Nuclear Hurricane...
Fascinating but destructive too... Respect for Nature should always guide human activity...
Irma is barreling ... and Irma hits... devastating...!
Nuking a hurricane...? Are you crazy...?
Nuking a hurricane is just like attempting to defend against a charging elephant or a lion by throwing tennis balls at them...
You maybe able to nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki... the West may threaten to nuke North Korea... But we cannot nuke our way out of Mother Nature's fury...
We just cannot nuke hurricanes... Mother Nature will have the last say... We may cause climate change... and then Nature will retaliate more fiercely and with a greater vengeance...
Nature eventually will tame human behaviour... We have to cooperate with Nature... or Nature will force us to behave...
During each hurricane season, there always appear suggestions that one should simply use nuclear weapons to try and destroy the storms. Apart from the fact that this might not even alter the storm, this approach neglects the problem that the released radioactive fallout would fairly quickly move with the trade-winds to affect land areas and cause devastating environmental problems. Needless to say, this is not a good idea...
Hurricane Research Division
Atlantic Oceanographic & Meteorological Laboratory We hope for the best... in the Caribbean and in Florida... The people are just the victims in the struggle between the 1% and Nature...
The 1% abuses Nature... destroys the serenity of Nature just to make a buck or two... But the last word is always Nature's... When Nature speaks we have to listen and behave ... otherwise nature roars and roars again...
Could Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump goad each other into a devastating confrontation?
Their Egos Are So Big that they will shine even in the darkness and eventually coexist ... But I am Sure that they Will Not Run Out of WORDS... They will rattle the sabers and catapult the insults and bomb mouthful words at each other... also play Chicken with each other... But there is no cock in them... They are just for PROFIT and GREED and they are the 1%
But a caveat...
Both are childish enough that words may swirl out of control... and stupid people may take advantage of the situation... They might play chicken and create hell on earth... !
These executives of the 1% are dangerous... like hurricane Harvey... like hurricane Irma... but they are not only dangerous to Texas or Florida... They are dangerous to the world...
So, stop the rhetoric and reason... humanity is worth much more than the egos of the executives of the 1%...
Funny talk and threats and ultimatum is not the way... Just respect each other... and have an adult chat...
You cannot talk to a hurricane... You cannot tame a hurricane, but you can talk to each other respectfully... as humans must do... as humans should do... as wise people do...!
A French artist defies the all famous, though imaginary WALL and creates eloquent beauty without words...
The French artist composes a 1 year old child peeking over the WALL at the border near San Diego...!
Artists, like Nature, always have a unique way of chiding and making satirical sensation... to arouse us into sanity... Most succeed but some succeed better...
The U.S. might built a WALL, but economic realities will smash that wall quite easily...
The diktat of economic reality is that money goes where it can make profit... that's globalization of the 1%... But there is the other part of economic logic... labour goes where it can make enough money to survive... Whatever is true for the money of the 1%... is also true for the worker... the labourer... the people...
If globalization is works for the greed and profit of the 1%... globalization- smashing the borders- will follow it... that's the logic of the gold rush and even armies will not be able to ban the flow of workers where there is work...
It is hard and painful to kick against spikes... !
The diktat of economic reality is that money goes where it can make profit... that's globalization of the 1%... But there is the other part of economic logic... labour goes where it can make enough money to survive... Whatever is true for the money of the 1%... is also true for the worker... the labourer... the people...
If globalization is works for the greed and profit of the 1%... globalization- smashing the borders- will follow it... that's the logic of the gold rush and even armies will not be able to ban the flow of workers where there is work...
It is hard and painful to kick against spikes... !
Economic realities are just like the hurricanes of Nature... Just be respectful and act like a human being... that is, be your brother's keeper and help each other...
Threats have never worked... War has always covered and lulled resentments... never healed them... and wars have generated yet more wars...
As a wise man wrote 100 years ago... "Blood begets blood..." There is no escape from it...
The French artist JR pasted that plaintive image on Wednesday, his first installation in Mexico. The piece, based on his photo of a 1-year-old who lives with his mother and grandparents in Tecate, is fully viewable only from the American side of the divide.
“I wonder, is this kid worrying about what will happen? What does he think?” JR said. “At one year old, you don’t see the frontier or which side is better.”
The kid wants to see what is on the other side... Maybe good... maybe not that good... maybe he thinks, "can I help them...?"
Maybe he thinks, can I enjoy with them...?"
Economic reality dictates the rules... If they starve in Africa, then there will be a refugee crisis in Europe... and if conditions are not that bright in South and Central America, then it will create immigration issues in North America...
Economy will dictate... If the 1% need cheap labour, then the economic reality will create even illegal immigration...
All the rest is just talk for entertainment... a show for all of us to pacify our fears and make us docile to the whims of the 1%...
Two Nobel Laureates... Two PEACE loving humans one very old, Desmond Tutu from South Africa and one very young, Malala from Afghanistan... call for peace in Myanmar-Burma... But Suu Kyi visits India and laughs at the suggestion of "slow motion genocide..."

Aung San Suu kyi with Indias Modi... Sue Kyi should return her Nobel Peace Prize... She does not deserve it... people say...!
Indeed shame on this Nobel laureate... They should rescing her Nobel Peace Prize...
The former archbishop said any country which was "not at peace with itself" was not a free country. "If the political price of your ascension to the highest office in Myanmar is your silence, the price is surely too steep," he said.
To compartmentalize humans into religious groups is to dehumanize them... Rohingyas are humans before being Muslims... The 1% along with the organized religious groups... divide people into groups to control them better and also to exploit them better...
But the reemergence of Russia is smashing the unipolar reality of the world...
Maybe the rise of China and the reemergence of Russia will establish a kind of "checks and balances..." and the world will be a safer place...

