Organized religion of the East or West... North or South... is the root cause of human misery...
History attest to this fact... from ancient Greece to Egypt and Rome...
Christianity created the Crusaders... Christians battled between each other... Catholics and protestants... and the conflict claimed millions... America was established by pilgrims and people escaping religious persecution in Europe - England and France... and the rest... Ireland is a recent example of the conflicts among Christians...
Christians penetrated Africa and Asia in the name of religion and camouflaged their GREED with racist ideology of the so called... White Men's Burden... to civilize the world and to humanize the "savages..."
Christianity hunted people in Africa to enslave them... Christianity created slavery...
Islam was spread by the sword... Spreading from Saudi Arabia they conquered North Africa and the Middle East...
The Turkish version of Islam slaughtered the "infidels" and massacred Greeks, Assyrians and Armenians... just because of their religion... and usurped their belongings... Turkish version of Islam committed the first Genocide of the Twentieth Century...
The Middle East is in turmoil because of the three major religions - Christianity, Judaism and Islam competing with each other...
The Middle East, in fact world, cannot achieve PEACE as long as ORGANIZED RELIGION is alive and well and kicking...
Check below some of the news of the day...
Deadly clashes in India after controversial guru found guilty of rape... India guru rape case: 23 die in unrest as Ram Rahim Singh convicted...

At least 23 people have been killed in violent protests over the rape conviction of a popular religious leader in north India...
Rape is nothing new to religious leaders... Catholics like to fuck boys... Evangelicals like both sexes and prostitutes too...
Muslims are very much like Christians when it comes to sex... though they rather have harems...

The guru's supporters gather... and then burn and riot...
Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh... The Guru

- Leader of the Dera Sacha Sauda sect, which claims to have 60 million followers around the world
- He took over the sect - which describes itself as "a non-profit social welfare and spiritual organisation" - when he was 23
- He performs at rock concerts, acts in films and even has his own line of food products
- he is known as "rockstar baba" and "guru of bling" because of his shiny, colourful clothes and because of his diamonds
- He has been accused of mocking Sikh and Hindu figures
- He has been investigated for murder and rape, charges he denies
- He has been accused of forcing followers to undergo castration to "get closer to god"
I like the serenity of the ashrams... and the peaceful life in monasteries... there is transcendental peace in both ashrams and monasteries... But Hindu and Sikh gurus, like Christian priests, are not without blame...
They get rich fast too... They fuck around too... They rape and cheat too...
Check this too...
ISIS suicide attack at mosque in Afghan capital... They act in the name of Islam...

Just like Catholics and Protestants... Muslims are fighting each other too... Shea and Sunni conflict camouflages the conflict between the Saudi and Iranian rulers... The conflict is "religious," but in fact the 1% of the Saudis are fighting the Iranian 1%...
Greed is the name of the game...
ISIS (the Islamic Jihadists) has claimed responsibility for an attack Friday on a Shiite Muslim mosque in the Afghan capital of Kabul that authorities said left 20 people dead... Organized religion has murdered and maimed people over the centuries...
They have committed all kinds of atrocities and brutalized the population...
The Sunni-Shiaa rivalry in Islam reminds me of the wars waged between Catholics and Protestants in Europe... not so long ago...
They say religion is the drug to lull people...
Christians promise an after-life of riches and opulence... ONLY IF you remain docile and obedient to the law in REAL LIFE...
Muslims promise lots of virgins in after-life if you sacrifice yourself in the name of Islam... In the name of Allah... They say suicide bombers will be blessed with beautiful virgins... ONLY IN AFTER-LIFE...
And check the U.S. Evangelicals...

Evangelical leaders led a prayer circle in the Oval Office in which they laid hands on President Donald Trump to invoke God’s blessing...
Why their God is allied with the most immoral leaders in the world... ? Is their God immoral too...? Or, maybe morality is just for the people and not the 1%... !!!
Check these funny people...
Evangelicals insist that abortion is murder... But, ALL of them defend capital punishment... ALL of they defend the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan...
The commandment says... Thou shall not kill... and there are no qualifications and exceptions
Selective judgment and cynical hypocrisy... is the trade mark of the US Evangelicals...
Pastor Jeffress insists that God has given authority to Trump to do way with the North Korean leader...
Questions: Since when God gave permission to anyone to start a nuclear war...?
Is God a warmonger too...?

Organized Religion in the service of the 1%...
Pastor Robert Jeffress thinks Donald Trump is the gift of God to humanity...
he was given to us so as he cleans the globe from North Korean leader and
liberates the Holy Lands from the Islamic Jihadists and
smashes the Islamic terrorists...
Organized religion is just a scheme to enrich oneself
and cheat the people... that's according to the behavior
of US evangelical pastors and organized religion...

If you are rich it is the will of God... he preaches...
and of course,
the axiom to this is that if you are poor it's God will too...
Is it God's will that this fast talking pastor got rich very fast and praised the Lord for leaders who are willing to start wars and trample all human morality...?
Question: Is God this mean that He sides with the 1%... ?
Is the God of this televangelists just cruel and sadistic...?
Their Christian love blames the victim:
Televangelist Pat Robertson explains why
healing prayers don’t work by claiming that some people secretly “enjoy their sickness,” and do not want to be cured...
Question... Have you met people who
enjoy their sickness...?
Evangelist Christians fighting Mormonism...
I thought for a second that Mormonism was remotely Christian, I
wouldn’t spend my life doing what I am doing today. I’ve
studied Mormonism my entire life (47 years) and I’ve yet to find
even one doctrine of Mormonism that is biblically correct.
Every single teaching in the Mormon Church is wrong my friend and
if you can prove otherwise I’d sure like to hear about it!
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