Texas is devastated... by biblical floods
From ancient times humans have respected the elements of mother nature with awe and respect... They have venerated and worshiped them... Even in modern, more cut-throat and greedy times... gold has been a source of wealth and steady stability...

The principle is that our world is composed of four immutable elements, each with completely different properties, and although may be combined in various ways, can never be fundamentally changed.
Over time the basic elements that compose our world has expanded to include over a hundred elements, each more complex than the last, shown in the modern periodic table.

The ancient Greek belief in five basic elements, these being earth (γῆ ge), water (ὕδωρ hudor), air (ἀήρ aer), fire (πῦρ pur) and aether (αἰθήρ aither), dates from pre-Socratic times and persisted throughout the Middle Ages and into the Renaissance, deeply influencing European thought and culture.
Texas... under water...

The hurricane... churning and keeping an eye... Mother nature is a powerful source of energy...
Blessed are those who are able to harness the power of nature...

People are struggling to save each other and animals are looking dazed and amazed the flood...

People are rescued and goods salvaged... Everyone is each others neighbour... others are submerged under water... I guess never to be recovered ...
I hope insurance companies behave like humans and help people in need... I realize that this is a wild hope... but human nevertheless...

A big sinkhole....
When Katrina and Sandy devastated parts of the U.S. evangelical pastors blasphemed saying alluding that they were God's punishment to secular ethics and norms... in America...
I just hope that they will not take the stage and began their funny talk for Texas too...
Some are above the Law...
While walking through the city we at times encountered police cruisers... and my friend always yelled; "To Serve and Protect... the 1%..." and with the pardoning of Arpaio... I guess he has a point...
He phoned me few days ago and said; "You see what I mean..."

When you have friends at higher places... like the White House or the Kremlin... or any other government den... then, you are ABOVE THE LAW...
There are always two tiers for everything... even in heaven they say there is the right wing... one sits to the right side of God... and there is the left wing... when you are not that special to God...
Arpiao is one of a kind... that's not true... He is one in a rotten bunch... of KKK and White Supremacist ... and the rest... He proudly escorted the detainees to "concentration camp..."
What kind of an asshole will be proud of "concentration camps...?" Are we totally devoid of human decency... ?
Latinos were arrested, bad things happened to them. Many were sent
to Tent City, which Arpaio himself proudly called a “concentration
camp,” where they lived under brutal conditions, with
temperatures inside the tents sometimes rising to 145 degrees.
Storm Harvey: 'Catastrophic' flooding expected to worsen... and the absurdity of the pastors and preachers can not be surpassed ...
Rabbi Leiter Blames Hurricane Sandy on Gays and Marriage Equality... !
New York - A Jewish Rabbi is blaming Hurricane Sandy on gays, calling devastation of New York ‘divine justice’ for the city’s same-sex marriage laws...

Leiter, referring to lower Manhattan as “one of the national centers of homosexuality,” argued that “the Great Flood in the time of Noah was ... triggered by the recognition of same-gender marriages.” He warned that “the Lord will not bring another flood to destroy the entire world, but He could punish particular areas with a flood.” Leiter gave as evidence to prove his assertions the appearance of a “double rainbow” above the city after the storm, together with a high tide during the full moon.
Rev. John Haggee, evangelical pastor of a “mega-church” in Texas, had this to say about Hurricane Katrina and New Orleans floods...


I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America, I point the finger in their face and say, “You helped this happen!”

Pat Robertson responded: “I totally concur.”
Last year he preached ... “God came to me in a dream last night and showed me the future,” said Robertson. “He took me to heaven and I saw Donald Trump seated at the right hand of our Lord.”
I guess Pussy Grabbers will definitely inherit the glory of God ...
Pope Benedict XVI
“[The Church] should also protect man from the destruction of himself. A sort of ecology of man is needed. ... The tropical forests do deserve our protection. But man, as a creature, does not deserve any less.” The pope warned that humans must “listen to the language of creation” and understand the intended roles of man and woman. He called behavior outside heterosexual relations “a destruction of God’s work.”

They insisted that God is mad as hell over the fact that more and more people are staying away from organized religion... They want to have Church-Synagogue-Temple-Mosque governed society...
The religious preachers are apprehensive that eventually they may become redundant and absurd... !
Their preaching has nothing to do with the LOVE OF GOD and everything to do with their greed and hypocrisy...
The times of Noah are long over... and natural disasters are not because of God's wrath on the evolving norms and mores of society... but rather, they are the result of climate change and the greed of the 1%...
LAST year the president of an anti-gay Christian group who once said natural disasters were a message from God condemning the increasingly gay-friendly world has had his own home flooded.
In an ironic twist, Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council, had his home flooded by more than 10ft of water during the Louisiana floods.
Evangelicals are bold faced hate groups and they camouflage their hate with the "grace of God..."
God at his/her worst moment was still ALL INCLUSIVE... unlike these pastors who preach racism and hate... and cite the scriptures as their witness... They preach their biases and spew their hate for anyone who does not resemble their white-sexist-racist image... They anti-immigrant agenda is a white wash for their ANTI-HUMAN racism...
They preach that "God is love..." and they hate all but themselves...
The pastor and his flooded home... He blamed gays for natural disasters... !
But why nature struck his home...?
The pastor and his flooded home... He blamed gays for natural disasters... !
But why nature struck his home...?

These evangelical-televangelist assholes make fun of everything human... and join the 1% on their greed... and faith for profit... God for profit... Jesus for profit...
Will there come a time when God-Jesus-Holy Spirit will be listed on the Dow Jones or the Nasdaq...?
Well you never know... a geek or a robot may find the answer to that too...