Sunday... leisurely relaxation...
I just read in a health related column that a glass or two in "happy hour" will make people healthier... I will not dispute with the findings... I agree with it... After all, I have few happy hours in the day... It drives the negativity away and relaxes me... opens up new windows to the vast eternity of our universe... Makes me speculate... makes me reminisce.. and above all... makes me project a better future for you and me... for all the earthlings... The Global Village is a good place, but it is our duty to make it better for ALL... not just the 1% ... and I know that I can rely on you... They insist that where there is life, there is hope too...
And in the daily "happy hours" I hope and I dream... and I hope that my dreams will come true... I hope they will... I rely on you...
Have a "Sunday Happy Hour" and think about it... A Global Village where people share and live in harmony... !!!!!!!
Hope is not a wishful thinking... Hope is the initial stage of action... and I am sure you will be involved and make a difference...
On Sundays I wake up and have my regular dose of coffee... The first cup just to start the day... and with the second cup I tune to Holy Mass ... I love the spirituality in them... Music elevates me to the eternity of skies and beyond.
I hope for better things and soar through the universe to places unknown, as yet ... to me...
Rachmaninoff... Mozart... and the rest... The holy tunes transfer me to places that I want to be... the spirituality elevates me to the heavens and beyond...
It is Sunday... and human pettiness and absurdity has no limits too...
They, unknown people, gunned down a prominent Russian opposition leader... But even death has its politics too...
The NATO-West is in a field day... They are writing all kinds of "funny" stuff about Putin... The "pundits" are saying all kinds of absurdities about Putin...
It maybe that Putin is behind the gunning of Nemtsov... But then, it maybe that Putin is not behind the killing...
When NATO-Western media pointed the finger to Putin and began a derogatory, disparaging and very personal campaign against an individual... It is sad... and disgusting too...
I do not have any particular liking of Putin... He is an oligarch and not pursue democratic goals... I am on the side of the people and not with the oligarchic leadership of Russia or the Big Brother 1% of the NATO-West... the so called "Western Democracies"...
The oligarchs of Russia... the oligarchic leadership of Ukraine... the "democratic" fantasies of the NATO-West... the shiekhs and monarchies of the Middle East... The "communist" leadership of China... and all the "funny" people in Europe and Asia and Africa... are in the 1% and form the worldwide alliance of Big Brothers without Borders...
After all the wrangling and disputes and mud slinging and warring ... all are the SAME... they are driven by their GREED and PROFIT... and that's where all the disagreement comes from... THEY CANNOT AGREE HOW THO DIVIDE THE BOOTY... THEY ARE UNABLE TO AGREE HOW TO SATISFY THEIR GREED...
It is not because they care about "democracy" or about you and I... Indeed they do not give a fuck about anyone... they want to increase their profit... and that's where the dispute is... The GLOBALIZED 1% cannot agree on the method of dividing the profit... they cannot agree how to satisfy their GREED...
And now the gunning of a Russian opposition... It is VERY SAD... and of course not democratic...
Civilized people should be able to discuss their differences and debate and come to a conclusion... That's what Russians should do... That's what the NATO-West should do...
It maybe that Putin is behind the gunning of Nemtsov... But then, it maybe that Putin is not behind the killing...
When NATO-Western media pointed the finger to Putin and began a derogatory, disparaging and very personal campaign against an individual... It is sad... and disgusting too...
I do not have any particular liking of Putin... He is an oligarch and not pursue democratic goals... I am on the side of the people and not with the oligarchic leadership of Russia or the Big Brother 1% of the NATO-West... the so called "Western Democracies"...
The oligarchs of Russia... the oligarchic leadership of Ukraine... the "democratic" fantasies of the NATO-West... the shiekhs and monarchies of the Middle East... The "communist" leadership of China... and all the "funny" people in Europe and Asia and Africa... are in the 1% and form the worldwide alliance of Big Brothers without Borders...
After all the wrangling and disputes and mud slinging and warring ... all are the SAME... they are driven by their GREED and PROFIT... and that's where all the disagreement comes from... THEY CANNOT AGREE HOW THO DIVIDE THE BOOTY... THEY ARE UNABLE TO AGREE HOW TO SATISFY THEIR GREED...
It is not because they care about "democracy" or about you and I... Indeed they do not give a fuck about anyone... they want to increase their profit... and that's where the dispute is... The GLOBALIZED 1% cannot agree on the method of dividing the profit... they cannot agree how to satisfy their GREED...
And now the gunning of a Russian opposition... It is VERY SAD... and of course not democratic...
Civilized people should be able to discuss their differences and debate and come to a conclusion... That's what Russians should do... That's what the NATO-West should do...
- Invading Ukraine is not democratic...
- Invading Iraq is not democratic too...
