They say in the West that Kim Jong Un is
'begging for war' ... They proclaim this
from the UN and every stage that they can
But the fact is... NO ONE BAGS FOR WAR...
Haley says... "I think that North Korea has basically slapped everyone in the face in the international community that has asked them to stop..."
If they cannot stand the fact that some leaders in some parts of the world will stand up to them and not follow their hegemony... then they should not be leaders to start with...
The 1% of the West is furious that the 1% of another country, in this case North Korea, is not following their diktat...
Instead of rattling the sabers and threatening the world with nuclear war... think about the flood and think how you will help the flood victims... and stop being an asshole...
flooding in Houston continues, it's undeniable that we're looking
at far-reaching and long-lasting damage to infrastructure, the
economy, and of course to people's lives. And it's becoming clear
just how big a disaster the environmental impact in Texas and
Louisiana will be.
toxic waste sites are completely flooded and there is a high risk
that floodwaters around the city are contaminated with toxic
compounds like dioxin (which in its most dangerous form causes
birth defects and long-term health problems like leukemia).
They cut funding for the EPA, Environmental Protection
Agency, in the US... and then mother nature came and
bite them... with a vengeance... Now Huston is under a
toxic soup that they need to look after...
That's what happens... when the 1% becomes reckless
and greedy without limits...
Nature has her own way of taming the shrew... and the
1% should respect mother nature...
When they abuse nature... then nature reacts and bites
them back in their asses...
The fake news is not only coming from Russia... The conservative right wing has a big share of the pie...too...

Some conservative web sites are spreading fake news that the muslims are refusing to help people in Huston... and that they have denied their mosques to the victims...
The fake news does not come from Russia only... The conservative right wings
have found fake news very useful to spread their hate and racism...
This is the fake news... this is what the right wing racists are attempting to spread and covering it under the guise of "satirical web sites..."
stated Ramashan mosque could have sheltered over 500 people but would
not accept any non-Muslim people on the order of the Imam. Another
story claimed flood refugees later stormed the mosque to find
picture of Ibrahim Hindy was used underneath the headline "Texas
Mosque Refuses To Help Refugees: 'Allah Forbids Helping Infidels'".
- One story was published on 31 August on the website America's Last Line of Defense, which calls itself satirical and is a conservative, right wing web outlet. "[This] is a satirical publication that may sometimes appear to be telling the truth. We assure you that's not the case," it explains.

The imam has never been to Huston... He is from Toronto and at the time of the storm he was in Saudi Arabia for pilgrimage...
A man has reacted with surprise to seeing his photograph used in a fake story spread on social media that an Imam kept a mosque's doors closed to Storm Harvey victims.
Ibrahim Hindy, a Canadian Imam from Toronto, identified himself in the photograph used in a story which claimed Imam "Aswat Turads" of "Ramashan mosque" near Houston refused to help flood victims and said "we are forbidden from helping infidels."
Storm Harvey brought devastating floods and displaced thousands of people while many centres or volunteers offered shelter and assistance to victims.
However, Mr Hindy claims he has never been to Texas and during the flooding he was in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, performing the Hajj pilgrimage.
- Another story was also published on Daily Post Feed, which also claims to be satirical... and every few hours they changed the photo of the imam appearing in the news item...

But, what the fuck... satire has morality too... you cannot cover racism and lies under the cover of satire...
They may blame the imams... They may spread there racist poison on the internet through their webs...
But the truth cannot be covered under the guise of satire...
These people are hateful and vicious and the new leaders in North America are making them bolder by the day...
It stated Ramashan mosque could have sheltered over 500 people but would not accept any non-Muslim people on the order of the Imam. Another story claimed flood refugees later stormed the mosque to find shelter.
A picture of Ibrahim Hindy was used underneath the headline "Texas Mosque Refuses To Help Refugees: 'Allah Forbids Helping Infidels'".
It appears to have been taken seriously by thousands of people and the site's story was shared more than 126,000 times.
On Monday morning, the site changed Mr Hindy's image to a picture of Lebanese Imam Ahmad al-Assir.
This is just fake new... and they cannot parade their
asses under the guise of satire...
In fact... these racist are attempting to cover the fact that
an evangelical pastor... one of their own... refused to
open the doors of his megachurch in front of the
people... refused the victims of the flood...

But this
is the asshole who
was reluctant to open the
church doors to the
victims and the people...
Do not have "victim
mentality..." he roared...
but refused to open the
church doors to the flood victims... The conservative
right wing may attempt to cover up for this asshole in
their satirical web sites... But the truth cannot be denied and cannot be altered...
An asshole is and asshole no matter where and no
matter what...

Houston Pastor Joel Osteen tells Hurricane Harvey victims not to fall into the "victim mentality." He said. "Let's have a restoration mentality." (Cindy Ord/Getty Images)
In his first Sunday service... and during his message, Osteen
told congregants gathered that God would “pay back”
hurricane victims for what had been taken from them, and
warned them against playing into the “victim mentality...”
But he refused to help them...
When they lock the God's home... the people's home... as private
property... they are playing the game of the 1%... and not doing God's
The pastors of the organized religion are hypocritical, immoral asses...
They can talk good... they can sell God real way... they may become
rich... and deceive people with their talk... But the truth is that they are
asses who will never inherit the kingdom of heaven... They are
Shame of the World...
Muslim world denounces Myanmar's treatment of Rohingya; But the West is reticent...
San Suu Kyi, who for years was the symbol for democratic rule in
Burma... even in house arrest... and she was awarded the Nobel for Peace...
she refuses to talk about the atrocities and massacres and murders in
her country...
there a way to take the Nobel Peace Prize back...?
Take away Aung San Suu Kyi’s Nobel peace prize. She no longer deserves it... It is a shame for her and also for the world leaders... It should not be about religion... Organized religion is corrupt and the clergy of organized religion are more corrupt... It should be about human rights... We should not define people according to religion... that is a trick that the 1% plays... We have to defend the rights of Rohingya... because they are human beings... That's the simple truth...
far, an estimated 123,600 Rohingya have fled to neighboring
Bangladesh to escape escalating violence in their native Rakhine
State, according to a United Nations official in Bangladesh.
Aung San Suu Kyi... Should be ashamed and return the Nobel
Peace prize to this refugees who are running for their lives...
These are not Muslims running for their lives... These are
people just like you and me...
world is on fire... but the French have their unique way of meeting the challenge...
Nudists strip off at new zone in Paris park

Naked in Paris? Now you've got official permission -- thanks to a new nudist zone recently opened in the city's Bois de Vincennes park.
City officials have set aside a reserved space for naturists in this grassy public space. The nudist area is a temporary experiment -- open daily from August 31 to October 15, 2017.
Signs have been erected to warn passerbys of what's going on -- and officials say they are committed to ensuring the nudity and tranquility of the naturists will be respected.
Strictly no voyeurism will be tolerated.

Check the photos... Why most of these strip teasers are males...?

This guy is having the time of his life... mooning the world... while the world is burning... from North Korea to the floods of Texas...and Burma-Myanmar and the Middle East...
He want to expose his bum... pretending that he is part of nature...
They are free to expose themselves... But maybe the jungle is a better place... Why not...?By the way... can soldiers fight naked...?
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