"Human identity is crucial to internal peace and external harmony..." That's what Ross, my chaplain-friend told me... We were in our happy hour and I did not pay much attention to what he said... He was a bit agitated... very rare for him... He usually did not show much emotion other than his excitement for everyday occurrences, like eating and drinking and talking... Also his happiness and loud chuckle which attracted attention always wherever we two happened to be...
He was not happy that I did not appreciate what he was saying and after admonishing me he added... "The more at peace we are with our identity, the more harmonious we will be with our neighbours and with our space and environment..."
We ordered new drinks and Ross expounded on his theory...
"Men are less at peace with themselves... that's why we have wars... Men are always in search for their identity... They are not satisfied with what they are or what they have... For men, whatever they have defines their identity... That's why they are more aggressive... and that's why they are after more and risky adventurous... that's why they go to war..."
I was thinking to myself... that Ross was attempting to come up with a reverse Freudian "Penis envy..." theory... I was not sure why he was explaining all that to me... I was assuming that he wanted to explain his anti-war stance... He was adamantly opposed to the intervention in the Middle East and the Iraqi war... I was thinking that he wanted to come up with theories and explanations... Why men initiate wars...
It did not matter to me... I was happy with my glass of vodka and did not want to inter a terrain of intellectual torture... I wanted peace and harmony at that moment... in my personal space... I did not want to talk about larger issues... The globe did not exist at that moment... I just wanted to sip the vodka and not talk at all... I did not want to listen to theories too...
But Ross was talking... and when he talks... no one can stop him... No one can shut up him...
I did not care about identity and all that fancy Freudian tale of myths and mythology... But I overheard his whispers... and I still remember them... "Men are less at peace within themselves and so they are less in harmony within their space and with their environment... That;s why they resort to adventure... and violence... and war... because violence and war will make them more relevant as they will acquire more riches... more power."
There is indeed some truth in what Ross postulated... after all, there is some truth in everything... even mythology...
They go to war... They fight... and mutilate each other. They cheat each other in Wall Street and in the banks... They sell stocks... and cause mortgages to collapse... for sheer greed and for profit... whoever is harmed does not matter...
And if nothing else they explore the universe... They look for life and water in outer space... They explore the moon(s) and the planets for water... They say water sustains life... and life needs water...
But these are the rulers... the man, the scientists... the leaders... the explorers... the hunters and gatherers... The male half of the globe has a mission... a destiny... to colonize the universe... just in the name of male adventurism... while the world is treated as a profitable dump... for their greed and profit...
The devastation of rain-forests... and the chase after oil has spoiled everything... the air we breath... the food we eat... and the drinks we consume...
Cities are without safe water... and Flint, Michigan is out of the news... NOW... the politicians bragged about it for a while... and now they have departed to other locals... The elections are over in Flint, Michigan and not much interest is left... !
The hunter-gatherers have gone to new terrain... and left the household chores to the women...
Women have to take care of the calamities and shortages that the macho men created...
Global water crisis... from Flint, Michigan to the Heart of Darkness... in Africa...
Collecting Water: The Role Of Women & Children

For women in Sub-Saharan Africa, the challenge of providing their families with water is a daily struggle.

In South Sudan... Women and children travel miles for water... while the men are in war....
Sudan became... Sudan and South Sudan... The genocide in Darfur is well documented...
But as politicians have left Flint, Michigan... The politicians have left Darfur too...
Rape and torture and slave labour are wide spread in the region...
The men capture the children and train them as child labour... The men capture the girls and women and make them sex slaves...
Maybe Ross's axiom about male identity crisis is valid , after all...
Children and women... search for water for the families...

Check how the men are in control... and the women have lined up... Men have to be in control to nurture their ego... Women have to be the caregivers...

Women and children collect drinking water from a well in Osukputu, Benue, Nigeria. According to WaterAid, 57 million people in Nigeria do not have access to safe water.

Our greed and chase for profits... Burning fossil fuel and warring for all... create drought conditions, Cantareira Reservoir, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2015

Pakistani men are to busy with Jihad and Talaban and Al Qaeda and Islamic fighters and Women have to pull water from a well, Tharpakar, Pakistan...

Children journey miles and miles to collect water, Sindh Province, Pakistan...
.............................As I have mentioned before, in other blog posts, I am fascinated with words and phrases and etymology... For some time the word “maiden” used in writings and headlines, just like sporadic gunfire heralding wars... is bothering me... I am not sure what it means...! Like the one below...
Women's World Twenty20 2016: West Indies beat Australia for maiden title...
I Does "maiden" have a sexual connotation too... I wonder if there is a masculine equivalent to the term... maybe boyish...? But I did not want to speculate... and researched to find "master"... I researched more and came across to "rookie" which they say is used in sports... But my problem is this: "Why the female term has a sexual connotation and its male equivalent is a brand new word...?"
They say the word "maiden" is normally used for an unmarried woman and virgin... But as adjective its also used as "initial" or "chaste"...
So I am assuming that "maiden" will mean virgin... not having sex yet... and "chaste" will mean like ... she did not have sex yet and she is chaste...and observe how the word chaste was created...
Chaste means "virtuous, pure from unlawful sexual intercourse" (as defined by the Church). It is evolved from Old French chaste "morally pure" (12c.), from Latin castus "clean, pure, morally pure"...
I am not sure, but it sounds like Islamic Sharia laws... It reminds me of medieval morality... It reminds me of the Church dictating social behaviour... It reminds me of patriarchy... where men go to war in order to search for their identity - as Ross, my chaplain friend postulated - and women travel miles and miles to fetch water to their families... as the photos above demonstrate...
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