72 years after Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings... today is the anniversary of the Nagasaki bombing...
After the atomic bomb a victim is literally baked in the dugout...
‘Fire and Fury the World Has Never Seen’

Sandwiched between the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings... the above world leaders are escalating their rhetoric to a point of no return...
Attacking Baghdad was easy... after all, Saddam did not have any "weapons of mass destruction..."
Invading Afghanistan was simple and straightforward... after all, the Talaban was just a guerrilla army...
But as Vietnam demonstrated... even guerrilla armies can inflict many casualties... and eventually mighty armies succumb to defeat... Afghanistan has dragged to become the longest US war...
Syria was supposed to be easy... but it has dragged forever with inhuman brutality and thousands of casualties...
The Western Liberal Democracies... and the U.S. have hatched the concept of regime change for "better and for democracy..."
They attempted it in Egypt... and they did not succeed... The military was in the leadership and eventually the military returned to power... Mubarak was from the army and Abdel Fattah el-Sisi is from the army too...
They attempted in Iraq... and the country was divided into three ethnic-religious sections... The invasion of Iraq eventually begat the illegitimate offspring of Arab Spring... terrorism and ISIS-Islamic Jihadists...
They attempted regime change in Libya... and mow the county is a stronghold of various warlords and human traffickers...
Regime change is easier said than achieved... after all teaching democracy to people who have only crumbs to survive on is impossible...
WE CANNOT TEACH DEMOCRACY... in order to sustain a democracy the citizen must be both educated and economically satisfied... If they are not educated, people will be easily deceived by "fake news..." and if they are not economically satisfied, it will be very easy to bribe them...
No one can teach democracy to North Korea... No body should teach democracy to North Korea... After all the democratic norms in the West (Europe and North America...) are as fragile as the icebergs of Antarctica, and are at the mercy of Russian hackers...
"Fake news..." is the new normal... and anyone with a laptop will be able to generate news... fake or otherwise...
It is the anniversary of the Nagasaki bombing ... people must defend their right for liberty and fraternity and pursuit of happiness... NO DEMAGOGUE FROM THE EAST OR THE WEST should be allowed to endanger or existence...
PEOPLE SHOULD STAND UP, against these leaders, AND BE COUNTED...
War is not an option... War is just the failure of diplomacy, that is, humanity...
It is the anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings... Stand up and be counted...
72 years after the bombing of Nagasaki, there are 15,000 nuclear weapons in the world
Maybe there should be an obligatory draft for the 1%... Let them defend the riches that they embezzled...
Whether by intentional military choice ... or an act of terrorism, we risk far worse humanitarian and environmental disasters than Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki victims...

War is not a game... and there are no such things as theaters of war ...!!!

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