Monday 20 October 2014

Global Crisis... Global solutions... We have ONLY ONE WORLD...

1. The economy is functioning on a global scale... Capital is moving through porous borders and big business is setting the pace of globalization of the economy...
Labor is cheaper in Asia... So Capital migrates there...  
Slave labour is easier in Bangladesh and India and Pakistan...and the Asian rim... The rules are more relaxed ... So Capital migrates there...
EBOLA: The Globalization of the WORLD...
But of course Big Business and Big brothers do not desire the movement of labour similar to the migration of Capital...
So they have double edged sword...
  • They take the production somewhere else...If it is cheaper...
  • They do not want people-labour to move as freely... They want to have control over this movement...
The global economy is not as visible as it should be... But people have noticed that Capital moves to Swiss banks or Islands in the Caribbean... in order to avoid local taxes... And people have noticed that industerial production has shifted to China and India and neighbouring countries because of CHEAP labour... 
The logic of Capital...The logic of Big brother ... is to make PROFIT... regardless of consequences...
Because of GLOBALIZATION the borders are more porous and movement of people and labour is easier than before, though of course Big Brother...
Because of the porous borders smuggling drugs has become easier...
Because of the restrictions on labour HUMAN SMUGGLING has its allure to GREED and PROFIT motivated groups...
Human trafficking makes boatload of people to parish... Human trafficking creates pockets of SLAVE labour...too...
But germs and viruses have a logic of their own and Big Brother has harder time to regulate their movement and to restrict their migration. 

As, reported by OZY...

Panic has swept the public faster than Ebola itself in recent weeks, as Thomas Eric Duncan (Patient zero) became the first person to die of the disease in the U.S., and the nurse treating him at Texas Presbyterian Hospital also fell ill. A second health worker at the hospital tested positive, and a Spanish nurse’s assistant who showed symptoms after treating an Ebola patient is hospitalized...

But here’s the more jolting news...
A new study suggests we may have no way of predicting how far the epidemic will go. According to a little noticed study, published last month in the journal eLife, the typical mathematical model that describes the eventual scale of past outbreaks simply doesn’t apply to what global health experts consider the worst Ebola epidemic on record.
They say...
 “We’re in uncharted waters,” Thomas House, a research fellow at the University of Warwick Mathematics Institute and the study author, has told recently... “The scale of this outbreak is much larger than any seen before, so it’s very hard to predict.”
The current Ebola outbreak to date is spreading much faster than the model predicts.
To be sure, the scale of the disease has not reached anything close to some others of recent decades. So far, Ebola has sickened between 9000-10 000 so far...
By comparison...
  •  The total number of AIDS cases reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) hit 20 300 about a year after scientists discovered HIV...
  • And 414 000 people were confirmed to have contracted H1N1 a little more than six months after the virus surfaced in Mexico.
And not surprising, health officials are trying to assure the world that even if we can’t anticipate the epidemic’s spread, that doesn’t mean we can’t turn the tide. Agencies from the CDC ( US) to the WHO (UN)  believe that it’s still possible to stop the disease’s spread by isolating patients and with safer burial practices that minimize contact with the body...

The virus without borders...
After all  the germs do not obey Big Brother... They can scar people in Ferguson or Hong Kong... But the germs and viruses do not obey the diktat of Big Brothers... They have a logic (or may be non-logic) unique to them...

Ebola in West Africa... and health workers...
Thousands of West Africans are being kept in isolation to try to stop Ebola from spreading

Check this chart...

Check the figures...the pledges and the donations ...
I guess Big Brothers are busy with their wars... to control oil, and slave labour productions... for more profit...

A bright note... new technology and hope... (Get Inspired!)

Can this robot help fight Ebola virus?

              ·         Gigi uses ultraviolet light 25,000 times more powerful than sunlight
              ·         Robot kills 99.9% of germs in hospital rooms, more effective than                                       cleaning by hand
              ·         "This is the future of hospitals," California physician says
              ·         Manufacturer seeks to sell more robots in fight against Ebola

But the panic is real and without borders...       Cruise ship returns because counries refused to let it in their harbours...They acted on a rumour that an Ebola patient may be on board... So they isolated the patient ...but still host countries refused the ship in their ports...
The cruise ship returned to U.S. and it turned out that the "patient" had NO Ebola... It was just a rumour and a false scar...
No symptoms for lab supervisor....
Health officials clear a passenger loosely linked to Ebola victim Thomas Eric Duncan, after an odyssey at sea.

Panic without borders...
Some "funny" people are acting in a funny way...

Of course people are not tolerating STUPID behaviour... and there zero tolerance for "funny" acts and speech, but people's daily lives and travels are being disrupted by the fear and panic surrounding the virus.
Already,because of stupid people shouting "fire" in a plane in a courtroom or ...  These "funny" actions have cleared a courtroom, emptied a city bus and frightened passengers on several aircraft. 

Who shouts "Ebola" on a crowded airplane?
The same person who yells "fire" in a crowded theater even when there are no flames.
The worldwide panic around the Ebola virus and its mostly deadly consequences is starting to inspire tricksters, hucksters and attention hogs to test the limits of the people around them.

May be we can learn from Nigerian example...
Nigeria has been declared officially free of Ebola 
after six weeks with no new cases, the World Health Organization (WHO) says.

WHO representative Rui Gama Vaz, speaking in the capital Abuja, said it was a "spectacular success story".
Nigeria: Ebola is gone...
Nigeria was thrust in the Ebola spotlight in July after an infected air traveler introduced the virus to Lagos. The case spurred fears that the disease would spread across the city of 21 million and throughout Africa's most populous country.
In the end, Nigeria confirmed 19 Ebola cases, including seven deaths.
The World Health Organization said an aggressive government response and effective contact tracing helped keep the virus in check.
"This is a spectacular success story that shows that Ebola can be contained," WHO said Monday.
"Such a story can help the many other developing countries that are deeply worried by the prospect of an imported Ebola case," it said. "Many wealthy countries, with outstanding health systems, may have something to learn as well."

We have a Global Village...
The Middle East made us more aware of our "ONE WORLD".
The Ebola crisis is making us more acutely aware of our "ONE WORLD".
So we have to find solutions for hunger and wars and global warming globally... 
We cannot isolate ourselves as countries or as individuals...
The crisis is GLOBAL... and so is the solution...
Be inspired... and Get involved...and Make a difference...

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