Every day in my morning walks I pass by a billboard advertising work-boots...

... and I wonder...why a semi-naked women has work-boots on...
Why a macho man is not advertising the work-boots... and why the woman is wearing shorts and exposes cleavage...
Every day it disturbs me... and generates thoughts that bother me...
Objectifying people to sell a product is just capitalist-correct... The greed and chasing profit at any cost has introduced a very indecent and immoral trait in our social norms and beliefs... Even religion has been contaminated by the greed and profit chasing of the 1%...
Why this will be an ad that our social norms and our cultural mores will tolerate...?

Should not society bring these people to justice... for degrading women and for objectifying people... ?
These ads distort and muddle the serenity of my morning walks... and I wish there will be a change... but change is slow to come... so many mornings I change my path in order to avoid that boots ad... But then I encounter another stupid one...
Why this sandwich will conjure phallic stupidity... after all if the sandwich is good and healthy and tasty... it does not need sexist imagery to sell... !
One of my relatives had a two year old daughter when their second child, a son, was born... They were happy and we were happy for them...
The son grew up and because his sister were playing will dolls, Barbies and the rest of the bunch, he also began to play with dolls... Parents and grandparents were taken back and upset that the MALE sibling was imitating his elder sister and playing with dolls... and they tried to avoid it... at times forcefully pulling the dolls away from the kid... The son cried... But the parents were quite determined... and the grandparents were fearful that their grandson will grow up to be gay...
Witnessing the distress of the parents-grandparents was amusing to be... I did not interfere, but in my mind I always repeated ... LET THE KID BE... Let him play with dolls... What's the harm...!!!!!
But these scenes continued... and I did my best to avoid that family... despite the fact that it is very hard to avoid relatives, specially at holidays...
The above scenes cam to mind when I read about a new ad in the BBC... I always scan the BBC for the news...

LONDON — One ad for baby formula showed a little girl growing up to be a ballerina and a little boy becoming a mathematician...
Why the "little girl" will grow up to be a ballerina and why the "little boy" will be a mathematician...?
When "pussy grabbing" is the social norm and objectifying people is rampant, specially in the work place... then the norms and mores... have to change... Maybe one person at a time... !
An Audi commercial equating women to used cars has riled up consumers in China...
The Chinese commercial opens with a young couple on the cusp of getting married, when the groom's mother suddenly interrupts the ceremony to inspect the bride.
After yanking the bride's nose and ears, and prying open her jaw to inspect her teeth, the mom appears satisfied and gives the couple the okay. She casts one last disapproving look at the bride's chest before the scene changes to an Audi driving through city streets as a voice-over says "an important decision must be made carefully."
Indeed, important decisions have to be made carefully... and wisely...
Objectifying women is neither wise and nor a careful/good decision...
When people think only below their belt... we should not even trust those people...
After all, penises are not licenses for stupidity...
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