I would like to begin the week with positive energy... and positive outlook...
Check the beautiful canvas below... I like the colours and I love the concept... glorifying nature through art and reminding us that this is the ONLY world we have... !!!
Excellent way to celebrate the future...
John Wolseley:
Ellwood, director of the National Gallery of Victoria
quoted saying: “Wolseley’s
work is not only of great beauty, but also demonstrates how depicting
the landscape has become an important form of activism.”
Nature is very important to waste... Some Big Brothers still insist that global warming is from the fictitious imagination of the "liberals"... "left wing charlatans..." and to exploit the world and pollute it with chemicals is okay...
What I suggest is that we confiscate their monies and send them to live in polluted swamps... Maybe they will change their minds... You never know... Maybe they will not... One can never tell... until we try it...
The Middle East is the cradle of our civilization and the birth place of our three major religions...
It's very depressing and sad that one religion is attempting to dominate the Middle East... and expelling and massacring the Christian minorities and of course, if possible, to drive the Jews into the sea...
I am sure Jesus and Mohammad and Moses... will be able to live with each other... after all, their teaching can be reconciled...and they can live in peace and harmony...
The Islamic-Jihadists should be more tolerant and open to new ideas and norms... They should not act like people who are possessed with evil... and pursue a policy of "Either my way or the highway" and kick the ass of all who do not share their view...
Islamic-Jihadists and Islamic-fascists are becoming a hazard to the peaceful co-existence and development of the Middle East...
cartoonists for the popular satirical weekly Penguen have been
jailed to 11 months in prison, over a satirical piece on free
speech in which they were convicted of including a hidden gesture
“insulting” Turkish President Recep Tayyip
Cartoonists Bahadır Baruter and Özer Aydoğan were sued for the Aug. 21, 2014, cover of the magazine, which satirized Erdoğan’s election as Turkey’s president. In the drawing, Erdoğan is seen asking whether officials at the new presidential palace in Ankara have prepared “any journalists to slaughter,” referring to ritual sacrifice in Islam, to mark his inauguration. |
In Paris,
The Islamist-Jihadists assassinated the reporters to silence Charlie Hebdo... In Turkey they have an easier way... They just imprison them...
In Turkey,
They organized the Genocide of the Armenians...and the Pontic Greeks and the Assyrians... Because they were Christian... ...And now they are imprisoning open minded Muslims for just their WORD and for satire...
Talking the truth in Islamist-fascist Turkey is an offence... Writing in Turkey is a freely is dangerous... and thinking with an open mind is hazardous to ones health...
Free speech is non-existent and very dangerous in religiously fascist Turkey...
Cartoonists Özer Aydoğan (L) and Bahadır Baruter (R)

The magazine published that cover to support cartoonists from daily Cumhuriyet and daily Evrensel, who were earlier condemned to pay non-pecuniary damages to Erdoğan. A court in Ankara ruled to dismiss that case in 2006.
More than 70 people in Turkey have been prosecuted for “insulting” Erdoğan since he was elected president in August 2014. Cumhuriyet Editor-in-Chief Can Dündar testified in Istanbul on Feb. 26 over allegations that he insulted the head of state in an interview with a prosecutor who had been investigating corruption, describing the process as a “kind of deterrence policy.”
Soon after the publication, a Turkish citizen named Cem Safcıer filed a complaint to the Prime Ministry, arguing that the “ball-shaped” hand gesture of the official welcoming Erdoğan in the cartoon is used to imply that the person being addressed is homosexual.
President Erdogan is acting like the sultans before him... Like the chauvinist-fascist Kemal Ataturk, the founder of "modern" Turkey...
Banning FREE SPEECH and sentencing journalist to prison is NOT MODERN... and is not DEMOCRATIC too...And the Question...
Why the NATO-West is allied with this
Turkish Islamist-fascists...? And why the
oligarchs of Russia want to please
Another demonstration of NATO-West
This Lina Khatib is a western intellectual... but intelllectual must have an intellectual honesty...
But the NATO-West expects intellectual honesty from their adversaries and not from themselves... They can twist anything just to fit their game of GREED and their thrust of Profit...
So Does this Lina lady...
She is an Stanford scholar... but she is as deceptive as her tiles are glamorous...She writes and talks about democracy... But democracy for her is the same as her NATO-West bosses... they pay her... so she is allowed to follow their diktat...
Khatib is
director of the Carnegie Middle East Center in
Beirut. Previously, she was the co-founding head of the Program on
Arab Reform and Democracy at Stanford University's Center on
Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law.
Check her idea of the rule of law and democracy...

