*** An update at the end of the post...
Censorship is evil...
It is sad that Europe is giving way to the Turkish balckmail and Islamic fascism... Below is indeed A Comedy of Errors... and Skakespear would have had fun with this...
Comedian Jan Bohmermann has been placed under police protection following a live show in which he read out a “slander poem” criticising Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.Jan Bohmermann, Germany's equivalent to Last Week Tonight's John Oliver, read out the poem on his weekly satirical show Neo Magazin Royale on German public broadcaster ZDF on March 31. It was directed at Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and, in a cadence similar to a children's nursery rhyme, Bohmermann called the Turkish leader, among many other things, “a goat fucker” who “kicks Kurds and slaps Christians while watching kiddie porn.”
titled the poem Schmahkritik, an legal term that roughly
translates to “slander” or “defamation.” The poem was a
show of solidarity with another German comedy show (NDR'sextra3)
that, on March 17, had mocked Erdogan with song that pointed out
human rights abuses in Turkey.
In response, Ankara summoned the
German ambassador to explain why the show aired the song and
reportedly called for the offending video to be removed from the
"If we are afraid of books expressing opposing views, then we are aware of our inability... to educate our youth... If we want to ban books and the written word... if we want to ban art... then we are acknowledging our failure to educate the people and also we admit the deficiencies in our points of view..." This is what Ross, my chaplain-friend told me...
If our opinion is valid, then we should be able to convince people that ii is logical and reasonable...that it is correct... Only when we are unable to convince others of our points of view...ONLY then we resort to censorship... which is the essential first step to violence...
So it happened...
A German comic... satirized the Turkish President, Erdogan...in very vulgar terminology... The Turkish President took offence... In Turkey Erdogan is used to raid the offices of newspapers, he is used to jailing reporters and writers... for publishing news that he does not like... he is used to closing down newspapers... In Turkey if things do not go in government's favour... then they just take down Facebook or Twitter or other electronic social outlet... The social media is at government's mercy... Just like in China or in any other authoritarian dictatorship...

Jan Boehmermann... is a German comic...just like John Oliver in North America...I do not like John Oliver... His use of "fuck...fuck...fuck..." as if to punctuate his "comic" lines...does not appeal to me... My wife and daughter like his monologue...They want to listen to his "funny" news... I cannot tolerate it... So usually I resort to some other activity... usually go to my laptop and read something else...listen to music... or whatever... I do not like John Oliver's presentation... and language... so I do not listen to him... It never crosses my mind to apply to someone in authority so as to censor him... In my opinion he is free to talk-present... and I am free not to listen... and that's the end of the question... When I was in the university... there were a mandatory courses that each student had to study... In general these were "propaganda, brainwashing courses..." and I hated them... so I registered to them... did not listen to any instruction... These lecture times were for my other homework... I did my homework for other courses... maths and sciences... and I barely passed the "propaganda courses"... I never said they should be censored... They had the power to present it... dictate that I learn them... I had the right to register to them and not learn and listen to the bullshit...
They were right, after all they had the power... and I was right, since I had my will power to refuse...
I got into difficulties.. but I was okay with it... I could survive the hardship...
So back to the Turkish President... Erdogan... .................................................................................
public broadcaster ZDF said it had removed a satirical poem about
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan from its website, prompting
accusations German authorities had buckled under pressure from
Ankara. The Turkish president not only censors writers-reporters-newspapers-and books in Turkey... He not only jails people when they express opinions that he does not agree with... he also wants to dictate his rule in Europe and Germany too... This President has even taken Nobel Laureate Orhan Pamuk to Turkish courts... for his writings... He was accused of anti-turkishness... offending the motherland... The poem which contains sexual innuendos was recited by presenter Jan Boehmermann on weekly satirical show ZDFneo and accuses Erdogan of repressing minorities including Kurds. |
The German comic is a funny asshole... and he is not shying from it... After all, exposing your ass is not funny, of course according to me...

I will just dismiss it and that will be the end of it...!!!
If Erdogan, the Turkish president, is offended by an asshole comic... then it says more about him than the comic...If the Turkish president wants to silence this ass... then he should ignore it... If the German government and Angela Merkel side with the Turkish President... If Angela Merkel appeases the Trukish regime... then that censorship will become a slippery slope... and suffocate European democracy... and that's exactly what the Islamic fascists want... A Europe in the image of the Islamic Jihadists...
The asshole-comedian began his monologue by...
"Dear Erdogan, in Germany, in Europe, these things are protected by freedom of speech, press freedom, freedom of opinion...our constitution,” said Bohmermann on his show, before adding "Satire, art and jokes: those are allowed.”
Below is Slander or Abusive Criticism... the poem that the comedian read on his program...
'poem' is titled...
“Abusive criticism“ or “Slander”
cowardly and hesitant
Erdogan the President
boner smells like Döner
a pig's fart smells finer
the man who punches girls
wearing a bloody rubber mask
he loves the most
shagging [some have translated
the German word used as “fucking”] goats
oppressing minorities
Kurds, beating up Christians
watching child porn
in the evening instead of a nap
with a hundred sheep
is all things considered
President with a tiny wang
........ Here there is an interjection between the comic and his sidekick...
........ Here there is an interjection between the comic and his sidekick...
Kabelka: I
repeat this is an example of what would be illegal!
Böhmermann:One would not be allowed to say that...
...........Then the poem continues...
Böhmermann:One would not be allowed to say that...
...........Then the poem continues...
