News on Sunday
Korea warned Sunday that the upcoming US-South
Korea military
exercises are "reckless behavior driving the
situation into
the uncontrollable phase of a nuclear war."
Imagine if you could not think... not think at all... Imagine if instead of the brain we had another sex organ to fuck more... or just another stomach to eat more...
Imagine... if humans were just fucking, eating and fighting all the time... Imagine if we were only governed by our sense organs... and imagine humans without brains...
Just imagine... bunkers for the 1%... for the rich... in case things go wrong... in case leaders abandon the domain of verbal abuse and threats and transgress the "red lines" of war and murder...
Imagine... the globalization of stupidity and the emergence of more and more dopey and dazed presidents and leaders...
Once, Descartes was celebrated... and "I think, hence I am..." was the excepted norm... Now Don Quixote is the hero and "I am rich, therefor I rule..." is the new normal...
It does not matter if one is a professional cheater... embezzler... It does not matter if someone is a skillful tax evader... a person who declares bankruptcy to cheat both the state and the people.
Indeed it does not matter if someone abandons human norms and mores... grabs pussies at whim... abuses people-women- just for the fun of it... All these do not matter as long as one is rich and has a billion or two... or three...
Money is the yardstick for everything... human values are just commodities on the stock exchange... they are short changed for profit... they are bought and sold for status...
Imagine... the globalization of stupidity and the emergence of more and more dopey and dazed presidents and leaders...
Once, Descartes was celebrated... and "I think, hence I am..." was the excepted norm... Now Don Quixote is the hero and "I am rich, therefor I rule..." is the new normal...
It does not matter if one is a professional cheater... embezzler... It does not matter if someone is a skillful tax evader... a person who declares bankruptcy to cheat both the state and the people.
Indeed it does not matter if someone abandons human norms and mores... grabs pussies at whim... abuses people-women- just for the fun of it... All these do not matter as long as one is rich and has a billion or two... or three...
Money is the yardstick for everything... human values are just commodities on the stock exchange... they are short changed for profit... they are bought and sold for status...

This is the entrance of a bunker... for the rich... It is the entrance of a condominium-bunker in case the leaders decide to transgress the domain of rational beings and initiate a nuclear war...

An armed guard stands at the entrance of the Survival Condo Project, a former missile silo north of Wichita, Kansas, that has been converted into luxury apartments for people worried about the crackup of civilization.
Just as the anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is over... Now macho men... deranged leaders are toying with the idea of nuclear war...
But, war is not a joke… and people get killed and men, women and children are maimed and raped and murdered during the wars…
Just as the anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is over... Now macho men... deranged leaders are toying with the idea of nuclear war...
But, war is not a joke… and people get killed and men, women and children are maimed and raped and murdered during the wars…
The other day a senator, a ‘democrat,’ mocked Trump saying, “He does not have a
clear game plan…,” It irritated me... war does not need a "game plan..." After all, WAR IS NOT A GAME...!!!

This is devastated Aleppo

This is part of Aleppo... This is what war does...
Check the list below... These are just some of the terminology that I encountered during the last few weeks...

This is part of Aleppo... This is what war does...
Check the list below... These are just some of the terminology that I encountered during the last few weeks...
The third International Army Games, with participation of 4000 military personnel from 28 countries, started near Moscow on July 29... As is it is the Olympics...
“Operational theater…” After all a wise man one wrote that "All the world is a stage..."
“Fire and fury”…and “locked and loaded...” Indeed some think like Don Quixote that masculinity is gauged by the length of the spear... forgetting the target... dismissing the casualties... After all rich-macho men can dangle ALL they have... and boast about whatever they DON'T HAVE...
- "Game plan..." WAR IS NEVER A GAME... Maybe they will change their terminology when their sons and daughters are not evading to fight for their country...
- "If they shoot at the United States, I'm assuming they've hit the United States. ... If they do that, then it's game on." This is a general... GAMING ON...
WAR HAS NEVER BEEN A GAME... WAR NEVER IS A GAME... Let the 1% defend their riches... and leave the people alone...
Just say no to war... Just resist the stupidity...
After all,
War is a brutal way of abuse... is the globalization of "break and enter..." is "armed robbery..." is premeditated murder... of the first degree..."
War is ANIMAL behaviour... and humans are much more than animals...
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