and the rest together with the NATO-West are the parents of the Islamist Jihadists... THEY INVADED IRAQ... THEY INITIATED THE ARAB SPRINGS... THEY CREATED THE POWER VACUUM AND NOW THEY ARE THE "PROUD" PARENTS OF ISLAMIST-JIHADISTS...
Saudi Arabia is buying all the arms for what...? Maybe they need them to nurture their offspring born form the "Arab Springs..." Maybe they want to nurture the Islamist-Jihadists...
They deny the rights of women... they flog the bloggers and stone the women... and they are the world's biggest arms purchasers...What an absurd contradiction...!
And why the "civilized" NATO-West is in bed with them...?
And Indonesia...
The worlds most populous Islamist society... Check what they are up to...
It is International Women's Day... and these societies have no clue what that means...
The sad irony is that the NATO-West... The Russia-East support them and are in competition who will go to bed with them and give birth to yet another illegitimate child...
Think about it...
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