Turk can be heard whispering:
dumb pig has got shrivel-balls
Ankara to Istanbul
knows this man is gay
and zoophil
Fritzl Priklopil
head as empty as his balls
star guest on every gang-bang party
his tiny wang starts to burn while having a piss
Reccep Erdogan
... And
then the comedian has continued his show with... the following dialogue...with Kabelka, his side-kick ...
Böhmermann: This
is what would NOT be legal by freedom of arts! Hey, don't applaud!
What would happen next?
Kabelka: It would be withdrawn from the
Böhmermann: So, Erdogan would need to take a
lawyer!? I'll say Dr. is a great lawyer.
Kabelka: Yes, he's the
lawyer of the mayor of Berlin and others...
Böhmermann: Mr.
Erdogan, visit this lawyer, tell him you've watched something you
don't like: "abusive criticism". Then you'd visit a court. Get a
restraining order there. Then we'd have a legal case. Does that
become clear to you? I really enjoyed, as a citizen of Germany, now
after months of disputes and arguments, we finally had a consensus
again. When its' about despots, when it comes to politicians, who go
against freedom, like only despots do: Erdogan, Victor Orban, Beata
Shit-lo, Beata Shit-lo from the Piss-Party, the Prime Minister of
great neighboring country Poland, Marine LePen from the [acts like
vomiting] Front National, Pim Fortuyn in the Netherlands [most likely
confused him with Geert Wilders], HC Strache from the FPÖ. They're
all authoritarian, nationalistic wannabe despots. Also Frauke Petry,
here, of course. All these are people, who more people should go
against. Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump. I really appreciate we resist
these guys self-confidently. Who cuts the rights of other people,
needs to get his own rights cut...
week, Merkel has told the Turkish Prime Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, on the phone... that she
thought the poem was “deliberately offensive.”
Subsequently, ZDF has pulled the
video off its website, announcing that it “didn’t live up to the
requirements that ZDF makes for the quality of satire programs.”
... and taking to Facebook, Bohmermann has said...
“We've found the limit for satire in Germany. Finally!”
I guess it has taken a Turkish despot to show that "limit"...
It is sad, but it is true...
“We've found the limit for satire in Germany. Finally!”
I guess it has taken a Turkish despot to show that "limit"...
It is sad, but it is true...
My chaplain-friend, Ross and I were at a seminar... We did not appreciate the presentation... and with our eyes we agreed to skip as the intermission... so we left the hall... and went for a drink... next day I was reprimanded by our principal...
I am against censorship... But I always will use my free will to evade stupidity...
I guess some have will-power and others, like Erdogan, the Turkish President, have the army to jail and silence people... It is sad that despots like Erdogan and other Islamic fascists are taking down Europe with them...
But the final world will again be to the pen... and the pen will triumph over the sword...
Here is a list of most challenged books to be taken off library shelves...There might be books that I will never read... Some may offend my senses and taste... I have an Honours Degree in English Literature... and The Bible (King James Version) was a mandatory reading and a background text... As a student of literature... I will defend my right to read anything and everything that I want... Banning books is the apex of absurdity and smells dictators in the offing...
Hitler and other fascists burned books... Stalin banned books... The Islamist fascist-Jihadists burn books... destroy churches and temples and synagogues...
In North America and Europe... we should know better...!!!
The American Liberties Association's (ALA) Office for Intellectual Freedoms (OIF) receives reports from libraries, schools, and the media on attempts to ban books in communities across the U.S.
The top ten most challenged books of 2015 include:
1. Looking for Alaska, by John Green Reasons: Offensive language, sexually explicit, and unsuited for age group.
2. Fifty Shades of Grey, by E. L. James Reasons: Sexually explicit, unsuited to age group, and other (“poorly written,” “concerns that a group of teenagers will want to try it”).
3. I Am Jazz, by Jessica Herthel and Jazz Jennings Reasons: Inaccurate, homosexuality, sex education, religious viewpoint, and unsuited for age group.
4. Beyond Magenta: Transgender Teens Speak Out, by Susan Kuklin Reasons: Anti-family, offensive language, homosexuality, sex education, political viewpoint, religious viewpoint, unsuited for age group, and other (“wants to remove from collection to ward off complaints”).
5. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, by Mark Haddon Reasons: Offensive language, religious viewpoint, unsuited for age group, and other (“profanity and atheism”).
6. The Holy Bible Reasons: Religious viewpoint.
7. Fun Home, by Alison Bechdel Reasons: Violence and other (“graphic images”).
8. Habibi, by Craig Thompson Reasons: Nudity, sexually explicit, and unsuited for age group.
9. Nasreen’s Secret School: A True Story from Afghanistan, by Jeanette Winter Reasons: Religious viewpoint, unsuited to age group, and violence.
10. Two Boys Kissing, by David Levithan Reasons: Homosexuality and other (“condones public displays of affection”).
Why will anyone want to ban books is beyond me... If anyone thinks that their kids will be misguided by reading ANY book, then they are admitting that they cannot educate their kids not to believe anything that they read... If we cannot infuse critical thinking in our younger generation... then we are doomed...Let them read... Let them argue... and let them come to a conclusion... Banning books means advocating ignorance... and those parents who advocate ignorance... must be reeducated...
If banning the Bible will achieve anything... then the Islamic Jihadists would have been the most enlightened people on the earth...
But I know otherwise... and I have seen the decapitated bodies of people...decapitated by Islamic fanatics...fascists...Jihadists.
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