His Holiness Dalai Lama: Buddha would have helped Rohingya... and would not have murdered and prosecuted them... Buddha would have help the people... regardless of their religion... He writes:
I take the liberty of writing to you once again to tell you how
dismayed I am by the distressing circumstances in which the
situation seems to have deteriorated further,” the Dalai Lama
said in his letter to Suu Kyi.
the letter, which appears to have been sent three weeks ago, His
Holiness refers to previous discussions he had with Myanmar’s de
facto leader, in which he urged her to utilize her influence to
reduce tensions in the region and to find a peaceful solution for
the problems of the Rohingya Muslim minority. “It is
disappointing to observe that the problem appears to be getting
worse and the violence is increasing,” he wrote.
Malala tells Aung San Suu Kyi 'world is waiting' for her to act over Rohingya violence... The youngest ever Nobel peace prize winner urges her fellow laureate to stop ‘shameful’ treatment of the Muslim minority in Myanmar... Malala urges...
wrote: “Stop the violence. Today we have seen pictures of small
children killed by Myanmar’s security forces. These children
attacked no one, but still their homes were burned to the ground.
their home is not Myanmar, where they have lived for generations,
then where is it? Rohingya people should be given citizenship
in Myanmar,
the country where they were born.”

Tutu writes...
Indeed to keep silence is collusion with the military in their effort of ethnic cleansing...
They burn houses in the name of religion... They kill in the name of religion...
They displace people and kick them out of their centuries old homes...

They spread suffering and cause famine and sickness indiscriminately... women, men and children alike... In Myanmar its the Buddhists against Muslims... One religious group against another...
Children in the mud and puddles instead of schools... and homes...
Children suffering... Check the face and the eyes... What has God done...? Cannot the God of Christians... the God of Muslims... the prophets of Buddhism and Hindu gurus... COEXIST...?
Armenians leaving church in İstanbul stoned and threatened with death
Sept 18, 2017
Stockholm Center for Freedom in Sweden reports...
Turkey is sinking more and more into a
Fascistic hole... But the World just looks the
other way...
The Turkish Islamist Fascist with Russia's Top
Oligarch... Making Deals...

The fascist and the oligarch... Both do not respect human rights and both imprison journalists and reporters whom they don't like... Both have accumulated millions while in power... and both prosecute minorities within their boundaries...
The S-400 missile system is deployed at Russia's Hmeimim airbase in Syria
Berkeley police officer taking money from a hot dog vendor
“If the hot dog vendor is operating without a permit, the proper mechanism is to give him a ticket,” according to the law... But the HUMAN way is to give the vendor a warning... and let it go... "
laws should be people friendly... educational and NOT
Laws should enable people to coexist in peace...
The police should not be unleashed against people... citizens...
and the police should not kill because of the colour of ones
skin... or arrest because of ones race or religion...
Police should be part of the people and not the protectors of
the 1%... They should serve and protect ALL THE PEOPLE
and not be the defenders of the 1%...
years I had a photograph of you on my desk to remind me of the
injustice and sacrifice you endured out of your love and
commitment for Myanmar’s people. You symbolised righteousness.
emergence into public life allayed our concerns about violence
being perpetrated against members of the Rohingya. But what some
have called ‘ethnic cleansing’ and others ‘a slow genocide’
has persisted – and recently accelerated.
is incongruous for a symbol of righteousness to lead such a
country,” said the anti-apartheid activist. “If the political
price of your ascension to the highest office in Myanmar is
your silence, the price is surely too steep.”

They spread suffering and cause famine and sickness indiscriminately... women, men and children alike... In Myanmar its the Buddhists against Muslims... One religious group against another...

Cannot we place people first...?
People should first... After all, religion is merely an addition... In fact Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddist, Sikh, Alevi, Evangelical or Catholic... all are just adjectives... They have divided humanity for centuries... at times they have dehumanized people and have caused much suffering... Religion has provided pretexts for persecution... and massacres and murders... and looting... and genocides...
Human history is the history of the shame of Organized Religion... For centuries... even before Christ and Buddha and Muhammad and the rest of the prophets... rulers, the historical 1%... was killing and murdering and looting in the name of religion...
Genocides and Holocausts are committed in the name of religion...
- The Armenian Genocide-Holocaust...
- The Jewish Genocide-Holocaust...
- The Ukrainian Holodomor...
- The Stalinist purges...
- The Rwandan Genocide...
- Palestinian conflict and persecussion of the Muslim and Christian Arabs in the "Holy Lands..."
- The Persecution of the Kurdish people in Turkey...
- The Persecution of Alevi Arabs, Pontic Greeks, the Kurds and Armenians in Turkey...
- The wars between Protestants and Catholics in Europe which lasted decades and in more recent history in Ireland...
All have their origin in Religion or in Race... Organized Religion and ethnic cleansing, which is the senitized and modern lexicon for genocide and holocaust., go hand in hand... always... throughout history...
Fascism in Turkey...
Yesterday, Sunday Sept. 18, Armenians leaving the church service were stoned and threatened with death... by Fascist Islamist youth while their elders were cheering their actions...

