It has been 70 years since India and Pakistan
emerged as independent countries... and threw
away colonial rule...

And,Trump just called India "the world's largest democracy..." in his Afghanistan Speech...
emerged as independent countries... and threw
away colonial rule...

One man, one vote is a sham of democracy... and our shame...

And,Trump just called India "the world's largest democracy..." in his Afghanistan Speech...
Indeed... at times
India euphemistically... figuratively...
metaphorically is called "the largest
democracy in the world..."
But, Democracy is not merely a large voting
base and "one man, one vote..."
Indian democracy is still deformed...
- The Caste System... Hinduism: The Caste System--(groups assigned by birth not personality)... The Hindu conception of the social order is that people are different, and different people will fit well into different aspects of society. It is indeed a class structure that is determined by birth. Loosely, it means that in some societies, if your parents are poor, you're going to be poor, too. Same goes for being rich, if you're a glass-half-full person...
- There are too many illiterate in India... India has by far the largest population of illiterate adults... numbering 287 million... and amounting to 37 per cent of the global adult illiteracy... The United Nations report highlighted the huge disparities existing in education levels of India's rich and poor...
- The socioeconomic situation is miserable in India... One of my economic professors in one of his lectures prophesied, "an underdeveloped country will have an underdeveloped democracy..."
New Delhi (CNN) India's latest Socioeconomic and Caste Census paints a stark picture of widespread rural poverty and deprivation,
the 300 million households surveyed, an overwhelming majority
(73%) live in villages. Of this rural population, less than 5%
earn enough to pay taxes, only 2.5% own a 4-wheeler vehicle and
less than 10% have salaried jobs.
only does rural India have miserable statistics on income and
asset ownership, its literacy rates are low. Only 3.5% of students
graduate and around 35.7% of residents can't read or write.
comes as no surprise that the bulk of the Indian population is
still overwhelmingly poor.
surveys and experts have continued to emphasize the chasm between
the two disparate pictures of India -- one that owns ambitious
space and nuclear programs, and boasts of billionaires and
information technology prowess, and the one in the villages, of
which 92 million households (51%) earn their living by manual
A society that has a poorer class... cannot function as a proper
democracy as the people will be bribed very easily...
A society which has a large illiterate base... cannot function in
democratic norms... as the population will be easily lulled by
the rhetoric of demagogues and false promises of politicians...
In a society, where caste like racist norms prevail... in which
symbols of discrimination and repression prevail... in which
colour of ones skin determines acceptability... determines rules
of social mobility... cannot be democratic... after all, democracy
appreciates equality, fraternity and the pursuit of happiness
for ALL...
A society which gyrates to sexist norms... where women are
paid less and appreciated less... and abused more... cannot be
considered democratic... Check the sorry statistics below...

In India a child under 16 is
raped every 2.6 hours
a child under 10 every
13 hours...

A ten-year old rape victim who was denied an abortion has given birth in northern India.
The 10-year old delivered a baby girl via Caesarian section... Both the girl and her baby are in stable condition...

The girl was forced to have the baby after India's Supreme Court rejected the family's plea for an abortion three weeks ago, based on the opinions of eight doctors and an examination of the girl...

The scale of abuse in India
... And how much Western societies in Europe and North America... resemble the deformed society and democracy of India...?
You'll be the judge and the jury and the executioner too...
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