"Man is the most vicious of all animals..."
Trump told to the People magazine... in 1981...

Aleppo, Syria... The Child Face of the War... and... Rohingya kids escaping violence in Myanmar...
Children suffer the most... That's what my grandparents told me while describing the Armenian Genocide... perpetrated by successive Turkish regimes... and denied by the present government of Erdogan's fascists...

India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi blames the violence on extremists... but it is the Army of Myanmar-Burma carrying the murders and massacres... and Aung San Suu Kyi, the leader of Myanmar-Burma is silent... She won the Nobel Peace Prize and now she is complicit with the murders and deportations of Rohingya people...
...And now Turkey's Erdogan presses world
leaders to help Myanmar's Rohingya

Erdogan says:
watched the situation that Myanmar and Muslims are in,” Erdogan
said in Istanbul, where he was attending the funeral of a Turkish
soldier. “You saw how villages have been burnt... Humanity
remained silent to the massacre in Myanmar”.
There are few things that Erdogan, just an opportunist-fascist from the ranks of the world 1%, forgets...
1. The
Turkish guards punched and kicked peaceful demonstrators in
Washington D.C. just few months ago... and the U.S. Congress
condemned the violence and the Turkish guards were charged and
convicted for the violence...
has no credibility as a democrat... He has brutally killed and
displaced Kurds in Turkey... very much like the Myanmar-Burmese army
is doing to the Rohingya Muslims...
Erdogan is using religion to advance his "humanitarian" image... while he is persecuting the Kurdish Muslim minority in Turkey... Clearly religion is a sham and just a cover up for the naked emperor...
2. Erdogan's Turkey has imprisoned more than 200 reporters, journalists... and has arrested human rights activists in the thousands... Erdogan's Turkey has closed leading newspapers because of their opposition to his semi-fascistic regime...
3. Erdogan is referring to "genocide of the Rohingyas..." But he covers up the Armenian, Pontean-Greek and Assyrian genocides in his own country...

Erdogan has no credit as a humanitarian and his false tears are just to earn credit for his fascist regime... If he is genuinely concerned about the misery of the Rohingyas in Myanmar-Burma, then let him acknowledge the truth about the Armenian, Pontean Greek and Assyrian genocides...

Suu Kyi won the Nobel Peace Prize... People expect her to return the prize... She is not a peacemaker, after all...
Suu Kyi won the Nobel Peace Prize... People expect her to return the prize... She is not a peacemaker, after all...

Check the photo... Do you see any terrorists...?

Check the photo above... Do you see any terrorists...?
The Myanmar-Burma army is massacring the people... and the Nobel Laureate lady is blaming someone else... But again religion plays the major part in the conflict... and the clergy of organized religion plays a major part in the instigation of the murders and terror...
She should be ashamed and return the Nobel Peace Prize... She is not worthy of it...
No One, absolutely no one, Begs for War...
- North Korea "should be low on our list of concerns for civilizational existential risk," Musk said
- "Competition for AI superiority at national level most likely cause of WW3 imo," Musk said in another tweet, using the Internet short-hand for "in my opinion."
- The dire prediction was in response to a recent comment from Russian President Vladimir Putin.
- Putin mused aloud, "Artificial intelligence is the future not only of Russia but of all of mankind," Putin said. "Whoever becomes the leader in this sphere will become the ruler of the world."
... And on the campaign for presidency... Trump said
with eloquence and style very much unique to him...
"Everything's coming across the border: the illegals, the cars, and the whole thing. It's like a big mess. Blah. It's like vomit."
They were "bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists."
"Likewise, tremendous infectious disease is pouring across the border."
No one has the right to degrade people and humiliate
them for whatever political reason... People need their
dignity and leaders of the globalized 1% have no right to
abuse them... physically and or verbally...
No One Begs for War...
The leaders of the 1% should know this well... Maybe they will be more restrained in their funny and inhuman rhetoric when their sons and daughters are obliged to go to war...
The leaders of the 1% should know this well... Maybe they will be more restrained in their funny and inhuman rhetoric when their sons and daughters are obliged to go to war...
there should be laws in every country that whenever a president-prime
minister or any one else declares war... their sons and daughters
should go to war first... let the sons and daughters of the 1% defend
the riches of the 1% not the people...
am not a fan of Putin... He is the leader of the Russian
1%... He was just an ordinary KGB apparatchik during the Soviets... but now he is a billionaire... It is not hard to imagine where his riches came from...
The New Russia is governed by inhumane oligarchic mafias... and I Putin is their leader... But in the North Korean case he is making a bit sense... Check what he says...
repeated his assertion that sanctions and pressure won't be enough
to rein in North Korea.
not succumb to emotions and drive North Korea into a corner. Now
more than ever, everyone needs to be calm and avoid steps that
lead to an escalation of tension," Putin said.
the political and diplomatic tools, it is extremely difficult to
move the situation around. And to be more precise, I think it is
impossible at all," he added. |
War should not be an option... War never has
to be an option... The 1% must find new ways
to share the pie...and should not send the people
to murder and maim each other for the sake of
the 1%...
Musk Predicts World War III... But not because of
North Korea... he says IT (Artificial Intelligence Technology) will
cause it...
At the moment, the United States, China and India are the three countries leading the AI race, according to top
But Musk believes others will try to catch up by any means possible...
"Govts don't need to follow normal laws," he wrote in a tweet recently... "They will obtain AI developed by companies at gunpoint, if necessary."
Elon Musk is correct 100% in his assertion that
"govts don't need to follow normal laws..." In fact, govts
never follow the "normal laws..." whatever the normal is
according to Elon Musk...
The 1% is vicious and greedy in their pursuit for more
and more profit... not for the people, but just for the 1%...
Elon Musk spent part of his Labor Day (Sept. 1-4...) weekend tweeting about World War III.
Tesla (TSLA) and SpaceX's CEO wan't making doomsday predictions because North Korea is testing nuclear weapons. What's got Musk much more worried about world war is artificial intelligence.
Musk speculated that an AI system could choose to start a war "if it decides that a prepemptive [sic] strike is most probable path to victory."
And neither the leaders in North America and Europe
nor the leaders in North Korea and China and India... are
AI intelligent...
Tone down the rhetoric from both sides... No one won in
Iraq... No one won in Syria... and no one, absolutely no
one will win in North Korea...
People will die in vain...
Peace is the better and the ONLY option...
After all, intelligent people talk to each other...
nor the leaders in North Korea and China and India... are
AI intelligent...
Tone down the rhetoric from both sides... No one won in
Iraq... No one won in Syria... and no one, absolutely no
one will win in North Korea...
People will die in vain...
Peace is the better and the ONLY option...
After all, intelligent people talk to each other...
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