Check her idea of the rule of law and democracy...

2011, what the West most valued in the Middle East was stability
rather than democracy. Arab dictatorships were tolerated for
decades despite their cruelty because they served Western
economic, political, and security interests.
Saudis and the West ignored the simmering sectarian tensions
between the Zaidi Houthis and the Sunni tribes of Yemen, not to
mention the popular anger at U.S.-led drone attacks that sometimes
killed civilians. They also ignored Iran's rising ambitions; why
would the Houthis -- Iran's allies -- limit themselves to northern
Yemen if they could also expand southwards and rule the whole
may keep a country secure, but they do that at the expense of
their own people. They may support the West's interests, but they
will turn against them whenever their own interests are
Two questions...
- The dictators that she is pointing out were all people who the NATO-West took care off... They first deposed them and then assassinated them...
- But the dictators list does not include any of the monarchs...the kings and the sheikhs... Those who are living in 15th century darkness... That is the Dark Ages...
- Why the dictators do not include the kings and the sheikhs...? Answer: They are allies of the NATO-West... and by the very definition... the allies of the NATO-West are "democratic"...
This intellectual lady is wasting her time and wasting the time of her readers... she is just performing intellectual masturbation for all to see... and pay her too...
"Writers" and "Thinkers" who are engaged in intellectual dishonesty... intellectual masturbation... and intellectual prostitution... are not worth the paper that they write on...
Lila Khatib is just paying her masters for their generous pay...
I am sure that Lila Khatib realizes that Saudis and the sheikhs are not democratic at all...
I despise the Big Brothers... I despise intellectual prostitution more... The Saudis and the allies of the NATO-West... Turkey and the Sheikhs and Saudi Arabia and Jordan... are not democracies too... They are he docile form of the Islamist-Jihadist...
I love Ukraine...
I had many Ukrainian students and they were/are fantastic...
I want Ukraine to be free...
I want Kiev to be centre of beautiful art again...

Kiev ... My Kind of city... My kind of culture...
I want Ukraine to create and to dance and to sing and develop in FREEDOM and LIBERTY...
The coalition that is "governing" Ukraine at present is neither democratic nor "free"... A big part of the coalition are fascists and ultra-nationalist chauvinist and outright oligarchs ...
These oligarchs are allied with the NATO-West... so just like Turkey and the Kingdoms of Saudi Arabia and Jordan and Morocco... they are "democratic' according to the definition of their masters....
I have repeated many times...
I hate oligarchs... be they Russian, like Putin, or Ukrainian like the ones that are ruling now...
The Ukrainians deserve better than the NATO-West and better that the Russian oligarchs...
Bot the West and the East and the North and the South should live Ukraine in peace... In peace Ukraine will develop and sing and dance and recreate the wonderful culture that they have created before...
Big Brothers of the West and the East... Should live Ukraine to its people... Let Ukrainians be free and live in harmony with their neighbours... of the West and of the East...
I want Kiev to be centre of beautiful art again...

Kiev ... My Kind of city... My kind of culture...
The Ukrainians deserve better....
Russian oligarchs and NATO-West "democrats" should leave Ukraine to its people...
Ukrainians know better...
The coalition that is "governing" Ukraine at present is neither democratic nor "free"... A big part of the coalition are fascists and ultra-nationalist chauvinist and outright oligarchs ...
These oligarchs are allied with the NATO-West... so just like Turkey and the Kingdoms of Saudi Arabia and Jordan and Morocco... they are "democratic' according to the definition of their masters....
I have repeated many times...
I hate oligarchs... be they Russian, like Putin, or Ukrainian like the ones that are ruling now...
The Ukrainians deserve better than the NATO-West and better that the Russian oligarchs...
Bot the West and the East and the North and the South should live Ukraine in peace... In peace Ukraine will develop and sing and dance and recreate the wonderful culture that they have created before...
Big Brothers of the West and the East... Should live Ukraine to its people... Let Ukrainians be free and live in harmony with their neighbours... of the West and of the East...
I want the week to begin with positive energy and positive outlook...
So the Russian oligarchs and the NATO-West charlatans and Big Brothers... should leave "We the People..." alone...