The Global Warming and Climate Change are devastating North America... Last week it was hurricane Harvey... and soon it will be hurricane Irma...
A headline declared...
"Hurricane barrels through Caribbean..." I would have added just like the bombs barrel in Syria...
Irma is devastating the Caribbean islands and soon will land in Florida... and the executives of the globalized 1% are rattling sabers about North Korea...
While the people of Texas and Florida are taking the beating and facing the rage of nature...
The executive leaders of the 1% are rattling their sabers against North Korea... While the world is burning in Myanmar-Burma... while the world is churning in Texas and Florida... The 1% is quarreling about North Korea...

The world is burning in Burma-Myanmar... The world is churning in North America... and the executives of the world globalized 1% are rattling their sabers with North Korea...
This is absurdity without limits...
The US and UK provide arms to the Saudi Kingdom... and become the merchants of death...
The Saudi petro-dollar is respected more in the US and UK than the human beings in Yemen...
The hypocrisy of the globalized 1% is disgusting and inhuman...
The 1% in Russia sells arms to repressive regimes like Azerbaijan...
The 1% of the U.S. is struggling in Iraq and Afghanistan...
The 1% of Russia and the U.S. have bombed Syria and truned it into a hell on earth...
The 1% in India is siding with Aung San Suu Kyi in her drive against the Rohingyas in Myanmar-Burma...
The 1% in China is imprisoning the "umbrella" activist who are defending liberty and freedom for the people of Hong Kong...
The Globalized 1% is killing, murdering, maiming people... and burning villages... and homes...
This globalized 1% is causing people to abandon their homes and has created the global refugee crisis...
And Organized religion is part and parcel of the globalized 1%...
In Yemen Muslims Killing other Muslims...
The ongoing Saudi-led military campaign against Yemen's Shia Houthi population has prompted a string of humanitarian crises. According to UNICEF, a child dies every 10 minutes in the war-torn country from preventable causes like diarrhea, breathing infections and malnutrition.

The last family photo of the al-Raimi siblings together before an airstrike hit their homes. Buthaina, far right, is the only survivor.

She lost her entire family. It's been 10 days since they died and she still asks her uncle when her parents will visit her...
Late at night, Buthaina wakes up screaming and crying, said her aunt Samah al-Raimi, who has been sleeping next to her. The woman added that she has trouble knowing whether the source of Buthaina's anguish is physical pains or bad dreams about the deadly night.
In Myanmar-Burma... Buddhists killing Minority Muslims... Rohingyas...
About 164,000 Rohingya Muslims have poured into Bangladesh from Myanmar's Rakhine state since violence erupted two weeks ago. They say the military and Rakhine Buddhists are destroying their villages to drive them out after attacks by Rohingya militants on police posts.
The government rejects this, saying the militants and Muslim residents are burning their own villages. But the BBC's South East Asia correspondent Jonathan Head says he saw a Muslim village that had just been set on fire, apparently by a group of Rakhine Buddhists. Here he describes what he witnessed:

Aung San Suu Kyi should be ashamed of herself... She should retrurn the Nobel peace Prize.... SHE DOES NOT DESERVE IT....
'Aung San Suu Kyi laughs out loud at Rohingya genocide allegations', shows Suu Kyi laughing and urging the Burmese people to rubbish the allegations of Rohingya genocide as mere "fabrications".
She is condoning the violence against the Rohingya people and justifying the Myanmar-Burmese army...

And the world is just watching... the 1% has better things to do... in North Korea...
...And Turkey wants to come to the rescue of the Rohingyas... just because they are Muslims... But Turkey tortures and murdered the Kurds who are also Muslims... The Turkish president, Erdogan is just another fascist who is using religion to cover up the nakedness of the emperor... He is using the Rohingyas as a fig leaf... just to cover his ass...
Just rhetoric while he boosts his fascist regime... Burns Kurdish villages... persecutes the Alevi minority... both groups are Muslims... He denies basic human rights to the Christian Armenians.... In fact, he and his allies use "Armenian" as an insult just like the racists in the U.S. use the N-word, "N-----" as an insult...
Erdogan has no credibility... and his rhetoric will not cover up his ass...
He says...
“Their characters, habits and physiques are different … You cannot place a mother breastfeeding her baby on an equal footing with men.
“You cannot make women work in the same jobs as men do, as in communist regimes. You cannot give them a shovel and tell them to do their work. This is against their delicate nature.”
Erdogan cannot white wash himself and his fascist ideology by aiding the Rohingyas... First he should respect the rights of Kurds and minorities in Turkey... He should recognize the Armenian Genocide... He should accept the verdict of history and recognize the Genocides of Armenians, Pontus Greeks and Assyrians...
Erdogan is not a democrat... Turkish guards attacked demonstrators in Washington D.C. recently when Erdogan was visiting D.C.
But there are decent and honest people and writers who oppose Erdogan's fascist regime...
But there are others who do not agree with Erdogan and his regime... There are more than 60 000 arrests and dismissals from government positions in the last year... There are more than 200 journalists and reporters arrested...
Taner Akçam is one such intellectual... who not only opposes Erdogan, but is brave enough to tell the truth about the Armenian Genocide...
Taner Akçam to Receive 2018 ‘Upstander’ Honor from World Without Genocide...
Akçam, one of the first Turkish intellectuals to acknowledge and openly discuss the Armenian Genocide, holds the only endowed chair dedicated to research and teaching on this subject. As Robert Aram and Marianne Kaloosdian and Stephen and Marian Mugar Professor of Armenian Genocide Studies at the Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Clark, he is committed to research, teaching and training future scholars. An outspoken advocate of democracy and free expression since his student days at Middle East Technical University in Ankara, he is an internationally recognized human rights activist.
“We have long admired your bold and dedicated work to document the atrocities perpetrated by the Ottoman government against the Armenian people. You have persisted in speaking out about the genocide, despite being marked for death by Turkish ultra-nationalists,” Ellen J. Kennedy, executive director of World Without Genocide, wrote to Akçam.
Erdogan is just an old fashioned fascist... He devastated Kurdish villages... he made Alevis 2nd and 3rd class citizens... discriminated against Armenians and denied the Armenian genocide...
He assisted ISIS Islamist Jihadists and now is helping al-Qaeda supported
Jabhat Fath Al-Sham fighters which is an al-Qaeda front is supported by Edogan's Turkey...
Erdogan is an Islamist fascist Jihadist... and dreams of the Ottoman Empire and conquering Europe again...
His help to the Rohingyas is just a cover for his naked ass... and he will never succeed... Kurds will have the final say...
Erdogan is just an old fashioned fascist... He devastated Kurdish villages... he made Alevis 2nd and 3rd class citizens... discriminated against Armenians and denied the Armenian genocide...
He assisted ISIS Islamist Jihadists and now is helping al-Qaeda supported
Jabhat Al-Nusra / Jabhat Fath Al-Sham consolidate in Syria...

Erdogan is an Islamist fascist Jihadist... and dreams of the Ottoman Empire and conquering Europe again...
His help to the Rohingyas is just a cover for his naked ass... and he will never succeed... Kurds will have the final say...
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