The kid wants to see what is on the other side... Maybe good... maybe not that good... maybe he thinks, "can I help them...?"
Maybe he thinks, can I enjoy with them...?"
Economic reality dictates the rules... If they starve in Africa, then there will be a refugee crisis in Europe... and if conditions are not that bright in South and Central America, then it will create immigration issues in North America...
Economy will dictate... If the 1% need cheap labour, then the economic reality will create even illegal immigration...
All the rest is just talk for entertainment... a show for all of us to pacify our fears and make us docile to the whims of the 1%...
Two Nobel Laureates... Two PEACE loving humans one very old, Desmond Tutu from South Africa and one very young, Malala from Afghanistan... call for peace in Myanmar-Burma... But Suu Kyi visits India and laughs at the suggestion of "slow motion genocide..."

Smiles just will multiply her the Guilty...
Aun San Suu Kyi and India's Modi are condoning the violence... She is a Nobel Peace Prize winner and he come from Gandhi's India... I expected PEACE promotion from both... But being part of the 1% has corrupted them and they have degenerated to become an integral part of the globalized 1% oppressive group... They have become members of the 1% San Frontier...Aung San Suu kyi with Indias Modi... Sue Kyi should return her Nobel Peace Prize... She does not deserve it... people say...!

Indeed shame on this Nobel laureate... They should rescing her Nobel Peace Prize...
Desmond Tutu begs Suu Kyi to help... And wrote... Any country which is "not at peace with itself" is not a free country... Peace with itself predicates freedom, liberty, fraternity and smashes the obstacles and barriers ... allowing everyone to pursue happiness...

Outrage has been growing in Bangladesh over the continued exodus of Rohingya into the country, and recent reports of landmines being placed on the border in the path of refugees.
This is inhuman and should stop... This is crazy and the people should protest all over the globe...
First they kill and murder and drive them out... and now they place land-mines along
the fleeing refugee path... is beyond human grasp and understanding...
These are not Muslims... these are human beings just like any other Buddhist or Sikh or Christian or followers of Judaism...**********************************************
As the humanitarian crisis in South Asia continued to grow, Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu wrote to his fellow Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, begging her to stop the violence.
"I am ... breaking my vow of silence on public affairs out of profound sadness about the plight of the Muslim minority in your country, the Rohingya," he wrote in an open letter, posted on his official Twitter.
Aung San Suu Kyi, the de facto ruler of Myanmar as state counselor, has repeatedly come under criticism for her lack of action to help the Rohingya, a stark contrast to her previous image as a champion of human rights.
In his letter, Tutu described Suu Kyi as "a beloved younger sister," and how he used to keep a photo of her on his desk to remind him of the woman who symbolized "righteousness" in the world."But what some have called 'ethnic cleansing' and others 'a slow genocide' has persisted -- and recently accelerated. The images we are seeing of the suffering of the Rohingya fill us with pain and dread," he said.

Malala too calls for defence of Rohingya But Ang San Suu Kyi laughs at the violence...

...And also
After the collapse of the Soviet Union... The world became a unipolar space... and the 1% of the West behaved as if they own everything... the entire world...
And we had... the Iraqi wars... the turmoil in the Middle East... Syrian civil war... collapse of Lybia... and emergence of ISIS-Islamic Jihadists and refugee crisis...
The rise of North Korea and saber rattling... The climate crisis and Climate Change...
The unipolar world gave us chaos... and destruction and wars and civil wars...
I am not a fan of Putin's Russia... Putin is not a democrat in fact, he is a brutish remnant of the Soviet KGB... He is an apparatchik oligarch sucking the riches of Russia... and imprisoning political and economic opponents... he is against freedoms of any kind...But the reemergence of Russia is smashing the unipolar reality of the world...
Maybe the rise of China and the reemergence of Russia will establish a kind of "checks and balances..." and the world will be a safer place...

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, far left, sits next to Russian President Vladimir Putin as both watch a demonstration last week at the Kodokan Judo Institute in Tokyo. (Pool photo)
The leaders of Japan and Russia capped their two-day summit on Friday by visiting the Kodokan Judo Institute, birthplace of the Japanese sport.
The leaders of Japan and Russia capped their two-day summit on Friday by visiting the Kodokan Judo Institute, birthplace of the Japanese sport.
Vladivostok, Russia : Russian President Vladimir Putin told an economic forum Thursday that the United States could be playing into North Korea's hands by trying to ramp up pressure on Pyongyang.

Russian President Vladimir Putin addresses the Eastern Economic Forum on Thursday in Vladivostok.
"It's counterproductive to inflate this military hysteria. This leads nowhere," Putin said, speaking alongside South Korean President Moon Jae-in, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Mongolian President Khaltmaa Battulga at the Eastern Economic Forum in the far eastern Russian city of Vladivostok.
Maybe the revitalization of the multi-polar world will usher in a safer world... Just maybe...
Nature is just beautiful only if people appreciate the beauty of evolutionary creation...
Kimball Garrett
Nanday parakeets in Malibu... LA county... Popular in the cage bird trade, they are native to South America.
Nanday parakeets in Malibu... LA county... Popular in the cage bird trade, they are native to South America.
commonly live in rain forests. So it may seem strange to see flocks
of the bright-feathered birds in arid California.
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