Ross read a lot... most of it was serious literature, but he did not dismiss junk tabloid papers too... He was full of quotations... and I am not sure how he kept all that in his mind and also where he got his quotations from...
I am sure he did not make them up... he was not that type... he did nor want credit for anything... He was very content and satisfied... He was not in competition with anyone... We were talking about writers and writing and he just came out with a quote... he said; "First you write from the heart... The first draft is from the heart... and then your write with your mind... The second draft... corrects and reconnects the dots from the first draft..." It was nice and it stayed with me... I never asked and never researched the quote... But I realized why I avoid second and third drafts... Essentially I do not want to mix the "heart" and the "mind"...
Ross wrote for himself... One day at his abode he indicated to metal crates at the bottom of his "library" with only few books... He did not believe in hoarding the bought books... He shared them with others and when he gave a book away said; "Please when you finish reading pas it to others... do not keep it..."
There were four crates... nicely arranged... I never the inside of those crates... but Ross told me that they will be full one day... I am not sure whether they were ever full... and I have no clue what happened to them... I assume his priest brother was instructed to burn them... and I assume he did... and with it I lost so much memories and knowledge... confined and hidden in those crates...
I do not feel a loss in them... after all what are we doing with all the knowledge that we have... with all the books which have been written... with all the books that will still be written... Ross said that it's all a game... not for knowledge, but for profit... and he played the game well... he bought all the bestsellers and all prize winners... read them and passed them around...
Ross did not aspire to be a writer... being the chaplain at the school was good enough for him... He did not aspire to riches... being self sufficient was satisfying for him... So he did not write for profit... He did not believe in writing for profit... He wrote for himself... and as he said; "the first draft was from the heart..." he did not want to have a second and third draft...
Ross questions are allowed... You said that, didn't you...?So, Hitler ordered to burn books... Fascists always burn books... The North American evangelists pride in banning and burning books... Stalin banned books too... !!!
Ross, you are not like them... So, why you ordered those crates to be burned...
You abhorred the Nazi... the fascists... the religious dogmas and bigots... You refused to go to Cape Cod once Iraq was invaded... You were, and are..., a wonderful person... but, why you ordered your priest brother to burn those crates...?
A student-friend asked if he can read my papers... I told her to write to my daughter... She said that's not good enough... So I wrote to my daughter... let her read the papers... but not while I am around... Let her read my papers when I not what I am now... So, Ross... why not you...?
The Pope Went to Lesbos...
While Europe is struggling to find a solution to the migrant crisis... While Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, and the Turkish president are trying to find ways to suppress democratic norms in Europe... While Europe is after appeasing and pleasing the ego of the Turkish president... While Angela Merkel gave the green light to investigate a German comic who has "offended" the Turkish president with his words in a comic show...
The Pope visited Lesbos... Good for him...

Pope Francis traveled to the Greek island of Lesbos on Saturday to meet with migrants and refugees fleeing war and violence in the Middle East and North Africa -- and took 12 of the refugees back to the Vatican aboard the papal plane, the Holy See Press Office said. The Vatican will take responsibility for the three families, the statement said... All are from Syria... |

The Pope visited Lesbos... and suddenly the Greek bishops realised that there is a migrant crisis... So they accompanied the Pope... Great...!!! organized religion is becoming humanitarian...!!!
Wonderful... magical... even miraculous...

Check the enthusiasm... The photo op... You see the Church... Organized religion is very concerned...
The migrant crisis is troubling them... and they want to do something... So they decided to shelter three... Yes, three families...
Great...!!! But what about the rest... ??? What about the other millions... ??? What about the wars which are still being waged all around...???
Organized religion salvaged three families from the fire of the Middle East and North Africa...
GREAT... But what about the other millions... What about the wars... and the mutilation and the destruction...
Turkish fascists and the terrorist Azeri state are still attacking Christian in the Middle east and Caucasus...
Pope and the rest of the Big Brothers... what about the other millions...???

The hypocrisy of organized religion and organized state... have no limit...
The Greek prime minister and the Greek church leaders had not even visited the refugees... before...
But now with the pope it is a good photo op... Good optics... Good politics...
The organized left... the organized right... Organized religion... Communists or capitalists... What about the millions of the remaining refugees...?
The Big Brothers who pander to fascist rulers... just to sell more arms... and to make a profit... What about the millions left behind...???
The death merchants... the military establishment... the arms industry... what about the millions and millions of the refugees of the world...IT IS YOUR ARMS AND AMMUNITION which is the problem...
Indeed, dear Pope... what about the millions left behind...???
The Pope is correct... We have to be more accepting and more tolerant... But my friend Ross, the chaplain in my last teaching post, new that long time ago... he admonished me when I overlooked the less fortunate... He reminded me that I am my brothers keeper... He hated dogmas... religious or political or humanitarian...
The Pope urged priests around the world to be more accepting of gays and lesbians, divorced Catholics and other people living in what the church considers "irregular" situations.
"A pastor cannot feel that it is enough simply to apply moral laws ... as if they were stones to throw at people's lives," Francis writes in a sweeping paper outlining his stance on family matters.
He urges more common sense and less unthinking following of rules.
"By thinking that everything is black and white, we sometimes close off the way of grace and growth," he writes. |
...And the GOOD news...
Society of Mid Manhattan... Invitation...
join us for a Passover dinner, a celebration of liberty and
freedom that we, once again, are happy to celebrate as a global
community. We will read from our very own Haggadah version, partake
in traditional Passover rituals, and enjoy together a delicious
meal (Halal and kosher).
Indeed... Halal and Kosher...

Rabbi Allison Tick Brill (far left) at a Passover Seder held at a midtown Manhattan mosque on Thursday, April 14, 2016.
Why cannot we have more of this kind of community get together...?
... And,
Just another point... and I am done for today...
Notice that the rabbi is a women... Just thought I will mention it... in case it slipped your scrutiny...
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