Organized Religion is at the Root of all Evil...
The Middle East gave us the three major organized religions... They say the Middle East is the cradle of civilization... I would qualify this generalization by inserting the qualifier... It is the cradle of Western civilization... India and China-Japan are the cradle of OTHER civilizations...
For the past couple of decades, ever since the globalization of terrorism... There is much talk about "the clash of civilizations..." Again I will qualify this assertion and insist on the "clash of religions..."
They have "Radical Islamic terrorism..." and the West, specially the US has Radical Christian Terrorism... and instead of a clash of civilizations... we have a clash of Organized Religions...
The Middle East is in turmoil... The Middle East will stay in turmoil... as long as there are the three major Organized Religions... Islam, Christianity and Judaism...
The invasion of the Crusaders never came to an end... It still continues... it still is alive and well and still clashing with Islam and still pretending that they want to liberate the Holy Lands...
The 1% of the Western (Judeo-Christian) alliances... is clashing with the 1% of the emerging Islamic states (Turkey-Saudi Arabia... and the rest...)
The world population is caught up in the middle...
The organized religions are covering up the greed of the 1%... They always have done that... and as long as organized religion is alive and opulently well... they will ally with the laity (the 1%) and the Middle East will stay a powder keg thay may explode the globalized hypocrisy and globalized greed...
Check the three examples below...
Saudi Arabia...

A 14-year-old boy in the Saudi city of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia dancing the Macarena...
(Screen capture: YouTube)
The religious zealots are always occupied with public morality...
Women have to be covered, but men may wear shorts... and you do not dance in the public... If you want to fuck around and have sex, DO IN COVERTLY like the clergy are used to do... That's what organized religion - clergy of ALL organized religions do... Fuck in the hiding... have a veneer of public decency... cover up and then fuck up...
Holy Lands...

Members of Women of the Wall hold up a Torah scroll during a prayer service marking the first day of the Jewish month of Elul, on August 23, 2017, at the Western Wall in Jerusalem's Old City. (AFP Photo/Menahem Kahana)
Guards at the entrance to the Western Wall complex in Jerusalem “strip searched” four female rabbinical students on Wednesday ahead of the Women of the Wall’s monthly prayer service at the holy site, liberal Jewish groups said.
Guards strip search the women... for weapons...
The religious Jewish establishment wants to harass to more "liberal" Jews...
The traditional... old fashioned... Biblical ways... have to persist, they say... and women should be placed in their place... Strip search them... shame them... so as they will not be at the Holy Wall...
And then there is Turkey...
Erdogan... Turkey's president... is on an international manhunt. He is using the interpol to arrest all intellectuals who oppose to him... Dogan Akhanli is one of them...
On Turkish demand... Spain arrest Him and then grants Erdogan critic conditional release...

Mr Akhanli describes himself as a former political prisoner
A known critic of Turkey's government who was arrested in Spain has been granted conditional release.
German-Turkish writer Dogan Akhanli has written extensively about human rights in Turkey.
He usually lives in Germany, where his arrest is seen as politically motivated, and the German embassy has said he should not be deported.
Mr Akhanli is being released on condition that he stays in Madrid, his lawyer said.
"The fight was worth it," Ilias Uyar said in a Facebook post after the hearing. "Dogan Akhanli is free."
Mr Akhanli was detained on Saturday in the city of Granada, where he was reportedly on holiday.
The arrest was carried out on an Interpol "red notice" - a request to arrest a wanted individual for extradition. The request is made by national police forces, and it does not indicate the person is wanted by Interpol itself.
The 60-year-old has written about the killing in 2007 of Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink, and the 1915 killing of Armenians by Ottoman Turks - which was labelled as genocide by the German parliament last year.
Large numbers of journalists have been jailed in Turkey since a failed coup (which some Swedish journalists reported that Erdogan initiated it in order to gather more power and silence critics...) last year, and news outlets critical of the government have been shut down or taken over.
Indeed the Middle east is in Turmoil... and organized religion is the root cause of it...
The Middle east conflict will not be solved... and NO U.S. administration will have any power to solve it... as long as the three major organized religions -Islam, Christianity, Judaism- are alive and kicking...
We are witnessing NOT the "clash of civilizations..." but the dragging of the Crusaders attempting to liberate the Holy Lands...
................... and in this cruel farce the world populations is paying the price, while the 1% is getting fatter and richer...
The stock market registered and unprecedented rise again...!!! and organized religions uses its opium to fuck us around...

The Middle east conflict will not be solved... and NO U.S. administration will have any power to solve it... as long as the three major organized religions -Islam, Christianity, Judaism- are alive and kicking...
We are witnessing NOT the "clash of civilizations..." but the dragging of the Crusaders attempting to liberate the Holy Lands...
................... and in this cruel farce the world populations is paying the price, while the 1% is getting fatter and richer...
The stock market registered and unprecedented rise again...!!! and organized religions uses its opium to fuck us around...

The opium filed of organized religion...

...and the age of reason... which MAY NEVER COME...
But still it is aquaminous fun to wait for
But still it is aquaminous fun to wait for
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