Sept 18, 2017
Stockholm Center for Freedom in Sweden reports...
who were leaving Narlı Kapı Church in İstanbul on
Sunday were stoned by a group of youth who chanted
“death to you,” the Artigerçek news website reported on
an ultranationalist group attacked the funeral of the mother of
jailed Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) deputy Aysel Tuğluk in
Ankara saying that they would not let “Kurds, Alevis or
Armenians be buried in the cemetery.” The body of Tuğluk’s
mother was removed from the grave following the attack to be
buried in Tunceli province.Religious and ethnic minorities have increasingly been the target of hate speech and racist attacks in Turkey. A racist graffiti, which read “May the Turkish race live,” was scrawled on the courtyard wall of an Armenian school in İstanbul last year in Sep. More anti-Armenian graffiti which read “Suffering to Armenians,” was painted on the wall of the same school on the ninth anniversary of the murder of Turkish Armenian journalist Hrant Dink. A similar message was also written on the wall of Surp Haç Ermeni High School in the Bağlarbaşı neighborhood of İstanbul. “Suffering to Armenians,” the message read. |
Turkey is sinking more and more into a
Fascistic hole... But the World just looks the
other way...
The Turkish Islamist Fascist with Russia's Top
Oligarch... Making Deals...

The fascist and the oligarch... Both do not respect human rights and both imprison journalists and reporters whom they don't like... Both have accumulated millions while in power... and both prosecute minorities within their boundaries...
have lots in common... and above all they are part of the
Without Borders...

Turkey has signed a controversial deal with Russia to arm its
forces with Russian S-400 anti-aircraft missiles.
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a fascist despot, said Ankara had already paid the deposit on the deal, estimated to be worth $2.5bn (£1.9bn)... and Putin has become the merchant of death... just for riches... The 1% does nor care about people's well being... they just want to satisfy their insatiable GREED...
Turkey has the second-largest army in Nato. Alliance members are urged to buy compatible weapons systems... But Turkey also has
According to the TURK-IS nearly 50% of Turkey's population is at the poverty line, and the official figures put it at 22.4%...
Why spend billions on weapons when the population is unemployed and hungry...?
Why Russia will sell weapons to Turkey when the Turkish regime is persecuting minorities and aiding and abetting the Islamist Jihadists in the Middle East...?
Mr Erdogan, quoted by Turkey's Hurriyet daily, voiced displeasure with unnamed Western partners who were "seeking enormous amounts of money" for military drones...
The West, like Russia, are merchants of death too... The 1% Without Borders does not have any nationality... The dollar unites them all... and in their greed for more profits they are UNITED and their GREED smashes all borders and transcends national identity... Power corrupts and the dollar units the corruption...
Erdogan said Turkey had killed 90 YPG (that is Kurdish) "terrorists" in the past week with Turkish drones - developed because the Western ones were too expensive... "We are responsible for taking security measures for the defense of our country," he stressed.
And in the U.S. at U.C. Berkeley... Golden
Bears ... and the Hot Dog... and the Vendor... and the Police...
And in the U.S. at U.C. Berkeley... Golden
Bears ... and the Hot Dog... and the Vendor... and the Police...

stunned look fell over the hot dog vendor’s face as a police
officer, ticketing him for lacking a permit, reached into the man’s
wallet and pulled out $60.
vendor and a passer-by recording the exchange protested. “That’s
not right,” said the cameraman.
how it works,” replied the officer, of U.C. Berkeley’s police
civil forfeiture...
the authorities to seize cash and property from people suspected of
wrongdoing.Last year, the practice brought the state’s law
enforcement agencies more than $115 million, according to government
Theater of the absurd...
Theater of the absurd...
“It's routine
to seize money as evidence of an illegal transaction.”
money ... is needed as evidence, the police chief explained…
Citizen...who was present at the scene while police seized the
idea that certain serial numbers on certain bills are evidence is an
absurd concept,” he added.
People...that is, YOU and I...“If the hot dog vendor is operating without a permit, the proper mechanism is to give him a ticket,” according to the law... But the HUMAN way is to give the vendor a warning... and let it go... "
Laws should enable people to coexist in peace...
The police should not be unleashed against people... citizens...
and the police should not kill because of the colour of ones
skin... or arrest because of ones race or religion...
Police should be part of the people and not the protectors of
the 1%... They should serve and protect ALL THE PEOPLE
and not be the defenders of the 1%...
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