Violence based culture; Greed based outlook; Gender and Race biased work place ethics will generate...
1. Violence in Schools...
2. Violence on the streets...
It happened again...
Sheriffs deputies are killed in Sacramento...
Gunman shoots
3 deputies, killing 2 in California
A man armed with an
assault rifle shot and killed two California sheriff's deputies and wounded
another deputy and a motorist in separate incidents Friday in and around
Sacramento, authorities reported.
War zone...NO.....!
This is Sacramento, California...Where the state legislature and Governor legislate ...
A freshman...student opens fire in the cafeteria ...Two are dead... and four critically injured...
Gunman at
Washington state school targeted his cousins, relative says
MARYSVILLE, Wash. — The students and teachers
at Marysville-Pilchuck High School knew a shooting was possible — they had seen
the news from other schools, and they had trained for lockdowns.
When a gunman opened fire
at students in a Washington state school cafeteria on Friday, he was not
shooting at random targets, his relative said.
Jaylen Fryberg, who witnesses said gunned down students at
Marysville-Pilchuck High School, is cousins with two of the wounded, their
grandfather said.
"All three of them are cousins, and they live right close to
each other," according to family sources…
Students upset and grieving their friends and classmates...

Finally they find the remains of a University student missing since Sept. 13...

Human remains discovered last weekend in Albemarle County, Virginia, belong to University of Virginia student Hannah Graham, authorities said Friday.
Graham, 18, went missing before dawn on September 13 after being last spotted on several surveillance cameras in Charlottesville's Downtown Mall area.
And a Hatchet attack …in New York
In New York… A broad-daylight hatchet assault on a group of New
police officers -- leaving one critically injured with a head wound -- was
carried out by a self-radicalized convert to Islam in what officials Friday
termed a terrorist attack.
Kenneth Healey, who remains in critical condition, and three of his on-duty
colleagues were posing for a picture on the sidewalk Thursday afternoon when a
hatchet-wielding man charged at them "unprovoked," according to
Police Commissioner Bill Bratton.
attacker, identified as Zale H. Thompson, was hiding behind a bus shelter as if
he was waiting to attack the officers, according to a law enforcement official,
who said it almost appeared as if he were stalking them.
An unabashed candidate for GUNS... and
not roses...
Indeed violence from coast to coast...
From sea to shining sea...
...and Listen to this candidate promoting
herself to the public for the November
Mid-term elections...
Joni Ernst has a 'beautiful' gun... She claims...and she continues...
"I do believe in the right to carry, and I believe in the right to
defend myself and my family -- whether it's from an intruder, or whether it's
from the government, should they decide that my rights are no longer important."
She is running for office and she believes that she has has to use gun-violence if the government infringes on her rights...and she defines her rights herself...
We promote violence in sports... hockey, football, and boxing- wrestling; race cars...
We claim rights to wear arms...
We promote war... whoever does not agree with us... we will fight them...
We condone violence by the police... against minorities...African American in Ferguson attest to this...
Gun culture is everywhere... Violent video games have saturated our shelves...
Even our songs are permeated with violence...The rappers and the rockers alike...
And our universities are not immune to violence too...Hazings in the locker rooms and threatening messages on the "social media"... If we do not agree with a professor...we threaten violence...and the lecture is cancelled... and we are poorer and more ignorant for that...
Churches promote violence against women... against gays and lesbians... against abortion rights... Churches are not loving any more...but dens of punishing dogma...
If we do not change our culture these acts of violence will never end...
Violence abroad and violence at home...Our love affair with guns have nothing to do with constitutional rights... Europe is surviving without guns... Europe is progressing democratically without guns...
If they can...So can we...
Ban wars...and ban guns...
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