21 was World Poetry Day...
22 was World Water Day...
Today, April 2 is "Get Creative Day"... in England... I suggest
that it should be "Get Creative Day" all over the world... A
globalized Creative Day will be a wonderful promotion of human imagination to enjoy what humanity has created in the past... but also a promotion to create now... Maybe we will stay away from wars and violence and create... like God(s)...
God created the heavens and the earth...In
the beginning God created
the heaven
the earth.
the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the
face of the deep.
And the Spirit of God moved
upon the face of the waters.
And God said,
Let there be light: and there was light.
And God
the light, that it was good: and God divided
the light from the darkness.
And God called
the light Day,
and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning
were the first day...
I asked Ross; "Is it blasphemous to create like God(s)..." Ross was brief and very assertive in his "No..."
He added; "Creating something, anything is GOOD... So let them just create... Let everyone create..."
Ross wrote... He told me that he wanted to write his memoirs... and at one point he alluded to it... that he was writing... But I never saw it... I am not sure what happened to it... I guess they are just scattered in the wind... and I hear his chuckle and his voice in the whispers of the the gentle tapping of the breeze... "Just create... let everyone create... the void will bring in boredom... and boredom is evil... and will usher in violence and wars..."
I agreed with Ross in this and in many things... specially in our happy hours...
When I was complaining that I do not have much energy to create, he admonished me; "When I am passing by your classroom I hear your voice... I stay there for few minutes and listen to the laughter of the students... and I hear their voices... I am very sure that you guys are creating something in there...You will never be tired of creating... It is in your nature...;" Ross told me... and then added; "It is simple and it is consuming... but it is fun too...just create your inside-out unabashedly... Create whatever you fancy...Let your imagination rule... and fly... fly... and soar higher... Like Daedalus and his son... even go near the sun... let the sun burn your wings and melt the wax... Enjoy the downward flight... and the splash into the sea..."
"But Icarus died...," I complained...
"Creation is always painful... and if you are not careful it's deadly too..." Ross laughed...
Prepare your wings... spread them... and today create like God(s)... something... anything... Go to the edge of the cliff... and fly high... and higher...

The politically correct... say masterpiece is racist... It has come to us from the times when there were masters... and also slaves!
It may be true... But I love your creation that you just now completed and I believe it is a masterpiece... regardless of the politically correct funny people...

This one is good... People like the sun... it makes living easy... But when I was in a sunshine zone... for months it did not rain... and then after so many months it drizzled... I went out and walked in the rain... It was indeed fun... and created a new mood for me... to have a glass of wine and remember Ross when he danced in the train station to the tzigane-gypsy music...

Get creative... and feel like God(s) on Olympus... and have the fun and enjoyment of creation... "Light is good..." but the darkness is not evil... You do not have to be a simple creationist... mingle the light and the darkness together... and create anew... a visual, or verbal... masterpiece... and indeed you will

An engineer, my student-friend, just emailed me about nudity and art and women's rights... Read below...
questions popped into my head recently that I hope will make you
think a little bit. First, you always advocate against women
showing themselves off and wearing minimal clothes yet I've seen
numerous posts on the blog where you've posted paintings or
sculptures of nudity. It just kind of made me think and ask myself
why the double standard?
I was talking to a friend of mine who has been dancing all her
life and I asked her the question if she considers dance an art or
a sport. She was stumped to say the least. Personally, I see it
more as a sport as dancers are athletes. They're in great physical
and mental shape and unlike a painting for example, there is no
debating your talent if you're a good dancer. With paintings for
example, I've seen works where they look absolutely terrible (i.e.
abstract art) and could quite literally be drawn by a 2 year old
yet there considered masterpieces by the art community. With
dance, you don't have that debate. Either you're good or you're
My student-friend thinks of a "double standard." I am pleased with it... since noticing something is the initial step of creation... and I am sure soon my engineer-friend will create his own masterpiece... My friend is a practicing Christian... and I am sure he will agree with me that God created both Adam and Eve very beautiful... After all, it's God creation and must be GREAT.
So when an artist admires the beauty that God created is GOOD and wonderful... Observe the beauty in the photos of Daedalus and Icarus... that I printed above... admire the beauty... that God created ... and be inspired... and create a masterpiece too.
But my engineer-friend will agree, at least I assume he will, that when a man or a woman attend church services "wearing minimal cloths" ... will not only be offensive but also demeaning for both the man and the woman and insult the congregation...!
My friend is at the initial step of creation... He has began an inquiry... and I am sure with subsequent steps he will solve the "double standard"... dilemma... he is smart and I am sure he will cut the Gordian Knot... with his sharp reasoning...
After all he indeed has seen the beauty of dancing... and he has the great perception of amalgamating sports and art together... He is absolutely correct... Good sports is art... and art is good sports... when I watch football (the soccer type)... I admire both the sport and art of the player... It is beautiful to watch and artful to admire the trajectory and the curvature of the ball from the foot of Messi into the net of the opposing goal... Artful and beautiful sports...
The intriguing art... and the intrigue of sculpting... An artists perception of the horror of genocide...
The Abstract Sculpture sits atop a Reflecting Pool; its waters wash over its sides and re-emerge as a single jet of water at the Labyrinth's center. The Abstract Sculpture is dedicated to lives lost during the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923 and all genocides that have followed...
The Armenian Heritage Park on the Greenway welcomes all in celebration of the immigrant experience. The Park graces the public space with design features to engage all ages.
2012 2013 2014 2015
The the past four years... The concept intrigued me... and I hoped that my engineer-friend will be fascinated and intrigued too... and take few more steps to create the beauty of his imagination...
This year on April 10... the new configuration of the art will come to life...

Spencer Tunick has a particular kind of art... and I do not appreciate it much... But I will not argue with him... after all it is a form of art...
I will not buy and frame the nude photographs in my study... but I will not banish them too... If someone is inspired by them then it will be wonderful...
I had a nude in my classroom on the wall... I faced it all the time, but the students had their backs to it... It made me think of the fragility of human health and body... It was a nude of an obese person...
The nude had nothing to do with demeaning pornography or exploiting the human body... It was just an expression of the beauty of God's creation...
Hull, in England, has been chosen as the latest place to stage a mass nude gathering, all in the name of art.
The gathering is to be photographed in the East Yorkshire port, in Hull, on 9 July, with the resulting work unveiled in 2017.
Below some other photographs of "mass nude" shots of Spencer Tunick...

They say beauty is in the eyes of the beholder... I do not appreciate it... But I am sure someone does...

These are not people praying in the nude... But it is a group of people who appreciates the mass nudity... Ross would have said..."They are allowed..." Maybe collective hallucination is another form of inspiration... of art... I will not be judgmental... We should never be judgmental...!

If someone sees beauty in this collective fun... Then so be it... Remember, today is "Get Creative Day"... so do not hesitate... take a piece of paper... a splinter of wood... a glass which is sitting in the kitchen... and be creative... Create like God(s) on Olympus... Create like God in the Genesis...
Just act... and everything will be great...
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