Defend the First Amendment... and Freedom of Speech... Make
America and the World SAFE again...
Liberate America from the looming fascism of the right and
from the intolerant despotism of the left...
This is what is written... in the constitution...
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. |
Charged for laughing...
Woman laughed... The men were offended... They charged her for
disorderly conduct... They attempted to convict her for laughing...
and instead of sentencing the woman to jail time for laughing during
Jeff Sessions confirmation hearing... A District of Colombia
-Washington judge threw out the woman's conviction and called for a
new trial... I am sure it would have been much better if the judge
and dismissed all the laughing charges...

Desiree Fairooz, right, an activist affiliated with the group Code Pink, at the confirmation hearing in January on the nomination of Jeff Sessions to be attorney general...and officers leading Ms. Fairooz out of the hearing... Just for laughing...
Chief Judge Robert Morin decided that the government improperly argued that Fairooz's laugh alone — not her reaction to being removed from the courtroom — would be enough to find her guilty...
"Morin said it was 'disconcerting' that the government made the case in closing arguments that the laughter in and of itself was sufficient.
" 'The court is concerned about the government's theory,' Morin said. He said the laughter 'would not be sufficient' to submit the case to the jury, and said the government hadn't made clear before the trial that it intended to make that argument."
They, the 1%, trample on the First Amendment... mock the media... arrest people for laughing...
Fascism is crippling into the world again and changing our psyche... in North America...
A Parent,
bus drivers outraged after
black baby doll is mock-lynched at Rim
of the World Unified School's transit
black baby doll is mock-lynched at Rim
of the World Unified School's transit

But the "lynching" followed the flag incident...
Twin Peaks resident and former state assemblyman Tim Donnelly, who came to the defense of the students during a Sept. 1 Rim of the World Unified school board meeting, said that is the price to pay in a country where freedom of speech is a constitutional right.

They fly a flag which signifies treason... against the U.S. of A.
and insist that its their First Amendment right... But, supporting treason has never been a right... and defending
it is not included in the First Amendment...
They hang a black doll... which signifies lynching of blacks...
... and nothing is done... they just reprimanded the employee...
But racism has never been a First Amendment right...
Indeed Fascism is creeping into our psyche...
Fascist norms and mores are bubbling up everywhere... but they arrested the woman who laughed aloud at Jeff sessions
confirmation... !
Times have changed... and fascism is looming around in the
Fascists are emboldened and they are protected from above...
Sheriff Arpaio is a glaring example of it...
Is North America becoming a Turkey...?
Maybe...! Check the creeping fascism in Turkey...
Turkish authorities' crackdown on political opponents
and close media outlets and arrest journalist and
intellectuals who are opposed to the regime...

More than 50,000 people have been arrested since last year's failed coup, including more than 170 journalists and many opposition politicians, academics and activists.
The government closed down by decree over 160 media outlets, most linked to the opposition Gülen movement or Kurdish media. Minority rights are non existent in Turkey... And calling someone a Kurd or an Armenian has become an insult in Turkey... Just like the "n-word" in the U.S.
The number of journalists in pretrial detention on the basis of their writing and journalistic activities surpassed 200, making Turkey once again a world leader in jailing journalists.
Presenting no evidence of criminal wrongdoing, authorities detained many reporters and columnists employed by media outlets linked to the political opposition... Among those jailed pending investigation were veteran journalists and commentators who have been prominent government critics such as Nazlı Ilıcak, Şahin Alpay, Ahmet Altan, and Mehmet Altan.
Amnesty International Secretary General:
‘Today We Have Learned That Standing up for Human
Rights has Become a Crime in Turkey’
ISTANBUL, Turkey—An Istanbul court ordered that six human rights activists detained on July 5—including the director of Turkey’s Amnesty International office—must remain in custody. A total of 10 activists were detained over accusations that they were involved in “aiding a terror group.” The remaining four activists were released from detention on July 18, pending the outcome of a trial, but have been banned from traveling abroad.
The ten jailed activists (Photo: Amnesty International)
“The remanding of six human rights defenders in pre-trial custody is an appalling affront to justice and a new low in Turkey’s crackdown,” said Amnesty International in a statement.
ISTANBUL, Turkey—An Istanbul court ordered that six human rights activists detained on July 5—including the director of Turkey’s Amnesty International office—must remain in custody. A total of 10 activists were detained over accusations that they were involved in “aiding a terror group.” The remaining four activists were released from detention on July 18, pending the outcome of a trial, but have been banned from traveling abroad.
“The remanding of six human rights defenders in pre-trial custody is an appalling affront to justice and a new low in Turkey’s crackdown,” said Amnesty International in a statement.
Stand up for your First Amendment rights... Defend your right for free speech... otherwise we are in danger of becoming another Turkey...
This is indeed new... Eugenics in the U.S.

A White County inmate sits in Judge Sam Benningfield's courtroom...
The hearing did not go well for Tollison...
Judge Benningfield ruled that her continued missteps and her lack of employment made her unfit for home arrest. He ordered her to serve out the rest of her sentence in the county jail.
Shortly afterward...
Benningfield made a surprising announcement to the entire courtroom: a new programme would allow inmates like Tollison to shave time off her sentence - 30 days - if she agreed to sign up for a free long-lasting form of birth control. And for the male inmates, Benningfield's new order would offer free vasectomies.
Not long after Tollison arrived to the jail, sign-up sheets started going around to have an implant called Nexplanon inserted, which prevents pregnancy for up to four years.
Tollison signed up, along with at least 30 other women. And over on the men's side, 38 men signed up for vasectomies. With an average daily population of 221 inmates, that represented a sizeable portion of the jail. |
Defend your First Amendment rights everywhere... So as we will not evolve into another Turkey...
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