- Fomenting unrest in Venezuela is undemocratic too...
- Blockading Cuba is against democratic norms too...
- Initiating "Arab Springs" to get rid of unfriendly regimes is not democratic too...
- The Islamist-Jihadists are religious zealots and have no clue what democracy is... They are barbarian and inhuman hoards...
It is disgusting that the NATO-Western media behaves as a self-righteous "pundits"... They have their agenda too... and their agenda is how to make their masters, the Big Brother 1% happier...
The leading media in the NATO-West is undemocratic and unscientific too...
Thousands rally in Moscow for slain Putin critic Boris Nemtsov...
Check the above headline... I did not make it up... It just demeans the role of Nemtsov... It just turns him to a critique of an individual and NOT a critique of a system...
But Nemtsov was much more that a mere critique of Putin... He was indeed a critique of an undemocratic oligarchic system...
The NATO-Western media outlets should get off their high horses and not take "WE THE PEOPLE..." as gullible fools...
They have an agenda too... and their agenda is to uphold the Big Brother 1%... the undemocratic NATO-Western "democracies...
of thousands of people march in Moscow to honour opposition
politician Boris Nemtsov, who was shot dead on Friday...
This headlines is much more appropriate and make no mistake... it comes from Europe and not North America... !!!
Nemtsov had friends at high places... He had friends within the 1% NATO-West elite...
I guess he should have been smart enough and TRUE enough to avoid people like Senator McCain... whose main line about Russia is: "Russia is a gas station..." roars Senator McCain... and he gets excited about his smart-ass joke...!!!
Nemtsov should have known better... the Russian opposition should Know better... Senator McCain and the like do not care about the Russian people... Their knowledge of Russian people is anecdotal at best... They think Dostoevsky is an exotic Russian dish... and Pushkin is derived from the word push...
Nemtsov shod have known better and not ally with the 1% and instead side with the Russian people... and the Ukrainian people... and distanced himself from the oligarchs of Ukraine and the 1% of the NATO-West...
That's what the Islamist-Jihadists are finding out... That's what the NATO-West will learn eventually...
Nemtsov will rest in peace... only if he is not made a pawn in the Big Brother dispute about how the allocate the booty among themselves...
Nemtsov advocated people's democracy... NOT THE 1% DEMOCRACY OF THE NATO-WEST...
Check out the OTHER SIDE...
Putin's declaration...
Putin is riding on an 87% popularity according the the
NATO-West conducted polls...
So maybe he did not have reason to order the elimination of Nemtsov... !!!
After all, who knows...? It is a possibility... !!!!
Check the rest of the counter-arguments in the box...
it was Islamic extremists (Chechens) who killed Boris Nemtsov. Or someone
offended by his love life. Or agents of a Western power that will
stop at nothing to disfigure President Vladimir Putin's image and
drive him from power.
Kadyrov, the Putin-backed leader of Chechnya, raised the
suggestion into an accusation. "There's no doubt that
Nemtsov's killing was organized by Western special services,
trying by any means to create internal conflict in Russia,"
he said on Instagram. |
Who knows... ? They are possibilities... !!!!
Have an open mind... Have a scientific mind... The NATO-West speculations are demeaning to Nemstov and they are and affront to YOUR intelligence...
Read below...
This is the type of vulgarity and stupidity that the NATO-West led media and "pundits" are instigating...
Read below...
A professor has already decided... A professor is resorting to history and recalling Stalin... to demonize Putin...

What the fuck...? What kind of a professor is she...? Check the box below...
Where is the proof...? Citing Stalin and Kirov is not a proof... it's just her biases ...
Check the stupidity that she is blurting in the box... if I was in her class-lecture... I would have dropped the course... I do not need a credit of biased stupidity...
on December 1, 1934, a lone gunman killed Sergey Kirov, a powerful
Bolshevik who stood as an alternative to Josef Stalin.
involvement in the murder was denied, and never proved. It goes
without saying that the Kremlin also was quick to deny Putin's
involvement in Nemtsov's death. |
The 1% will do everything to mislead... "WE THE PEOPLE..."
Instead of mud-slinging... Maybe the East and the West and the North and the South should be more concerned about the wars that their GREED is fueling and be more concerned about the boy-soldiers that people are using...
The boy-soldiers are the shame of the Global Village... they are the shame of our civilization... they are the shame of the insatiable GREED of the GLOBALIZED 1%...
These photos are the shame of our culture...
It is not the Islamist-Jihadists only... It is the GREED of the 1%...

It is painful to look at them on a Sunday... But that is the sad reality... Where do they get their weapons...?
From the Big Brothers Without Borders...
But I believe that where there is life... there is hope too...
I believe for a better tomorrow...
because I believe in
I believe in you...
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